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St. Patrick's Day

Конспект урока по английскому языку (9-й класс)

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Цель урока: совершенствовать знания по теме “День Св. Патрика”.

Задачи урока:

Практическая: развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, аудирования, чтения, письма.

Развивающая: активизировать творческие способности учащихся, формировать умение работать в команде.

Воспитательная: развивать познавательный интерес к традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.

Тип урока:

По содержанию – урок применения полученных знаний.

По форме – урок-игра (соревнование команд).

Основной дидактический метод – проблемно-поисковый.

Частные методы и приемы: беседа, выбор правильного варианта ответа, подбор соответствий, наглядный (использование иллюстраций), решение кроссвордов, викторина.

Оборудование: эмблемы команд, флаги Ирландии, плакаты с темой и девизом праздника; мультимедиа-презентация (подготовлена учителем); раздаточный материал: кроссворды, картинки-раскраски, карандаши, протоколы подсчёта баллов для жюри, варианты правильных ответов для жюри, таблички с цифрами.

Подготовительная работа: дети вместе с учителем находят информацию о происхождении праздника, ирландские стихи, шутки.

В виде домашнего задания дети готовят материал о корнях праздника, учат стихи, инсценируют ирландские шутки.

Все этапы оцениваются жюри. В состав жюри входят учителя английского языка.

Все задания сопровождаются мультимедиа-презентацией, подготовленной учителем.


1. Организационное начало урока

Звучит национальная ирландская музыка, под которую выходят команды. (цвет одежды – зелёный)

Тeacher: Hello, my dear friends! St. Patrick’s Day is again here. It’s the time when everybody joins in the fun. It’s the time when all goes green. I think it is great that we are here to celebrate this festival of love and friendship. Our lesson is called St. Patrick’s Day. I hope you will have a nice time, because we are going to have some fun competitions. Let’s have a great St. Patrick’s Day!

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока

3. Представление команд

Тeacher: Let us listen to our captains, presenting their teams and emblems.

Captain 1: Hello, my name is… The members of my team are… On our emblem you see…

Captain 2: Nice to see all of you. My name is… Meet my team... And this is our emblem.

Captain 3: My name is… In my team there are… Let me present our emblem...

4. Речевая зарядка

Тeacher: March 17. What associations do you have with this date? Let us make a list of words related to this day.

Учащиеся вспоминают слова по теме, учитель записывает наиболее важные на доске.

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

5. Составление из данных символов секретного послания (A SECRET CODE)

Тeacher: You can see a secret code. Use the code key to find the secret message. The winner is the team that finds the message first. For this task you’ll get 0–1 point.

Code Key:

33 – D83 – H7 – A
77 – L79 – M69 – !
19 – C56 – O17 – U
51 – S8 – E26 – K
42 – T66 – ,2 – G

Teacher: Good luck, teams!

Учитель анализирует и дает оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

6. Тренировка в выполнении заданий на использование языкового материала

A. Беседа по вопросам об истоках праздника. Скрытый контроль монологической речи

Тeacher: It’s time to check your home task. You’ve prepared some information about St. Patrick. The teams should be very attentive because after this you’ll have to answer the questions of the Quiz. For this task you’ll get 1–5 points. So, let’s start.


Team 1

St. Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland. True, he was not a born Irish. But he has become an integral part of the Irish heritage, mostly through his service across Ireland of the 5th century.

Patrick was born in the later half of the 4th century AD. There are differing views about the exact year and place of his birth. According to one school of opinion, he was born about 390 AD, while the other school says it is about 373 AD. Again, his birth place is said to be in either Scotland or Roman England. His real name was probably Maewyn Succat. Though Patricius was his Romanicized name, he later came to be known as Patrick.

Patrick was the son of Calpurnius, a Roman-British army officer. He was growing up as naturally as other kids in Britain. However, one day a band of pirates landed in south Wales and kidnapped this boy along with many others. Then they sold him into slavery in Ireland. He was there for 6 years, mostly imprisoned. This was when changes came to him. He dreamed of having seen God. Legend says, he was then directed by God to escape with a getaway ship.

Team 2

Finally, he did escape and went to Britain. And then to France. There he joined a monastery and studied under St. Germain, the bishop of Auxerre. He spent around 12 years in training. And when he became a bishop he dreamed that the Irish people were calling him back to Ireland to tell them about God. The Confessio, Patrick’s spiritual autobiography, is the most important document regarding this. It tells of a dream after his return to Britain, in which one Victoricus delivered him a letter headed “The Voice of the Irish.”

By the end of the 7th century, Patrick had become a legendary figure, and the legends have continued to grow since then. There are many legends associated with St. Patrick. It is said that he used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Trinity; which refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hence the shamrock’s strong association with his day and name. Legend also has it that Saint Patrick had put the curse of God on the venomous snakes in Ireland. And he drove all the snakes into the sea where they drowned.

Team 3

True, these are mostly legends. But, after some 1500 years, these legends have been inseparably combined with the facts. And together they have helped us know much about the saint and the spirit behind the celebration of the day. Patrick’s mission in Ireland lasted for over 20 years. He died on March 17, 461 AD. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick’s Day ever since. The spirit of the day is to celebrate the universal baptization of Ireland. Though originally a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick’s Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday. Or, rather, “be an Irish Day”. And the Irish have borne it as part of their national tradition everywhere they populated and prospered. The Catholic feast day for this most loved of Irish saints has become a holiday in celebration of the Irish and Irish culture.

The leprechaun, a Celtic fairy, has become entrenched as a chief symbol for this holiday, as is the shamrock, an ancient symbol for the triple goddess Brigit. It is fitting that this holiday should fall at the time of the year when the return of spring begins to seem at hand. The icons like the color green, the three-leafed shamrock, the leprechaun, or the pot of gold and Blarney Stone – all came to be associated with the celebration of this day

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

B. Викторина. Скрытый контроль аудирования

Тeacher: I’ll read the questions and the team which knows the answer rings the bell. For each correct answer you’ll get 1 point.

1. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated to commemorate which of the following events?

a) The day St. Patrick was born.

b) The day St. Patrick died.

2. Which one of the following do you know as the day St. Patrick died?

a) March 17, 461 AD; b) March 17, 461 BC

3. Where was St. Patrick born?

a) Britain; b) Ireland

4. What does the shamrock signify on the Day?

a) coming of spring; b) the number “three”

5. What does a leprechaun mean?

a) a fairy; b) a goblin

6. Which is the native language of Ireland?

a) Irish; b) Gaelic

7. Which is regarded as the most famous of all churches dedicated to St. Patrick?

a) St. Patrick Church, Limerick

b) St. Patrick Cathedral, Dublin

8. Which of the following is NOT Irish born?

a) U 2; b) Roger Moore

9. In Ireland, what does the color green stand for?

a) Spring; b) Hope

10. What colors are on the Irish flag?

a) Green, white, orange; b) Green, black, orange

11. What was St. Patrick’s calling?

a) He was a war hero; b) He was a missionary

12. According to legend, what should you never do if you catch a leprechaun?

a) kiss him; b) take your eyes off him

13. What was St. Patrick’s name at birth?

a) Maewyn Succat; b) Patrick’O Maewyn

14. Who kidnapped Patrick?

a) a band of pirates; b) a group of Christians

15. How long did St. Patrick’s mission in Ireland last?

a) 30 years; b) 20 years

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

7. Конкурс чтецов: команды представляют подготовленные стихи.

Тeacher: It’s time to listen to some poetry. For this task you’ll get 1–5 points.

Team 1

St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is here, you see.
We’ll pick some shamrocks, one, two, three.
We’ll count the leaves and look them over,
And maybe find a four-leafed clover.
I’ll sew green buttons on my vest,
Green for St. Patrick is the best.
I’ll wear a green hat, very high,
And dance a jig – at least I’ll try!

Team 2

The Wearin’ o’ the Green
Today is the day fer the wearin’ o’ the green.
Today is the day when the little people are seen.
Today is St. Patrick’s Day, so if ye’r Irish me lad,
Join the celebratin’ fer the grandest time ta’ be had.

Ya’ put yer hand up in the air, the other hand on your hip.
Ya’ tap yer toe, ya’ tap yer heel, ya’ bounce yer knee a wee bit.
Ya’ prance ’n dance around the room, n’ circle one two three.
The saints be praised, I must admit, ya’ all look Irish ta’ me.

Team 3

I’ll Wear a Shamrock
St. Patrick’s Day is with us,
The day when all that’s seen
To right and left and everywhere
Is green, green, green!

And Irish tunes they whistle
And Irish songs they sing,
Today each Irish lad walks out
As proud as any king.

I’ll wear a four-leaf shamrock
In my coat, the glad day through,
For my father and mother are Irish
And I am Irish, too!

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

8. Ирландский юмор: команды представляют подготовленные сценки.

Тeacher: Irish humour… What do we know about it?

The teams have prepared some Irish jokes. For this task you’ll get 1–5 points.

Team 1

“Did you hear that Flanagan invented an invisible deodorant?” “No, what good is it?”

“Well if you use it, you vanish and no one knows where the smell is coming from!”

Team 2

An Irishman and an American were sitting at Shannon Airport.

“I’ve come to meet my brother,” said the Irishman. “He’s due to fly in from America in an hour’s time. It’s his first trip home in forty years.”

“Will you be able to recognize him?” asked the American.

“I’m sure I won’t,” said the Irishman, “after all, he’s been away for a long time.”

“I wonder if he’ll recognize you?” said the American.

“Of course he will,” said the Irishman. “Sure, an’ I haven’t been away at all.”

Team 3

An ageing man lived alone in Ireland. His only son was in Long Kesh Prison, and he didn’t know anyone who would spade up his potato garden. The old man wrote to his son about it, and received this reply, “For HEAVENS SAKE, don’t dig up that garden, that’s where I buried the GUNS!”

At 4 a.m. the next morning, a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden, but didn’t find any guns. Confused, the man wrote to his son telling him what happened and asking him what to do next.

His son’s reply was: “Just plant your potatoes.”

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

9. Кроссворд

Тeacher: Are you good at crosswords? We’ll see that now. Answer the questions of the crossword. For each correct answer you’ll get 1 point.


5. St. Patrick’s Day is believed to have driven these creatures out of Ireland. (Snakes)

6. This colour is associated with St. Patrick’s Day. (Green)

7. A three-leafed plant associated with Paddy’s Day. (Shamrock)

9. St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was thought to be born here. (Wales)

10. The largest Saint Patrick’s Day parade in Britain is held here. (Birmingham)


1. The St. Patrick’s Day parade was first held here (U.S.A.) in 1761. (Boston)

2. Saint Patrick’s Day is the national holiday of this country. (Ireland)

3. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated every year on the 17th day of this month. (March)

4. An Irish male fairy said to lead to a pot of gold if chased. (Leprechaun)

8. A musical instrument used for St. Patrick’s Day decorations. (Harp)

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

10. Составление слов из данных в произвольном порядке букв (Слова связаны с днём Св. Патрика)

Тeacher: Our next game is SCRAMBLED WORDS. The words you see are written in the wrong order. Write the words correctly. For each correct word you’ll get 1 point. You have 3 minutes.

Word list:

raph – ____________dnaleri – ____________
nsskae – ____________khrcsmao – ____________
hmrca – ____________energ – ____________
lodg – ____________trcpaik – ____________
eber – ____________nhcrlpeeua – ___________

Key: Harp; Snakes; March; Gold; Beer; Ireland; Shamrock; Green; Patrick; Leprechaun

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку предыдущему заданию и переходит к следующему этапу.

11. Конкурс художников


Команды в течение 1 минуты изучают на экране различных героев дня Св. Патрика, затем наугад выбирают один из рисунков и раскрашивают его. Побеждает команда, рисунок которой больше похож на оригинал.

Тeacher: Have you ever wanted to become an artist? Now you’ll have such an opportunity. Our next competition is: COLOUR IT RIGHT.

Look at the pictures and try to remember how the characters are coloured. You have 1 minute. Then you’ll be given one of the colourings. Paint it right. For this task you’ll get 1–5 points.

Учитель анализирует и даёт оценку всем этапам урока.

12. Выступление жюри с объявлением общего итога игры. Подведение итогов урока

By Natalia Levchak ,
School No. 1995, Moscow