Game Lesson. Indiana Jones and the Inca's Gold
Статья опубликована при поддержке онлайн-кинотеатр «MEGOGO.NET». Любите смотреть фильмы, но походы в кино утомляют вас? Хотите смотреть самые новые фильмы, и не мучаться с торентами и скачиванием? Тогда вам нужен бесплатный онлайн кинотеатр MEGOGO.NET . Тысячи фильмов и сериалов в отличном качестве и абсолютно легально. Посетите сайт и насладитесь просмотром любимого фильма.
Игра способствует развитию у учащихся умений аудирования, устной речи, знания грамматики, а также логики, воображения, активизирует творческое мышление и носит повторительный, обобщающий характер.
Основой заданий для игры послужил материал по темам “Summer holidays” и “Travelling”.
Игра рассчитана на группу из 12 человек. Группа делится на две команды, которые “играют” за Индиану Джонса и его противника. Уровень сложности заданий можно менять в зависимости от возраста или уровня подготовки учащихся.
Игра состоит из 6 основных и 1 дополнительного задания. За каждое задание игроки могут получить определённое количество баллов. Каждый полученный балл соответствует одной “плите” древней дороги инков через джунгли.
Рисунок игрового поля и, соответственно, количество заданий учитель может изменить по своему усмотрению. Чтобы оценивать работу команд, желательно сформировать жюри.
Practice listening skills, oral speech, grammar and reading skills.
Develop logic, imagination, creativity.
The game is based on a famous adventure film series.
The main characters are: Indiana Jones, a famous archaeologist, and his opponent, Dr. Lee. Indi’s aim is to get a gold figure of one of the Inca gods from an Indian temple, lost in the jungles.
Dr. Lee tries to get the object himself. On the way to the temple the characters have to overcome a lot of difficulties and to escape a lot of the Inca traps.
The opponents follow two different roads. The team who comes first wins.
Listen to a summer story and fill in the gaps.
(Для выполнения данного задания каждому учащемуся в команде даётся по одному предложению с пропусками. Задача: услышав информацию, которая может послужить продолжением “их” предложения, вписать её в свой листок. Затем группа выстраивает текст в необходимой последовательности и озвучивает жюри для проверки).
The summer was very hot. It was very stuffy in town and Stephen Blake decided to go to the seashore for his summer holidays. He booked a railway ticket, packed his things and was about to start for the station when he remembered that he must ask the housekeeper to post all the letters that come to him. She promised to do that.
Stephen Blake rested very well. The weather was fine. The sea was calm. He spent much time on the seashore, got sunburnt and felt fine. The only thing that worried him was the fact that he hadn’t received any letters. He thought it strange and phoned his housekeeper to find out why she didn’t post him his letters. The housekeeper answered that she had no key to his letter-box.
Stephen Blake apologized and promised to send her the key. On the same day he put the key into an envelope, wrote down his address on it and posted the letter.
Another month passed. Stephen Blake had a nice time at the seashore. He swam in the sea, went boating and fishing, but didn’t receive any letters.
When his summer holidays were over, he returned home. The housekeeper met him very warmly, but Stephen was very angry with her. She couldn’t understand why he was so angry. Stephen Blake asked why she had not sent him his letters.
The poor woman explained to him that she couldn’t get the key as it was in the locked letter-box together with the letters.
There is a set of sentences for each team.
1 | Stephen Blake decided to … because … |
2 | Before starting for the station he … |
3 | He rested well because … |
4 | The thing that worried Stephen was … |
5 | Steve phoned his housekeeper to … |
6 | The housekeeper answered the phone call and told… |
1 | Stephen Blake promised to … put the … and … the letter |
2 | During the second month of rest Steve … |
3 | Having returned home Steve was … because |
4 | The housekeeper couldn’t understand … |
5 | Being back home Steve asked why … |
6 | The poor woman couldn’t get … because … |
Максимальное количество баллов – 6.
(Для выполнения данного задания от каждой команды выбираются два учащихся).
Imagine that one of you is Stephen Blake and the second person is his friend Max. He asks Steve about the holidays he spent at the seaside.
The object of the game is to be able to use as many words as possible from the ones written on the sheet in a conversation. Students have 2-3 minutes to prepare.
1. to go sightseeing 2. friends 3. to stay at a hotel 4. film 5. weather 6. interesting 7. hot 8. to go by train 9. to be very angry 10. to go windsurfing | TEAM 1. PLAYER 2
1. to see the sights 2. Spain 3. comfortable 4. cinema 5. to spend time outside 6. to feel 7. to get to the seaside 8. to visit 9. advertisement 10. to take pictures |
1. to swim with sharks 2. to phone home 3. uncomfortable 4. to get angry 5. nightlife in the town 6. to see the sights 7. weather 8. wonderful views (of) 9. to go hiking 10. happy | TEAM 2. PLAYER 2
1. to spend holidays 2. France 3. hotel 4. letters 5. sunny 6. to go out 7. to walk around the city 8. to make photos 9. to go by plane 10. to return home |
Сюжет диалога может быть только частично или вообще не связан с событиями ранее прослушанного рассказа.
Каждые два использованных слова, при условии правильности высказывания, дают право команде передвинуться на одну “плиту”. Максимальное количество баллов – 10.
While two players of each team are working over the conversation, the rest of the team gets a grammar task to do.
Open the brackets and use the verbs in the correct tense form.
Dear Alice,
Hi! I’m on holiday in London. I (stay)______ with my friend, Jane. She lives in the centre of London, near Hyde Park.
I (be)______ here since Saturday and I (already, do) ________ lots of things.
I (go)______ to Madam Tussaud’s on Monday. It (be)_______ terrible. When I (enter)_______ the Chamber of Horrors, I (scream)_______.
Yesterday Jane and I (go)_____ shopping. I (want)______ to buy some souvenirs. But while I (pay)_____ for a T-shirt, someone (steal)______ my bag. Luckily, I (spend, already)______ nearly all my money.
There (be)____ a lot of things I (not, do)___ yet. I (not, be)___ on a boat trip down the Thames yet, I (not, see)___the Millennium Dome.
If the weather (be)____ fine tomorrow, I (go)______ on a boat trip. I hope Jane (can) _____ keep me company.
I (like)____ London very much. I (never, see) ______ such a beautiful city. You (must)____ visit it some day.
I (be)_____ back in a week, so I (call)_____ you then.
Love, Ann.
KEY: am staying, have been, have done, went, was, entered, screamed, went, wanted, was paying, stole, had spent, are, haven’t done, haven’t been, haven’t seen, is, will go, will be able to, like, have never seen, must, will be, will call
Open the brackets and use the verbs in the correct tense form.
It (happen)_____ many years ago when I (be)____ in India. I (hunt)____ there. Once I (spend)_____ the whole day in the jungle. It (get)_____ completely dark when I (decide)_____ to return to my camp. I (walk)_____along a narrow path. Strange sounds (hear)_____ everywhere. On my right there (be)_____ a river and on my left there (be)_____ a thick tropical forest.
Suddenly I (see)_____ something terrible in the jungle on my left. Two green eyes (look) _____ at me. It was a man-eating tiger, ready to spring at me.
I (know)_____that if I (start)______ to run the tiger (catch)______ me easily. As I could swim well I (make up)______ my mind to escape that way. I (look)______ at the river on my right. There in the river, (be)______ a huge crocodile. It (wait)_____ for me with open jaws.
I (faint)____ but a moment later I (jump)____ on my feet again. What do you think I (see)____? The tiger (be)_____ in the jaws of the crocodile.
Five years (pass)____ since that time but I (remember, still) every____ moment of that terrible night.
KEY: happened, was, was hunting, spent, had got, decided, was walking, were heard, was, was, saw, were looking, knew, started, would catch, made up, looked, was, was waiting, fainted, jumped, saw, was, have passed, still remember
За каждое правильное предложение команда получает 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 17.
The leaders of the teams are invited and each is given a sheet with a story. The players should make 5 questions of different types to the story right now and then they take turns asking and answering questions.
(Вопросы не должны повторяться).
Максимальное количество баллов для каждой команды –5.
Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening the young men went to the cinema. When the film was over, they went to a restaurant and had supper there. They came back to the hotel very late.
“I am very sorry”, said the clerk of the hotel, “but our lifts do not work at night. If you don’t want to walk up in your room, you can sleep in the hall”.
“No, no”, said one of the three men, “no, thank you. We shall walk to our room”. Then he said to his friends, “I think I know how to make it easy for us to walk up to the forty-fifth floor. On our way to the room I’ll tell you some jokes, then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories”.
So they began to walk up to their room. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were very tired by that time and decided to have a rest. “Well”, said Tom, “now it is your turn, Peter. Tell us a story with a sad end”.
“I’ll tell you a story”, said Peter. ”It will not be long, but will be sad enough. Listen. We have left the key to our room in the hall downstairs”.
Try to guess nine names of countries. When it is done, you’ll find the name of the tenth country.
1. Catherine the Great was born there.
2. Portuguese is spoken in this South-American country.
3. The waltz of its capital is famous around the world.
4. Paris is its capital.
5. It is the country of sombreros and cacti.
6. The most Southwestern country in Europe, not far from Spain.
7. More than one billion people live in this country facing Japan.
8. This country consists of 50 states.
9. An animal called echidna lives in this country.
The name of the tenth country – ?
KEY: 1. Germany; 2. Brazil; 3. Austria; 4. France; 5. Mexico; 6. Portugal; 7. China; 8. USA; 9. Australia
The tenth country is – MAURITIUS.
Максимальное количество баллов – 10.
TASK 6. QUICK MIND (team game)
Each team gets a card with a conversation written on it. A person from the first team reads the conversation, players of the second team in turn should transform the phrases into the reported speech. Then teams trade places.
The aim of the game is to develop oral speech retelling the events in the 3d person sin-gular.
Two people are speaking: Ann and Jane.
Jane: Where did you spend your summer, Ann?
Ann: I visited Spain.
Jane: Was it hot there?
Ann: Yes, the temperature was 35 degrees above zero.
Jane: Did you swim in the ocean?
Ann: Yes, it was fantastic!
Two people are speaking: Mike and Bill.
Bill: Did you go anywhere this summer, Mike?
Mike: Yes, I travelled to the Alps.
Bill: What was the weather like there?
Mike: It wasn’t very cold.
Bill: Did you try snowboarding?
Mike: Yes, it was great!
Максимальное количество баллов – 6.
Imagine that you are on a ship caught in a great storm very far from any land. Suddenly you realize that there is a big hole in the ship and it will sink in 5 minutes! You have to jump quickly into a small lifeboat and you have time to take only 6 objects with you.
Which ones will you decide to take? Why?
Максимальное количество баллов –6.
По окончании игры подводятся итоги, победившая команда получает “золотую” фигурку. В течение игры учитель может записывать для себя прозвучавшие ошибки и провести анализ заданий и коррекцию ошибок на следующем уроке.
Цветкова И.В. и др. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. Глосса, 2002.