Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №5/2007

continued from No. 1, 3, 4/2007

How to Learn New Words

Strategies for Building Vocabulary


Many words that pop up from my Word Box have a prefix (PREE-fiks).

1. A prefix is a group of letters that has its own meaning.

  • Dis- is a prefix. Dis- means “not.”

2. A prefix is added to the beginning of a word.

  • dis + obey = disobey

3. A prefix changes the meaning of a word.

  • Obey means “to follow orders.”

Disobey means “not to follow orders.”

Activity 1

Make new words by adding the prefix dis- to each boldfaced word below. Then write a meaning for each word.

1. continue – to go on with discontinue – not to go on with
2. honest – truthful _________________________
3. order – neat _________________________
4. agree – to think the same _________________________
5. like – to care for something _________________________

Answers: 2. dishonest – not truthful; 3. disorder – not neat; 4. disagree – not to think the same; 5. dislike – not to care for something

Now finish each sentence below with a word you made.

1. Abe’s room was a mess. Nothing was in order. Mom scolded Abe because his room was in such ____________.
2. Janet likes most everything but ice cream. The flavor she _____________ the most is strawberry.
3. Beth thinks the color green is prettier than blue. Jason thinks blue is prettier than green. Those two friends seem to ___________ about many things.
4. Ben cheated on the spelling test. Now everyone says Ben is ______________.

Answers: 1. disorder; 2. dislikes; 3. disagree; 4. dishonest

Learn More About Prefixes

Now you know how the prefix dis- changes the meaning of a word. Other prefixes change word meanings too. Rе- is a prefix. Rе- means “again.”


Tell means “to say something.”
Retell means “to tell, or say, something again.”
Everyone wanted Mandy to retell the story about her lost kitten.

Activity 2

In my Word Box are words with the prefix re-. Read the words. Next read the sentences after the Word Box. Then finish each sentence with a word from the Word Box.

Word Box

refilled, replaced, reopen, retraced, reappear

1. Joe finished his milk and _____________ his glass.
2. Mom ____________ the flat tire on her car with a new one.
3. Andy’s school will __________ in September.
4. In the play the elves disappear, then quickly __________.
5. The rabbit __________ its tracks from the garden to its home in the woods.

Answers: 1. refilled; 2. replaced; 3. reopen; 4. reappear; 5. retraced

Activity 3

Now go back to the Word Box. Draw a line between each prefix and the rest of the word. Then write the words in ABC (alphabetical) order on the lines below. The first one is done for you.

1. re/appear
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________
5. _________________

Answers: 2. re/filled; 3. re/open; 4. re/placed; 5. re/traced

Jack-in-the-Box’s rule number 4 for learning words:

Learn the meaning of dis- and re-.
Remember how dis- and re- change word meanings.

Prefix Crossword Puzzle

Number 1

Activity 4

Look at the words in the Word Box. They are words you have learned with the prefixes dis- and re-.
Now read the word meanings below the crossword puzzle. Then choose a word from the Word Box that goes with each meaning. Write the word in the puzzle. Be sure to follow the numbers across and down. Letters in the puzzle will help you.

Word Box

disagree, disorder, reopen, reappear, refilled, dishonest, discontinue, retraced, replaced, dislike


3. open again
5. put something in place of another thing
8. not to go on doing something
9. not to think the same as someone else
10. mess; not in order


1. go over lines on a paper again
2. come into sight again
4. filled again
6. not to care for something
7. not truthful


Across: 3. reopen; 5. replaced; 8. discontinue; 9. disagree; 10. disorder

Down: 1. retraced; 2. reappear; 4. refilled; 6. dislike; 7. dishonest

Submitted by Erin Bouma

to be continued