1. What is the end of life?
(The letter “E”)
2. What is full of holes, but holds water?
(A sponge)
3. What is too much for one, very good for two, but nothing for three?
(A secret)
4. When Columbus discovered America, where did he first stand?
(On his feet)
5. What is something that everyone can divide, but no one can see where it is divided?
6. What is it that you have at every meal but never eat?
(An appetite)
7. If two is company, and three is a crowd, what are four and five?
(Four and five are nine)
8. What can pass before the sun without making a shadow?
(The wind)
9. Which word is shorter if you add a syllable to it?
(The word “short”)
10. What contains more feet in winter than in summer?
(A skating-rink)
11. What, by losing an eye, has nothing left but a nose?
(If “noise” loses “i”, it will have nothing left but “nose”)
12. What is the best way to make a fire with two sticks?
(Be sure that one of them is a match)
13. Can you make a match burn under water?
(Light a match and hold it under a glass of water)
14. Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?
(Because then it will be a foot. Игра слов: foot: 1) единица длины; 2) ступня)
15. When a boy falls into the water, what is the first thing he does?
(He gets wet)
16. Why is a tree like a dog?
(Because they both lose their bark when they die. Bark: 1) лай; 2) кора дерева)
17. Why is the letter “K” like a pig’s tail?
(Because it is at the end of “PORK”. Pork – свинина)
18. Why are different trees like different dogs?
(Because each has a different bark. Bark: 1) лай; 2) кора дерева)
19. Take away my first letter, I remain unchanged; take away my second letter, I’m still the same; take away all my letters I’ll still remain unchanged. What am I?
(A postman. Игра слов: A letter: 1) письмо; 2) буква)
20. What is the difference between a cat and a comma?
(The cat has claws at the end of his paws; the comma is a pause at the end of a clause. Игра слов: claws – когти; clause – предложение; paws – лапы; pause – пауза)
21. What is the best way to carry water in a sieve?
(First freeze the water and then carry it in the sieve)
22. How can you keep stamps from sticking together?
(Buy one stamp every time)
23. Who are the two largest ladies in the United States?
(Miss Ouri [Missouri] and Mrs. Sippi [Mississippi])
24. Why is your shadow like a bad friend?
(Because it only follows you when the sun shines)