Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №6/2007

continued from No. 1, 3, 4, 5/2007

How to Learn New Words

Strategies for Building Vocabulary


The Prefix un-

Pop up and give yourself a cheer for learning about the prefixes dis- and re-. Now get ready to find out about the prefix un-.

You know that dis- means “not” and re- means “again.” Guess what! The prefix un- also means “not.”


Happy means “filled with joy.”
Unhappy means “not filled with joy.”
Scott felt unhappy about not going to camp this year.

Activity 1. In my Word Box are words with the prefix un-. Read the words and their meanings. Next read the sentences after the Word Box. Then finish each sentence with the correct word from the Word Box.

Word Box

unsafe – dangerous
unhurt – safe
unfinished – not done

unlucky – having bad luck
untrue – false
unafraid – not scared

1. “I lost my lunch money. My homework paper tore. I was late for school,” said Bobby. “This has been an ___________ day.”

2. It is _____________ to cross the street against the light.

3. Robin couldn’t go out to play because her seatwork was ______________.

4. The story Jerry told about finding a dinosaur egg was _______________.

5. Yesterday Connie fell out of the apple tree. Thank goodness she was _____________.

6. Julio was ___________ as he came close to the haunted house.

Answers: 1. unlucky; 2. unsafe; 3. unfinished; 4. untrue; 5. unhurt; 6. unafraid

The Prefix im-

One more prefix is im-. The prefix im- also means “not.”


Mature means “grown-up.”
Immature means “not grown-up.”
Larry is so immature that he’s no fun to play with.

Activity 2. In my Word Box are words with the prefix im-. Read the words and their meanings. Next read the sentences below the Word Box. Then finish each sentence with a boldfaced word from the Word Box.

Word Box

impossible – not likely to happen
impatient – restless and fidgety
improper – not proper or correct
impolite – rude
impure – not clean

1. Dad was late. Mom became __________ waiting for him.

2. Children who eat with their fingers are using _________ table manners.

3. The water in the brook tastes funny. Our teacher says it must be __________________.

4. Barry tried to lift his dad off the floor. Everyone thought that was an ________________ task.

5. Cindy stepped on Carl’s toe. She didn’t say excuse me. Cindy was being very ______________.

Answers: 1. impatient; 2. improper; 3. impure; 4. impossible; 5. impolite

Activity 3. Now find and circle each word you learned in Activity 2 and the following words in the Word Search puzzle: unsafe, unlucky, unhurt, untrue, unfinished, unafraid. The words go across and down. One is done for you.

Jack-in-the-Box’s rule number 5 for learning words: Learn the meaning of un- and im-. Remember how un- and im- change word meanings.

Prefix Crossword Puzzle Number 2

Activity 4. Look at the words in the Word Box. They are words you have learned with the prefixes un- and im-.
Now read the word meanings beside the crossword puzzle. Then choose a word from the Word Box that goes with each meaning. Write the word in the puzzle. Be sure to follow the numbers across and down. The letters in the puzzle will help you.

Word Box







2. false
3. not done
5. rude
6. restless and fidgety
7. having bad luck
8. dangerous


1. not clean
2. not scared
4. not likely to happen
6. not proper or correct
7. safe


Across: 2. untrue; 3. unfinished; 5. impolite; 6. impatient; 7. unlucky; 8. unsafe

Down: 1. impure; 2. unafraid; 4. impossible; 6. improper; 7. unhurt

Test. Show All You Know About Prefixes

Draw lines to match each word below with its meaning.


come into sight again
not truthful
not clean
go over lines on a paper again

Answers: dishonest – not truthful; reappear – come into sight again; unsafe – dangerous; impatient – restless; untrue – false; impure – not clean; retrace – go over lines on a paper again; disorder – mess

Choose words from the Word Box to finish each sentence below.

Word Box





1. Carmen __________ green beans.

2. On our trip we had to ____________ the car’s gas tank three times.

3. Debbie was ___________________ of the dentist.

4. Pedro thought getting all A’s on his report card was _____________.

5. Joe fell off his bike but was _______________.

6. Annie never says thank you. She is so _______________.

7. Charlie _________________ his fish bowl with a new fish tank.

8. Karen and Grace always ___________ about which TV show to watch.

Answers: 1. dislikes; 2. refill; 3. unafraid; 4. impossible; 5. unhurt; 6. impolite; 7. replaced; 8. disagree

Read each meaning below. Write the word that matches it on the line. The first one is done for you.

1. not to go on doing something
2. open again
3. not to like something
4. having bad luck
5. not proper or correct
6. not afraid
7. fill again
8. not honest
9. safe


Answers: 2. reopen; 3. dislike; 4. unlucky; 5. improper; 6. unafraid; 7. refill; 8. dishonest; 9. unhurt

Now find and circle the matching words in the puzzle.

Compiled by Erin Bouma

to be continued