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Дополнительные задания к книге “Britain in Brief” В.В. Ощепковой и И.И. Шустиловой

continued from No. 24, 2006; 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10


Text 6. Art Galleries

The National Gallery The Tate Gallery Turner’s Paintings Modern Collection

If you stand in Trafalgar Square with your back to Nelson’s Column, you will see a wide horizontal front in a classical style. It is the National Gallery. It has been in this building since 1838 when it was built as the National Gallery to house the collection of Old Masters’ Paintings (38 paintings) offered to the nation by an English private collector, Sir George Beamount.

The National Gallery

The National Gallery

Today the picture galleries of the National Gallery of Art exhibit works of all the European schools of painting which existed between the 13th and 19th centuries. The most famous works among them are “Venus and Cupid” by Diego Velazquez, “Adoration of the Shepherds” by Nicolas Poussin, “A Woman Bathing” by Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt, “Lord Heathfield” by Joshua Reynolds, “Mrs Siddons” by Thomas Gainsborough and many others.

In 1897 the Tate Gallery was officially opened by the Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII) – eight galleries housing British art. Later it had the status of the National Gallery of British art and the National Gallery of Modern Foreign Art. In 1955 the National Gallery and the Tate became independent institutions.

The Tate Gallery

The Tate Gallery

If you are interested in British art you should go to see the Tate collection: paintings, a selection of sculpture, watercolours, drawings and engravings. All the great names of British painting are included, among them William Hogarth, creator of a distinctive national style; William Blake, the poet and painter, of whose works the Tate Gallery owns the most representative selection in the world; George Stubbs, the greatest master of sporting art; John Constable, perhaps the most loved of all landscape painters; and J.M.W. Turner, certainly the greatest of all landscape painters. The Pre-Raphaelites are also especially well-represented.

The collection of Turner’s paintings at the Tate includes about 300 oils and 19,000 water-colours and drawings. He was the most traditional artist of his time as well as the most original: traditional in his devotion to the Old Masters and original in his creation of new styles. It is sometimes said that he prepared the way for the Impressionists.

The modern collection includes the paintings of Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall and Salvador Dali, Francis Bacon and Graham Sutherland, Peter Blake and Richard Hamilton, the chief pioneers of pop art in Great Britain. Henry Moore is a famous British sculptor whose works are exhibited at the Tate too. One of the sculptor’s masterpieces – the “Reclining Figure” – is at the Headquarters of UNESCO in Paris.

In the 1980s and 1990s the Tate Collection was divided between four Tate Galleries. Two of them are in London: Tate Britain, in central London, which contains the main national collections of British Art from 1500 to the present, and which is known for the works by Turner, and Tate Modern that contains the collection of modern art from 1900 to the present. Tate Liverpool opened in 1988 and Tate St. Ives in Cornwall opened in 1993.

About 100 million people a year visit over 2,500 museums and galleries open to public.


the National Gallery Национальная галерея (одно из лучших в мире собраний западноевропейской, в том числе английской, живописи)

the Tate Gallery Национальная галерея живописи Великобритании (имеет богатое собрание национальной и западноевропейской живописи и скульптуры конца XIX–XX вв.; реорганизована в конце XX в.)

J.M.W. Turner Уильям Тернер (1775–1851), английский живописец и график, представитель романтизма; известен своими выразительными и аллегорическими морскими пейзажами; его творчество отличается пристрастием к необычным эффектам – “Снежная буря”, “Дождь, пар и скорость”

Diego Velazquez Диего Веласкес (1599–1660), испанский живописец

Nicolas Poussin Никола Пуссен (1594–1665), французский живописец, представитель классицизма

Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt Харменс ван Рейн Рембрандт (1606–1669), голландский живописец

Thomas Gainsborough Томас Гейнсборо (1727–1788), английский живописец; наиболее известные картины – “Миссис Сиддонс”, “Водопой”, “Утренняя прогулка”; они полны одухотворённости и лиризма

Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali Анри Матисс, Пабло Пикассо, Марк Шагал, Сальвадор Дали, всемирно известные художники модернистского направления

Francis Bacon, Graham Sutherland, Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton Фрэнсис Бэкон, Грэхем Сазерленд, Питер Блейк, Ричард Хамилтон, современные английские художники, представители модернистского направления, характеризующегося разрывом с традициями реализма

pop art поп-арт (направление в модернистском изобразительном искусстве, черпающее образы и формы из “коммерческого искусства”, т. е. рекламных плакатов, объявлений и т. д.)

Henry Moore Генри Мур (1898–1986), английский скульптор; создавал пластически мощные жизненные образы (“Мать и дитя”, 1943–1944), а также фантастически изощрённые произведения

UNESCO ЮНЕСКО – Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (сокр. от United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation)


Complete the following sentences:

1. If you intend to see the London collection of paintings representing every period and style in Western art from the 13th to the early 20th Century you should go to __________________.

2. More modern paintings are held at _____________________.

3. The main building of the National Gallery was opened in ___________ to house the collection of __________________ offered to the nation by ____________________, Sir George Beamount.

4. Most of the National Gallery British paintings were transferred to ______________.

5. Today only a small collection of a few _______________ of British paintings is exhibited at Trafalgar Square.

6. The Tate collection includes oils, ______________, drawings and _____________.

7. Joseph Mallord William _____________, a major English artist, who is famous for his paintings of the countryside and of the sea, was traditional in his devotion to the _________________ and original in the creation of _____________________.

8. Turner’s style had a great influence on later artistic movements, especially __________.


Art or the Arts?

Do you know that art (singular, uncountable) is the same as fine art and refers to painting, drawing and sculpture? Art also means skill of drawing or painting. It has the meaning creative ability in: Television is ruining the art of conversation.

As for the arts (plural), this word refers to 1) (fine) art: painting, drawing and sculpture, 2) performing arts: opera, dance, cinema, theatre, ballet, concerts, and 3) literature: drama, poetry, novels, short stories and biographies.

Complete the sentences below:

1. The Arts Council of Great Britain is a government organization established in 1946 to promote ___________ generally in Britain, and in particular drama, music and visual arts.
2. I was no good at __________ at school. What about you?
3. The government does not give enough money to ________.
4. We often include architecture and ceramics within the ______.
5. She is a great __________ lover.
6. Visiting an _________ gallery is a popular leisure activity for a large number of British people.
7. What is on at the theatre on Saturday night? Have you seen the _________ page yet?
8. Most US cities and many smaller towns have _____ museums.


Read the text and fill in the blanks with prepositions.

Turner’s Progress to the Academy

Turner’s career started (1)_____ childhood, (2)_______ the encouragement and support (3)____ his father. The elder Turner was a hairdresser and it was (4)____ his modest little shop that his son sold his earlier drawings, (5)____ sums ranging (6)_____ one (7) ____ four shillings [(8)_______ five and twenty pence (9)_____ today’s currency]. It was also (10)____ this shop that the proud father announced, while cutting the hair (11)____ the painter Thomas Stothard: “My son is going to be a painter.” That was (12)____ 1789.

To complete his education, Turner was admitted (13)____ the Royal Academy Schools. He was already able to make sketches (14)____ the great masterpieces of European painting, copy and draw watercolours. But it was still a long way from landscape!

(15)______ 1792 (16) _____ 1801 he travelled extensively through Wales, the North of England, Yorkshire and the Lake District, and he focused his attention much more now (17)_____ capturing the play (18)____ light, atmosphere, the spirit of particular places. His oil paintings depicting mountain peaks, lakes and castles set against stormy skies, gave dramatic light effects, which made W. Turner master (19)_____ English landscape.

In 1802 J.M.W. Turner was elected a full Academician (20)_____ the Royal Academy in London.


1. Speak about one of the art museums you know or you have been to. Do not mention its name. Ask your classmates to guess which museum it is.

2. Tell your classmates about an artist or sculptor, his/her life and work, the most famous pictures or sculptures. Ask your classmates to guess their names.

3. Which three art museums in Russia would you advise a group of English students to visit and why?


I. 1. The National Gallery; 2. The Tate Gallery; 3. 1838; the Old Masters; an English private collector; 4. The Tate Gallery; 5. masterpieces; 6. water-colours; sculptures; 7. Turner; Old Masters; new styles; 8. Impressionism

II. 1. the arts; 2. art; 3. the arts; 4. arts; 5. art; 6. art; 7. arts; 8. art

III. 1. in; 2. with; 3. of; 4. in; 5. for; 6. from; 7. to; 8. between; 9. in; 10. in; 11. of; 12 in; 13. to; 14. of; 15. From; 16. to; 17. on; 18. of; 19. of; 20. of

By Viktoria Oschepkova, Irina Shustilova

to be continued