Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №4/2010

Five-Minute Tests

I. Find out the missing information.

1. Vova had ________ pens.


2. Masha saw ________ yesterday.


3. We are having ________ now.


4. They were _________ at the weekend.


5. Dima will go to ________ next year.



1. How many pens did Vova have? / What colour pens did Vova have? / What kind of pens did Vova have?

2. What did Masha see yesterday? / Who did Masha see yesterday?

3. What are we having now?

4. Where were they at the weekend?

5. Where will Dima go?

II. Express your doubt.

1. They go to the mountains every year.


2. She keeps a diary.


3. She watched television in the evening.


4. They were in the country yesterday.


5. Masha will go to London next month.


6. They are celebrating Masha’s birthday.



1. Do they go to the mountains every year?

2. Does she keep a diary?

3. Did she watch television in the evening?

4. Were they in the country yesterday?

5. Will Masha go to London next week?

6. Are they celebrating Masha’s birthday?

III. Write negative sentences.

1. She wants to study Maths.


2. They wear a uniform.


3. She had many problems with Maths last year.


4. P.E. class is on Thursday.


5. They met after classes yesterday.



1. She doesn’t want to study Maths.

2. They don’t wear a uniform.

3. She didn’t have many problems with Maths last year.

4. P.E. class is not on Thursday .

5. They didn’t meet after classes yesterday.

IV. How do you offer to help?

0 (carry/box) Shall I carry your box?

1. (open/window)


2. (come and see you/Tuesday)


3. (help/with Maths)


4. (wash up)


5. (lay the table)


6. (make/photocopies)



1. Shall I open the window?

2. Shall I come and see you on Tuesday?

3. Shall I help you with Maths?

4. Shall I wash up?

5. Shall I lay the table?

6. Shall I make photocopies for you?

to be continued

By Youdif Boyarskaya ,
School No. 814, Moscow