continued from No. 1/2007
How to Learn New Words
Strategies for Building Vocabulary
Betty’s room is messy.
Betty’s room is tidy.
Learn About Antonyms
You have already learned that some words, called synonyms, have the same meanings. Now
you are ready to learn about words with opposite meanings.
Words that have opposite meanings are called antonyms. The words messy and tidy
are antonyms because they have opposite meanings. What is the meaning of tidy?
Whenever you learn a new word, try to think of an antonym for that word.
Activity 1
A. Below are some pairs of antonyms, and their meanings too. Study the
words and their meanings. Then follow the directions after the meanings.
1. empty – with nothing in it full – holding as much as possible
2. merry – full of fun sad – unhappy
3. poor – having very little money wealthy – having a lot of money
4. warm – slightly hot cool – slightly cold
B. Now finish each sentence with a word from A.
1. The ______________ old clown laughed and danced in the show.
2. Ginny felt ________________ in her heavy winter coat.
3. Barry kept pouring out lemonade until the pitcher was __________.
4. Marty felt ___________ because her best friend was sick.
5. The ______________ king lived in a big castle.
6. Joy poured herself a _________ glass of milk.
7. The ______________ air blew through the open window.
8. Robin Hood gave money to _________________ people.
Answers: 1. merry; 2. warm; 3. empty; 4. sad; 5. wealthy;
6. full; 7. cool; 8. poor
Jack-in-the-Box’s rule number 2 for learning
Learn antonyms for words you know. |
Learn More Antonyms
Look at the antonym pairs in my Word Box and their meanings. It’s up to
you to figure out the meanings of the other words. Think you can do it? Let’s try. Just
remember that antonyms have opposite meanings.
Word Box
crooked – straight
strong – weak
wide – narrow
pretty – ugly
start – complete |
Activity 2
Underline the meaning of the boldfaced word in each sentence.
1. If crooked means bent or twisted, then straight means ______________ not
full; not curved; funny
2. If strong means powerful, then weak means a time of day; being late; without
3. If wide means far apart, then narrow means close together; a short nap;
4. If pretty means nice to look at, then ugly means not tall; not beautiful; not
5. If start means to begin, then complete means to drive; to finish; to fly
Answers: 1. not curved; 2. without strength; 3. close together; 4. not
beautiful; 5. to finish
Activity 3
Now practice spelling each new word. Write all the words in the Word Box in the
puzzle. The words go across and down. The letter clues will help you.
Which word from the Word Box is missing in the puzzle? Write that word here.
Answer: weak
Activity 4
Antonym Crossword Puzzle
Look at the words in the Word Box below. They are antonyms for words you have
Now read the word meanings beside the crossword puzzle. Choose an antonym from the Word
Box for each word. Then write that antonym in the puzzle. Be sure to follow the numbers
across and down. The letters in the puzzle will help you.
Word Box
narrow |
empty |
wealthy |
3. sad
4. cool
5. poor
9. crooked
8. weak |
1. wide
2. complete
6. full
7. pretty |
Across: 3. merry; 4. warm; 5. wealthy; 9. straight
Down: 1. narrow; 2. start; 6. empty; 7. ugly; 8. strong
Now finish each sentence below with a word from the puzzle.
1. The _____ lady paid lots of money for a new plane.
2. Old King Cole was a _________ old soul.
3. I like to take long walks when the weather is _____.
4. The Scouts hiked across the ________ footbridge.
5. Bart’s piggy bank was ___________.
Compiled by Erin Bouma
to be continued