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Приемы работы с текстом в начальной школе на примере сказок

Известно, что изучение иностранного языка развивает разные стороны личности: память, внимание, прилежание, языковую догадку, эрудицию, дисциплину, делает ребнка более активным, приучает его к коллективным формам работы в группе, пробуждает любознательность, артистизм, формирует ребёнка интеллектуально и эстетически.

Успех в обучении иностранному языку школьников младших классов может быть обеспечен такой методической системой, в основе которой лежит интерес к предмету.

В условиях организации искусственной языковой среды работа с текстом представляется особенно важной. Тексты необходимы для обучения чтению. Первые коротенькие тексты появляются через полгода после начала изучения английского языка. Они построены из пяти-шести предложений в форме дружеского письма и включают в себя набор ранее изученных и закреплённых в устной речи лексических единиц и речевых образцов.

В начале второго года обучения тексты становятся информативнее и напоминают тексты, которые применяются при обучении чтению на родном языке. В младших классах использование сказочных текстов на уроках иностранного языка повышает интерес к предмету, помогает повысить качество обучения, добиться лучших результатов.

Сказка как литературный жанр близка и понятна младшим школьникам. Дети в этом возрасте знают много разных сказок, помнят многих сказочных героев и верят в правильность их поступков. Каждая сказка несёт в себе определённую мораль: о справедливости, милосердии, честности, порядочности, любви. Именно поэтому на начальном этапе обучения использование сказки в воспитательных целях не вызывает никаких сомнений. Знакомство со сказками народов мира расширяет кругозор младших школьников, обогащает их воображение и память.

При чтении сказок, которые уже знакомы ребятам, которые им читали мамы и бабушки на родном языке, создаётся атмосфера радости и увлечённости. Дети легко узнают своих любимых героев и ещё раз с удовольствием переживают вместе с ними все события и невероятные волшебные приключения.

Благоприятная атмосфера на уроке в свою очередь даёт ребятам возможность преодолеть трудности, ведёт к ощущению посильности заданий – всё это благотворно сказывается на результатах обучения. Материал усваивается легко и непринуждённо, становится легче учиться.

Мною были подобраны и адаптированы для младшего школьного возраста некоторые русские сказки и сказки народов мира. Тексты были сокращены и максимально упрощены. Сказки пересказаны в Present Simple. В текстах часто повторяются однотипные предложения. Грамматика не выходит за рамки уровня первых лет обучения.

Тексты напечатаны нетрадиционным способом – каждое предложение занимает одну строчку. Такая форма подачи облегчает восприятие материала, т. е. упрощает процесс чтения и делает его более доступным, что, в свою очередь, способствует быстрому и непроизвольному усвоению материала (как лексического, так и грамматического), и воспроизведению самого текста без особых трудностей.

В статье частично использованы материалы газеты English.

Работа с текстом делится на несколько этапов:

1. Подготовка класса.

2. Введение и отработка новых слов и грамматических структур.

3. Презентация текста.

4. Упражнения для развития произносительных и интонационных навыков, лексико-грамматических навыков и формирования речевых умений.

1. Подготовка класса:

а) учитель представляет сказку;

б) о чём сказка, кто главный герой (герои), кто любимый герой;

в) кто автор сказки;

г) чему сказка учит.

2. Введение новой лексики (стараться использовать “multi-sensory introduction”):

а) заранее приготовленные “flashcards” (картинки, слова, транскрипция);

б) введение каждого слова сопровождается определенным жестом или движением;

в) использование голосовых вариаций (громко, тихо, шёпотом), чтения по губам (проговаривание без звука);

г) приём “Что исчезло?”;

д) приём “Соединить картинку со словом”;

е) использовать приём “Исправь ошибку”.

3. Презентация сказки (в сопровождении мимики, жестов, движений, голосовых вариаций, рисунков).

а) учитель выразительно читает текст (желательно без печатной опоры);

б) учащиеся переводят текст, прочитанный учителем, или отдельные предложения на русский язык (для снятия лексико-грамматических трудностей);

в) вопросы по содержанию (проверка понимания текста);

г) отгадай героя по движению и жестам;

д) ответь на вопрос: “Кто это сказал?”;

е) чтение хором за учителем;

ж) чтение хором вместе с учителем;

з) чтение по цепочке (по предложению);

и) чтение по ролям;

к) перевод с русского на английский.

4. Упражнения для развития произносительных и интонационных навыков, лексико-грамматических навыков и формирования речевых умений:

а) работа с отдельными звуками и интонацией;

б) восстанови порядок предложений;

в) исправь ошибку;

г) подбери картинку к части текста;

д) соедини части предложений;

е) вставь пропущенную букву или слово;

ж) выбери правильное слово;

з) восстанови предложения;

и) раздели текст на предложения (расставь точки и напиши заглавную букву);

к) перескажи текст по “скелету” предложений;

л) перескажи текст по картинкам;

м) разыграйте сказку по ролям.


Granny is very ill.

Red Riding Hood goes to her granny.

She goes through the wood and collects flowers.

She meets a wolf.

The wolf wants to go with Red Riding Hood.

They go together through the wood.

They come to Granny’s house.

Red Riding Hood kisses her Granny.

She gives Granny a pie and a pill.

The wolf attacks Granny and the girl.

They cry: “Help! Help!”

Hunters come into the house.


They take the wolf away.

Exercise 1. Put the story back in order.

The teacher writes the sentences of the story on the blackboard but changes the order. Or the teacher photocopies the next sheet, and asks the pupils to put the number before the sentences according to their order in the text.

__ Red Riding Hood goes to her granny.
__ They go together through the wood.
__ Red Riding Hood kisses her Granny.
__ She goes through the wood and collects flowers.
__ Granny is very ill.
__ They come to Granny’s house.
__ She meets a wolf.
__ The wolf wants to go with Red Riding Hood.
__ The wolf attacks Granny and the girl.
__ Hunters come into the house.
__ She gives Granny a pie and a pill.
__ Bang-bang!
__ They take the wolf away.
__ They cry: “Help! Help!”

Answers: 2, 6, 8, 3, 1, 7, 4, 5, 10, 12, 9, 13, 14, 11

Exercise 2. Correct the mistake.

The teacher reads the story again but builds some mistakes into the text. Then the teacher asks the pupils to raise their hands whenever they’ve heard a mistake and correct it.

Granny is very well.

Red Riding Hood goes to his granny.

She goes through the forest and collects mushrooms.

She meets a hare.

The wolf wants to play with Red Riding Hood.

They run together through the wood.

They jump to Granny’s house.

Red Riding Hood paints her Granny.

She gives Granny a pen and a pencil.

The wolf kisses Granny and the girl.

They write: “Help! Help!”

Teachers come into the house.


They take the wolf away.

Answers: well / ill; his / her; forest / wood; mushrooms / flowers; hare / wolf; play / go; run / go; jump / come; paints / kisses; pen / pie; pencil / pill; kisses / attacks; write / cry; teachers /hunters

Exercise 3. Choose the right word. Put the verbs below into the text.


Granny is very ________(1).

Red Riding Hood goes to her ________(2).

She goes through the _____(3) and collects _____(4).

She ________(5) a wolf.

The ________(6)wants to go with Red Riding Hood.

They go ________(7) through the wood.

They come to Granny’s ________(8).

Red Riding Hood ________(9) her Granny.

She gives Granny a _______(10) and a ______(11).

The wolf ________(12) Granny and the girl.

They ________(13): “Help! Help!”

________(14) come into the house.


They take the wolf ________(15).

Answers: 1. ill; 2. granny; 3. wood; 4. flowers; 5. meets; 6. wolf; 7. together; 8. house; 9. kisses; 10. pie; 11. pill; 12. attacks; 13. cry; 14. hunters; 15. away

Exercise 4. Choose a preposition. Underline the right preposition.

Granny is very ill.

Red Riding Hood goes to/with (1) her granny.

She goes through/into (2) the wood and collects flowers.

She meets a wolf.

The wolf wants to go with/near (3) Red Riding Hood.

They go together through/out (4) of the wood.

They come to/in (5) Granny’s house.

Red Riding Hood kisses her Granny.

She gives Granny a pie and a tablet.

The wolf attacks Granny and the girl.

They cry: “Help! Help!”

Hunters come into/from (6) the house.


They take the wolf away.

Answers: 1. to; 2. through; 3. with; 4. through; 5. to; 6. into

Exercise 5. Find the sentences. Read the text and find the sentences. Colour each sentence in a different colour.

Granny is very ill Red Riding Hood goes to her granny She goes through the wood and collects flowers She meets a wolf The wolf wants to go with Red Riding Hood They go together through the wood They come to Granny’s house Red Riding Hood kisses her Granny She gives Granny a pie and a tablet The wolf attacks Granny and the girl They cry: “Help! Help!” Hunters come into the house Bang-bang They take the wolf away.

Exercise 6. Reсonstructing by first letters. The teacher writes on the blackboard only the first letter of each word of every sentence(or photocopy the next sheet). The articles, personal names, prepositions, all the pronouns, conjunctions, all the forms of “be” of a sentence must be written completely. The verb endings such as “-s”, “-ing”, “-ed” also must be written. Read the full sentence and let the pupils reproduce it with the help of the skeletal sentence written on the board.

G_______ is v_______ i____.

R_____ R______ H______ g____es to her g______.

She g____es through the w_____ and c______s f______.

She m_____ saw ______.

The w____ w____s to g___ with R___ R___ H___.

They g___ t_______ through the w_______.

They c______ to G______’s h______.

R____ R______ H______ k______es her G______.

She g_____s G_______ a p____ and a p_______.

The w_____ a_____s G_______ and the g____.

They c____: “H______! H______!”

H_______ c______ into the h________.


They t______ the w______ a______.


A fox and a crane are friends.

The fox invites the crane to dinner.

The fox cooks some porridge and pours it on plates.

The crane pecks and pecks but can’t get anything off the plate.

The fox eats all the porridge herself.

The crane thanks the fox and invites the fox to dinner the next day.

The crane cooks some soup and put it in tall jars.

The fox sniffs the soup, licks the jar but can’t get a drop of the soup.

The crane eats all the soup.

The fox leaves the crane’s house. She is very hungry and very angry.

The fox and the crane are not friends any longer.

Exercise 1. Put the story back in order.

The teacher writes the sentences of the story on the blackboard but changes the order. Or the teacher photocopies the next sheet, and asks the pupils to put the number before the sentences according to their order in the text.

__ The fox sniffs the soup, licks the jar but can’t get a drop of the soup.
__ The crane pecks and pecks but can’t get anything off the plate.
__ A fox and a crane are friends.
__ The crane cooks some soup and put it in tall jars.
__ The fox cooks some porridge and pours it on plates.
__ The crane eats all the soup.
__ The fox and the crane are not friends any longer.
__ The fox leaves the crane’s house. She is very hungry and very angry.
__ The fox eats all the porridge herself.
__ The crane thanks the fox and invites the fox to dinner the next day.
__ The fox invites the crane to dinner.

Exercise 2. Replace the wrong words. Cross out the words that do not belong to the story. Write the story using the words below.

A fox and a crane are brothers.

The fox invites the crane to breakfast.

The fox cooks some porridge and pours it on dishes.

The crane pecks and pecks but can’t eat anything off the plate.

The fox eats half the porridge herself.

The crane kisses the fox and invites the fox to dinner the next day.

The crane cooks some soup and put it in tall cups.

The fox sniffs the soup, licks the jar but can’t get a piece of the soup.

The crane drinks all the soup.

The fox leaves the crane’s house. She is very happy and very angry.

The fox and the crane are not animals any longer.

getdinneralljarfriend (2)

Answers: brothers/friends; breakfast/dinner; dishes/plates; eat/get; half/all; kisses/thanks; cups/jars; drop/pieces; drinks/eats; happy/hungry; animals/friends

Exercise 3. Fill in the missing letters. Cross out each letter below after you have used it.


A fox and a crane are fr__ends.

The fox __nvites the crane to dinner.

The fox cooks some po__ridge and purs it on plates.

The crane pe__ks and pe__ks but can’t get anything off the plate.

The fox __ats all the porridge herself.

The crane thanks the fox and invites the fox to dinner the ne__t day.

The crane c___oks some so___p and put it in tall jars.

The fox sni__fs the soup, licks the __ar but can’t get a drop of the soup.

The crane eats all the sou__.

The fox le__ves the crane’s __ouse. She is very hungry and very an__ry.

The fox and the crane are not friends any lo___ger.

Exercise 4. Find the mistakes. There is a mistake in each line. Correct them.

A fox and a crane are friend.

The fox invite the crane to dinner.

The fox cooks some porridge and pours them on plates.

The crane pecks and pecks but can’t get anything on the plate.

The fox eats all the porridge himself.

The crane thanks the fox and invites the fox to dinner on next day.

The crane cooks any soup and put it in tall jars.

The fox sniffs the soup, licks the jar but can’t get a drop off the soup.

The crane eat all the soup.

The fox leaves the cranes house. She is very hungry and very angry.

The fox and the crane is not friends any longer.

Answers: 1. friend/friends; 2. invite/invites; 3. them/it;4. on/off; 5. himself/herself; 6. the next day/next day; 7. any/some; 8. off/of; 9. eat/eats; 10. cranes/crane’s; 11. is/are

Exercise 5. Match the sentence halves. Connect sentence-halves by underlining or circling them with pens of different colour.

1. The fox invites …a. … are friends.
2. The fox eats all …b. … pours it on plates.
3. A fox and a crane …c. … invites the fox to dinner next day.
4. The fox and the crane are not …d. … the crane to dinner.
5. The crane pecks and pecks but …e. … and put it in tall jars.
6. The crane thanks the fox and …f. … the porridge herself.
7. The crane cooks some soup …g. … friends any longer.
8. The fox cooks some porridge and …h. … can’t get anything off the plate.
9. The fox sniffs the soup, licks the jar …i. … and very angry.
10. The fox leaves …j. … all the soup.
11. The crane eats …k. … but can’t get a drop of the soup.
12. She is very hungry…l. … the crane’s house.

Answers: 1. d; 2. f; 3. a; 4. g; 5. h; 6. c; 7. e; 8. b; 9. k; 10. l; 11. j; 12. i

Exercise 5. Find the sentences. Read the text and find the sentences. Colour each sentence in a different colour.

A fox and a crane are friends The fox invites the crane to dinner The fox cooks some porridge and pours it on plates The crane pecks and pecks but can’t get anything off the plate The fox eats all the porridge herself The crane thanks the fox and invites the fox to dinner the next day The crane cooks some soup and put it in tall jars The fox sniffs the soup, licks the jar but can’t get a drop of the soup The crane eats all the soup The fox leaves the crane’s house She is very hungry and very angry The fox and the crane are not friends any longer

Exercise 6. Reсonstructing by first letters. The teacher writes on the blackboard only the first letter of each word of every sentence(or photocopy the next sheet). The articles, personal names, prepositions, all the pronouns, conjunctions, all the forms of “be” of a sentence must be written completely. The verb endings such as “-s”, “-ing”, “-ed” also must be written. Read the full sentence and let the pupils reproduce it with the help of the skeletal sentence written on the board.

A f_____ and a c_____ are f_____.

The f_____ i_____s the c_____ to d_____.

The fox c____s some p____ and p_____s it on p____s.

The c___ p___s and p___s but can’t g___ anything off the p___.

The f_____ e_____s all the p_____ herself.

The c_____ t_____s the f_____ and i_____ s the f_____ to d_____ the n_____ d_____.

The c___ c___s some s___ and p___ it in t___ j___s.

The f___ s___s the s___, l____s the j____ but can’t g___ a d____ of the s____. The c____ e____s all the s___.

The f_____ l_____s the c_____’s h_____. She is v_____ h_____ and v_____ a_____.

The f____ and the c____ are not f_____ any l_____.


A goat has seven kids.

Every day the goat goes to the woods.

She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water and brings home some sweet milk.

When the goat leaves home her kids lock the door and never show their noses outside.

When she comes back she knocks at the door and sings a song:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door.

The goat feeds her children and goes to the woods again.

The wolf hears the goat’s song and learns it.

One day the goat leaves home.

The wolf runs to the door and says in a kind high voice:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door and the wolf rushes into the house.

The kids cry as loudly as they can and run about the house as quickly as they can.

The goat hears her children’s cries and comes home.

The wolf is about to grab one of the kids.

The goat runs into the house and gives the wolf a butt in his stomach.

The wolf cries with pain and jumps out of the house.

The goat and the kids kiss each other. All of them are alive. They are very happy.

Exercise 1. Put in the right order. Put the paragraphs in the correct order. Write the numbers in the boxes.


The wolf hears the goat’s song and learns it.

One day the goat leaves home.

The wolf runs to the door and says in a kind high voice:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door and the wolf rushes into the house.


The kids cry as loudly as they can and run about the house as quickly as they can.

The goat hears her children’s cries and comes home.

The wolf is about to grab one of the kids.


A goat has seven kids.

Every day the goat goes to the woods.

She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water and brings home some sweet milk.


The goat runs into the house and gives the wolf a butt in the stomach.

The wolf cries with pain and jumps out of the house.

The goat and the kids kiss each other. All of them are alive. They are very happy.


When the goat leaves home her kids lock the door and never show their noses outside.

When she comes back she knocks at the door and sings a song:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door.

The goat feeds her children and goes to the woods again.

Exercise 2. Find the mistakes. There is a mistake in each line. Correct them.

A goat has seven pets.

Every night the goat goes to the woods.

She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water and brings home some sweet bread.

When the goat leaves home her kids lock the door and never show their legs outside.

When she comes back she knocks at the door and dances a song:

“Open the window, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s white and sweet!”

The kids close the door.

The goat feeds her children and goes to the shop again.

The wolf hears the goat’s song and reads it.

One day the goat leaves room.

The wolf jumps to the door and says in a kind high voice:

“Open the door, my dear! Your aunt is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door and the wolf rushes into the kitchen.

The kids talk as loudly as they can and run about the house as quickly as they can.

The goat hears her sister’s cries and comes home.

The wolf is about to kiss one of the kids.

The goat runs into the house and gives the wolf a butt in his head.

The wolf cries with joy and jumps out of the house.

The goat and the kids lick each other. All of them are alive. They are very happy.

Answers: pets/kids; night/day; bread/milk; legs/noses; dances/sings; window/door; white/rich; close/open; shop/woods; reads/learns; room/home; jumps/runs; aunt/mother; kitchen/house; talk/cry; sister’s/children; kiss/grab; head/stomach; joy/pain; lick/kiss

Exercise 3. Fill in the missing letters. Cross out each pair of letters below after you have used it.


A goat has seven kids.

Every day the goat goes to the w____ds (1).

She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water and brings home some sw____t (2) milk.

When the goat l____ves (3) home her kids lock the door and never show their noses outside.

When she comes back she ____ocks (4) at the d____r (5) and sings a so____ (6):

“Open the door, my d__r (7)! Your mo__er (8) is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s ri____ (9) and sweet!”

The kids open the door.

The goat f____ds (10) her children and goes to the woods again.

The wolf hears the goat’s song and l____rns (11) it.

One day the goat leaves home.

The wolf runs to the door and says in a kind hi____ (12) voice:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door and the wolf ru____es (13) into the house.

The kids cry as l____dly (14) as they can and run about the house as qui____ly (15) as they can.

The goat hears her _____ildren’s (16) cries and comes home.

The wolf is about to grab one of the kids.

The goat runs into the house and gives the wolf a butt in his stoma____ (17).

The wolf cries with p____n (18) and jumps out of the house.

The goat and the kids ki____ (19) ea____ (20) other. All of them are alive. They are very happy.

Answers: 1. oo; 2. ee; 3. ea; 4. kn; 5. oo; 6. ng; 7. ea; 8. th; 9. ch; 10. ee; 11. ea; 12. gh;13. sh; 14. ou; 15. ck; 16. ch; 17. ch; 18. ai; 19. ss; 20. ch

Exercise 4. Choose a preposition. Underline the right preposition.

A goat has seven kids.

Every day the goat goes (1) to/in the woods.

She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water and brings (2) “ –“/to home some sweet milk.

When the goat leaves home her kids lock the door and never show their noses (3) outside/inside.

When she comes back she knocks (4) at/to the door and sings a song:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door.

The goat feeds her children and goes (5) to/up the woods again.

The wolf hears the goat’s song and learns it.

One day the goat leaves home.

The wolf runs (6) to/on the door and says (7) into/with a kind high voice:

“Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here!

I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!”

The kids open the door and the wolf rushes (8) in/down the house.

The kids cry as loudly as they can and run about the house as quickly as they can.

The goat hears her children’s cries and comes home.

The wolf is about to grab one (9) off/of the kids.

The goat runs (10) into/up to the house and gives the wolf a butt (11) in/to his stomach.

The wolf cries (12) with/of pain and jumps (13) out of/into the house.

The goat and the kids kiss each other. All (14) off/of them are alive. They are very happy.

Answers: 1. to; 2. –; 3. outside; 4. at; 5. to; 6. to; 7. in; 8. in; 9. of; 10. into; 11. in; 12. with; 13. out of; 14. of

Exercise 5. Match the sentence halves. There are some long sentences from the text. Connect sentence-halves by underlining or circling them with different coloured pens.

1.She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water …a. … the door and never show their noses outside.
2. When the goat leaves home her kids lock …b. … and goes to the woods again.
3. When she comes back she knocks …c. … and learns it.
4. The goat feeds her children …d. … and says in a kind high voice:
5. The wolf hears the goat’s song …e. … and jumps out of the house.
6. The wolf runs to the door …f. … and brings home some sweet milk.
7. The kids open the door and the wolf …g. … at the door and sings a song:
8. The kids cry as loudly as they can …i. … children’s cries and comes home.
9. The goat hears her …j. … the wolf a butt in his stomach.
10. The wolf is about …k. … rushes into the house.
11. The goat runs into the house and gives …l. … and run about the house as quickly as they can.
12. The wolf cries with pain …m. … to grab one of the kids.

Answers: 1. f; 2. a; 3. g; 4. b; 5. c; 6. d; 7. k; 8. l; 9. i; 10. m; 11. j; 12. e

Exercise 6. Find the sentences. Read the text and find the sentences. Colour each sentence in a different colour.

A goat has seven kids Every day the goat goes to the woods She eats some silken grass and drinks some clean water and brings home some sweet milk When the goat leaves home her kids lock the door and never show their noses outside When she comes back she knocks at the door and sings a song: “Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here! I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!” The kids open the door The goat feeds her children and goes to the woods again The wolf hears the goat’s song and learns it One day the goat leaves home The wolf runs to the door and says in a kind high voice: “Open the door, my dear! Your mother is here! I’ve got some milk. It’s rich and sweet!” The kids open the door and the wolf rushes into the house The kids cry as loudly as they can and run about the house as quickly as they can The goat hears her children’s cries and comes home The wolf is about to grab one of the kids The goat runs into the house and gives the wolf a butt in his stomach The wolf cries with pain and jumps out of the house The goat and the kids kiss each other All of them are alive They are very happy.

Exercise 7. Reсonstructing by first letters. The teacher writes on the blackboard only the first letter of each word of every sentence(or photocopy the next sheet). The articles, personal names, prepositions, all the pronouns, conjunctions, all the forms of “be” of a sentence must be written completely. The verb endings such as “-s”, “-ing”, “-ed” also must be written. Read the full sentence and let the pupils reproduce it with the help of the skeletal sentence written on the board.

A g___ has s___ k___.

E___ d___ the g___ g___es to the w___.

She e___s some s___ g___ and d___s some c___ w___ and b___s h___ some s___ m___.

W___ the g___ l___s h___ her k___ l___ the d___ and n___ s___ their n___ outside.

W__ she c__s back she k__s at the d__ and s__s a s__:

“O__ the d___, my d___! Your m___ is h___!

I’ve ___g some m___. It’s r___ and s___!”

The k___ o___ the d___.

The g___ f___s her c___ and g__es to the w__ a __.

The w___ h___s the g___’s s___ and l___s it.

O___ d___ the g___ l___s h___.

The w__ r__s to the d__ and s__s in a k__ h__ v__:

“O___ the d___, my d___! Your m___ is h___!

I’ve g___ some m___. It’s r___ and ___!”

The k__ o__ the d__ and the w__ r_es into the h__.

The k___ c___ as l___ as they c___ and r___ about the h___ as q___ as they c___.

The g___ h___s her c___’s c___ and c___s h____.

The w____ is about to g____ one of the k____.

The g____ r____s into the h____ and g____s the w____ a b____ in his s____.

The w___ c___ s with p___ and j___s out of the h___.

The g___ and the k___ k___ e___ o___. All of them are a____. They are v____ h____.

to be continued

By Tatyana Ivanova ,
School No. 258, Moscow