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Уроки английского языка Кирилла и Мефодия

Уважаемые учителя, родители и учащиеся!

По вашей просьбе публикуем тематику уроков 5-го и 6-го класса. Курс 5-го класса выпущен в декабре 2007 г., а курс 6-го класса в декабре 2008 г.

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Содержание мультимедийного курса

5-й класс

Unit 1.

Lesson 01. Global English. Мировой английский.

Lesson 02. Hello! What’s your name? Привет! Как тебя зовут?

Lesson 03. Hi! How are you? Привет! Как дела?

Lesson 04. I like it. Мне это нравится.

Lesson 05. What’s your phone number? Какой у тебя номер телефона?

Lesson 06. Where are you from? Откуда ты?

Lesson 07. What’s your surname? Как твоя фамилия?

Unit 2.

Lesson 08. Family tree. Семейное дерево.

Lesson 09. Meet my family. Познакомьтесь с моей семьей.

Lesson 10. Have you got a dog? У тебя есть собака?

Lesson 11. I’ve got a lot of friends. У меня много друзей.

Lesson 12. Who is your best friend? Кто твой лучший друг?

Lesson 13. Pets and owners. Питомцы и их владельцы.

Unit 3.

Lesson 14. In my school bag. В моей школьной сумке.

Lesson 15. Whose things? Чьи вещи?

Lesson 16. I collect coins. Я собираю монеты.

Lesson 17. Rainbow. Радуга.

Lesson 18. Lost and Found. Бюро Находок.

Lesson 19. What a mess! Какой беспорядок!

Unit 4.

Lesson 20. Where do you live? Где ты живёшь?

Lesson 21. I live on the tenth floor. Я живу на десятом этаже.

Lesson 22. The house that Jack built. Дом, который построил Джек.

Lesson 23. There is a house in the street… На улице дом…

Lesson 24. There is an apple on the table. На столе яблоко.

Lesson 25. Welcome! Добро пожаловать!

Unit 5.

Lesson 26. School subjects. Школьные предметы.

Lesson 27. My timetable. Моё расписание.

Lesson 28. What’s the time? Который час?

Lesson 29. A day in my life. Один день из моей жизни.

Lesson 30. Pen-pal club. Клуб друзей по переписке.

Lesson 31. Who likes coffee? Кто любит кофе?

Unit 6.

Lesson 32. My favourite game. Моя любимая игра.

Lesson 33. Do you do sports? Ты занимаешься спортом?

Lesson 34. Famous sportsmen. Знаменитые спортсмены.

Lesson 35. Let’s play! Давайте играть!

Lesson 36. Indoor and outdoor games. Игры в помещении и на открытом воздухе.

Lesson 37. Hobbies. Хобби.

Unit 7.

Lesson 38. Can cows fly? Коровы могут летать?

Lesson 39. Where do they live? Где они живут?

Lesson 40. People and wild animals. Люди и дикие животные.

Lesson 41. I need a loving friend. Мне нужен любящий друг.

Lesson 42. Forest tales. Лесные истории.

Unit 8.

Lesson 43. Holidays. Праздники.

Lesson 44. They were famous. Они были знамениты.

Lesson 45. Past Simple. “Goldilocks and the three bears”. Part I. Прошедшее простое время. “Златовласка и три медведя”. Часть I

Lesson 46. Past Simple. “Goldilocks and the three bears”. Part II. Прошедшее простое время. “Златовласка и три медведя”. Часть II

Lesson 47. Past Simple. “Goldilocks and the three bears”. Part III. Прошедшее простое время. “Златовласка и три медведя”. Часть III

6-й класс

Unit 1.

Lesson 01. At the English lesson. На уроке английского языка.

Lesson 02. First day at school. Первый день в школе.

Lesson 03. When I first went to school. Когда я впервые пошёл в школу.

Lesson 04. Summer Holidays. Летние каникулы.

Lesson 05. It Was Fun! Это было весело!

Lesson 06. What are you doing now? Чем вы сейчас занимаетесь?

Unit 2.

Lesson 07. What do you look like? Как вы выглядите?

Lesson 08. Tastes differ. О вкусах не спорят.

Lesson 09. What is he wearing? Что он носит?

Lesson 10. Choose a book as you choose a friend. Выбирай книгу, как выбираешь друга.

Lesson 11. What are you like? На кого вы похожи?

Lesson 12. Little Red Riding Hood. Красная Шапочка.

Unit 3.

Lesson 13. Village or town? Город или деревня?

Lesson 14. About the town. Прогулка по городу.

Lesson 15. Asking directions. Спрашиваем, как пройти.

Lesson 16. Where are you going to spend your winter holidays? Где вы собираетесь провести свои зимние каникулы?

Lesson 17. The mail must go through. Почта должна дойти.

Unit 4.

Lesson 18. Fruit and vegetables. Фрукты и овощи.

Lesson 19. The Food We Choose. Пища, которую мы выбираем.

Lesson 20. Plain good food. Простая здоровая пища.

Lesson 21. Let’s have a snack! Давайте перекусим!

Lesson 22. Gingerbread boy. Мальчик имбирный пряник.

Lesson 23. How old are you going to be next year? Сколько лет тебе исполнится в следующем году?

Unit 5.

Lesson 24. Holidays go round. Autumn. Праздники идут по кругу. Осень.

Lesson 25. Christmas and New Year. Рождество и Новый Год.

Lesson 26. Christmas and Christmas traditions. Рождество и Рождественские традиции.

Lesson 27. St. Valentine’s Day. День святого Валентина.

Lesson 28. Spring holidays. Весенние праздники.

Lesson 29. Easter Bunny and the May Queen. Пасхальный кролик и майская королева.

Lesson 30. Summer Holidays. Летние праздники.

Unit 6.

Lesson 31. What’s the weather like? Какая погода?

Lesson 32. If it rains. Если пойдёт дождь.

Lesson 33. Weather forecast. Прогноз погоды.

Lesson 34. Fortune favours the brave. Удача выбирает храбрых.

Unit 7.

Lesson 35. Doctor, help! Доктор, помогите!

Lesson 36. What is the best medicine? Что является лучшим лекарством?

Unit 8.

Lesson 37. Do you help at home? Вы помогаете дома?

Lesson 38. Business before pleasure. Делу время – потехе час.

Lesson 39. The sights of London. Достопримечательности Лондона.

Дополнительные материалы к уроку

Easter Bunny and the May Queen

(Lesson 29. Class 6)

Рекомендуется использовать перед итоговым тестированием, предусмотренным в конце урока.

Easter Quiz

1. Easter is a ___ holiday.

a) civil; b) religious

2. Easter celebrates ___ of Christ.

a) the birth; b) the resurrection

3. ___ is the day of Christ’s crucifixion and death.

a) Easter Sunday; b) Good Friday

4. The English name “Easter” for the Paschal festival comes from the ___ word Eastre.

a) Roman; b) Greek; c) Anglo-Saxon

5. Eastre was a pre-Christian spring festival in honor of Bede Eostre, who was __ goddess of dawn.

a) the Roman; b) the Teutonic; c) the Greek

6. The Easter Bunny is a ___ mythical figure. It symbolizes the abundance of life.

a) Christian; b) pre-Christian

7. Easter eggs are symbols of ___

a) fertility; b) eternal life

8. The custom of decorating eggs and giving them as gifts was begun by the ancient

a) Egyptians; b) Slavs; c) Anglo-Saxons

9. Another symbol of Easter is the

a) Easter Rose; b) Easter lily

10 The traditional food on Good Friday is

a) hot cross buns; b) pancakes

Key: 1. b; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. b; 6. b; 7. a; 8. a; 9. b; 10. a

May Quiz

1. The May basket and Maypole come from _______ festival of flowers.

a) the Roman; b) the Greek; c) the Slavic

2. The festival was in honor of the flower goddess __________.

a) Fauna; b) Flora; c) Aurora

3. In medieval times English villages gathered in memory of the anniversary of Robin Hood’s _________.

a) birthday; b) death; c) victory

4. May Day was a day of Robin Hood’s _________.

a) death; b) birthday; c) competitions

5. On May Day the villagers competed in ________.

a) archery and riding

b) archery and swimming

c) cycling and riding

6. Robin Hood was a legendary English hero, who lived in _____________.

a) London; b) Nottingham; c) Sherwood Forest

7. Robin Hood lived together with his ___________.

a) parents; b) merry men; c) wife and children

8. Among Robin Hood’s merry men there was ____.

a) Robert Fitzooth; b) Friar Hood; c) Little John

9. Robin Hood’s band robbed from the rich and gave to the poor villagers, who were suffering from _____________.

a) the Normans; b) the Romans; c) the Dutch

10. On May Day the English villages elected ___________ as the May Queen.

a) the richest woman

b) the most beautiful maiden

c) the youngest princess

11. In England they celebrate May Day __________.

a) on the first of May

b) on the second of May

c) on the third of May

Key: 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b; 8. c; 9. a; 10. b; 11. a

Fact File

Cyril & Methodius is a leading multimedia production company in Russia generating software products in CD and DVD format. The company produces multi-purpose and thematic encyclopedias, cognitive programs on science, culture and art, educational software for public schools, Unified State Exam tutorial programs for high school graduates. In eleven years of its existence the company has produced 300 computer programs, 200 of which are educational. It is an unparallelled phenomenon in Russian as well as the world market. The company has produced a number of products initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Education Agency, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, the National Recruitment Fund.

Cyril & Methodius has generated a unique networking project KM-School for Elementary, Middle and High Schools of Russia which is based on the Internet and Intranet technologies. It is an integrated product of the company’s educational programs comprising a multitude of educational multimedia resources:

Cyril & Methodius produces Lessons in all the state curriculum subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geometry, Algebra, Geography, English, World and National History, Russian Literature, Russian, History of Religions

– USE tutorial programs on Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geometry, Geography, World and National History, Russian Literature, Russian, English, Information Technologies

– media resources packages #1, #2 of static illustrations, animations, 3D objects, video and audio samples, multimedia panoramas, schemes, tables from all of the company’s encyclopedias and educational programs

– Cyrill & Methodius Encyclopedias on cooking, cinematography, etiquette, health, sport, automobiles, pop music, animals, computers and Internet

– Cyrill & Methodius Great Encyclopedia 2005

– Cyrill & Methodius Children Encyclopedia 2006

– IT software tutorials

– e-library of more than 10,000 volumes of fiction

– e-music collection of more than 8,000 soundtracks in mp3 format

– educational programs for kindergarten children.

All of Cyril & Methodius products are being distributed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and Baltic States. To see the entire catalogue of the company products visit its official distributor web site: www.nmg.ru.

Е.В. Глебова, Н.А. Прохорова