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Внутришкольный контроль

continued from No. 20

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Вариант 1 (Время выполнения: 15 минут)

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The Reluctant Superhero

When the beautiful people of Hollywood hit the party circuit in their designer clothes and cruise round town in their shiny limousines, the biggest box-office star of all time is happy wearing jeans and tootling round his ranch in a pick-up truck or on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. He likes to get up early, have breakfast with his family, then potter around doing odd jobs on this ranch where the deer are plentiful and the eagles soar. “I’ll fix a fence, repair a piece of equipment or plough the driveway if there’s snow,” says Harrison Ford, who learned his handyman skills in his early twenties when he had to work as a carpenter in Los Angeles because he couldn’t get any acting jobs. “I need to be in a situation where my every whim is not attended to, where I have to fetch my own nails, do my own shopping and wash my own dishes. The pleasure of my life is that however long it takes to make a movie, when it’s over I’m back to the banal tasks where I belong.”

He came from his native Chicago to Los Angeles at the age of 21 to seek his fortune. At first, he thought he’d really landed when Columbia Pictures signed him as a $150-a-week contract player. But the dream turned sour a year later – after only one line in a movie – when he was fired for being ‘too difficult’.

Ford managed to find some work playing bit parts on such TV series as “Gunsmoke”, “Ironside” and “The Virginian”. But he wasn’t earning enough to support his young family, so he took up carpentry, teaching himself the trade from books – and even found himself doing work for Hollywood stars, “I never actually gave up acting. I was still taking jobs, but I was now able to turn down jobs I didn’t want.”

It wasn’t until 1976, when he was asked to play space hero Han Solo in “Star Wars” that “I packed my carpenter’s tools and never went back to them.” But even though Solo and Indiana Jones have made him world-famous and a multi-millionaire, he’s always been a reluctant hero.

I. Верно (true) или неверно (false)?

1. Ford has never been interested in ranches.  
2.He likes to get up early, have breakfast alone, while his family sleeps.  
3.He had to work as a carpenter in his early twenties.  
4.He was pleased to be back to the banal tasks, when his work on a movie was over.  
5.On coming to Los-Angeles he was hired as a contract player.  
6.He was fired for being too lazy.  
7.He began to earn enough money to support the family.  
8.He took up carpentry to kill time.  
9.He was asked to play a space hero in “Star Wars” in 1976.  
10.He packed his carpenter’s tools, but often used them when he wanted to relax and to do something for pleasure.  

Key: true – 3, 4, 5, 9; false – 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10.

Вариант 2 (Время выполнения: 20 минут)

Прочитай тексты и установи соответствие между тематическими рубриками (А–F) и текстами (1–5). Каждая рубрика соответствует только одному тексту, при этом одна из них лишняя. Занеси твои ответы в таблицу.







1. In just a few years mobile phones have become a common sight everywhere. Walk past any cafe and you will see people chatting on their phones or sending text messages. However, some people are concerned that the signals these phones send out may be bad for our health. They worry that holding a mobile close to your head might have an effect on your brain. So, it may be a good idea to use your ordinary phone when you can.

2. We learn a lot by reading, but what if you can’t see the words on the page? Many blind people can read braille. Braille is a system of writing using raised dots on the page that you can feel with your fingers. A Frenchman called Louis Braille invented it in 1821, when he was just 12 years old. His system makes life easier for many thousands of blind people all over the world.

3. When we talk to someone, only a small part of our meaning is in what we say. Some people claim that as little as 7% of our message is contained in our words. We use our hands to express ourselves and we use our faces to show that we are listening or to show how we feel. Our faces and our hands can also show things that we might want to hide, like the fact that we are lying, for example.

4. People can now use the Internet and e-mail to communicate with each other cheaply and quickly. Twenty years ago, however, this wasn’t possible. In those days in Britain, some people used amateur radio to contact people all over the country, and even around the world. They had special radios in their houses that sent out radio signals. They contacted each other to exchange news about their lives and about the weather, or even to play games such as chess.

5. One of the most interesting types of radio programme is radio drama. Although some radio stations only broadcast music, some also produce plays for their listeners. Many people prefer listening to a play on the radio to watching it on TV because they can be more creative. On TV, the programme-makers decide exactly what a place or a person looks like. On radio, though, you can imagine it any way you like.

I. В каждом задании (1–5) обведи букву (a, b или c), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Занеси ответы в таблицу.

1. Some people are concerned about using mobile phones because…

a) it’s more expensive than using ordinary phones.

b) it may do harm to your brain.

c) It’s more convenient.

2. Braille is…

a) a system of writing for blind people.

b) used by people who can’t hear.

c) used to make life easier when you use gestures.

3. Twenty years ago in Britain, people…

a) used the Internet and e-mail for quick communication.

b) contacted each other with the help of special radios.

c) wrote letters to each other to exchange some news.

4. Some people prefer listenning to a play on the radio because…

a) it helps to develop one’s imagination.

b) TV shows are not good enough/.

c) these people are blind.

5. This text is about……

a) modern technologies used for communication.

b) the development of the radio.

c) methods of communication.



I. 1 – e, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 – b, 5 – f

II. 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 – a, 5 – c

Вариант 3 (Время выполнения: 15 минут)

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Space Tourism

Many people still think that to get the chance to go to space you’ve got to try to be an astronaut. Unfortunately, the chance of becoming a government astronaut is very small, simply because there are so few – and there’s no prospect of a lot more being employed.

However, don’t despair. Far more people will go to space as visitors. But it will be expensive, so you had better start saving your money. The price of a return space flight to Earth may drop from what it costs now, but estimates vary. The target of the Space Tourism Study Program of the Japanese Rocket Society is to bring the price down to about 1 million yen (about US $10,000), on a turnover of about 1 million passengers per year. However, the demand is expected to be so strong that in the early stages prices will be considerably higher – perhaps 5 million yen ($50,000). As the number of vehicles grows, the number of flights will increase, and prices will fall to 2 million yen over 5–10 years, and then to 1 million yen if possible.

We know that most people would like to stay in orbit for a few days more. And this stands to reason, if you are paying $20,000 for your trip to orbit! So in order for space tourism to reach its full potential, there’s going to be a need for orbital accommodation – or space hotels. These will grow through phases, starting with “lodges” for up to about 100 guests, growing to true hotels of several hundred guests, and eventually to orbiting “theme parks” for many thousands of guests.

What would a space hotel actually be like to visit? Hotels in orbit will offer the services you expect from a hotel: private rooms, meals, bars. But they’ll also offer fantastic views of Earth and space and the endless entertainment of space-walking. A trip to a hotel will start with launch in to orbit, which takes about five minutes of powered acceleration followed by up to a few hours of weightlessness approaching the hotel (depending on the flight schedule). Docking will be rather like an airliner parking at an airport – but you’ll leave the cabin floating in 0-G (zero gravity) along the access tube, holding onto a cable with your hands!

Of course all good things have to come to an end, unfortunately. And so after a few days you’ll find yourself heading back through the docking point to the returning vehicle – though you’ll be much more expert at maneuvering in zero-G than you were when you arrived! You’ll be thinking how soon you can save up enough to get back up again – or maybe you should change jobs to go to work in an orbiting hotel!

I. Верно (true), неверно (false) или нет информации (no information)?

1.The only way to travel to space in the future is to become a government astronaut.   
2.With the growing number of spacecrafts and flights, the prices of tickets will fall.   
3.In time, family tickets will be introduced.   
4.Orbiting theme parks will be the first type of hotels to be built in space.   
5.It will take five minutes to get to the orbit.   
6.During your space trip, you’ll receive the best services provided by the international Space Tourism Organisation.   

II. Ответь коротко на вопросы.

1. How many passengers does the Japanese Rocket Society aim to receive in space yearly?

2. How much time would the majority of travellers like to spend in space?

3. What extraordinary things would you be able to experience in a space hotel?

4. What is the spaceship docking compared to?


I. true: 2, 5; false: 1, 4; no information: 3, 6

II. 1. about 1 million; 2. a few days or more; 3. fantastic views of Earth and space and the endless entertainment of space-walking; 4. to an airliner parking at the airport.

(Из сборника “Внутришкольный контроль”, изданного НМЦ ВАО ДО г. Москвы)

to be continued

Составители: М.А. Дручина, О.П. Булатова ,
школа № 1246, Москва