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Времена года

Сценарий утренника для 3–4-х классов на английском языке

Использованы стихи, загадки, сказка “Репка”, песни и аудиозаписи, прилагающиеся к УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной для II класса, УМК В.П. Кузовлева для II класса, English together D. Webster, A. Worral // Longman, 2003, песня “Under the sea” из м/ф “Русалочка”, а также песни группы “Битлз”.

Стены зала украшены рисунками участников концерта по теме “Времена года”. На кулисы прикреплены снежинки, на авансцене – цветы, фрукты и овощи.

Ведущий: Good morning, dear teachers, parents and сhildren!

Ведущая: We are glad to see you. We hope you will have a wonderful time. Let’s play, sing and dance together.

На сцену выходят участники и исполняют песню “Friends”.

Friends (песня № 1)
We’re all friends together,
Together, together.
We’re all friends together,
Hip, hip, hip hooray!
And my friend is your friend.
And your friend is my friend.
We’re all friends together,
Hip, hip, hip hooray!

Ведущий: Four lovely seasons

Make up a year.

Sing them by colour

And sing them by name.

Ведущая: Let’s sing the song “Seasons”.

Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white. (2 times)

На сцену выходят четверо чтецов.

1-й участник: (держит рисунок с зимним пейзажем)

Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,
Time to ski and skate all around,
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like winter best of all!

2-й участник: (держит рисунок с весенним пейзажем)

Spring is here, summer is near,
Grass is green, so nice and clean,
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like spring best of all!

3-й участник: (держит рисунок с летним пейзажем)

The summer sun shines hot and high,
Baby birds now like to fly,
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit.
All the things are so good!
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like summer best of all!

4-й участник: (держит рисунок с осенним пейзажем)

Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it is cool to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like fall best of all!

У поющих участников концерта карточки с названиями 12 месяцев.

The Months
(песня № 3, English together. D. Webster, A. Worral // Longman, 2003, с.30)
Take January, February, March,
With April, May and June.
Make a little song,
With a little tune.
Sing a little song,
With a little tune.
Put July, August and September,
With October, November and December.
That`s the year for you,
That`s the year for you.

Ведущая: Now solve the riddle: When is it best to go a little slow?

When are the streets covered with ice and snow? (In winter)

Начинается показ слайдов с зимней тематикой.

Участники поют и иллюстрируют свои слова. Они в шапках, шарфах, перчатках или варежках.

On a Cold and Frosty Morning (песня №4, English II. И.Н. Верещагина, Т.А. Притыкина – М.: Просвещение, 2002, с. 104)
This is the way we ski and skate,
Ski and skate, ski and skate,
This is the way we ski and skate
On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we dance on the ice,
Dance on the ice, dance on the ice.
This is the way we dance on the ice
On a cold and frosty morning.

Выходит девочка в белом наряде, а вместе с ней на авансцену выходят “зимние месяцы”, их костюмы украшены мишурой:

Зима: I am the coldest season of the year.

My months are December, January and February.

Winter, winter, winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and all night.

1-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “December”)

Cold December brings us skating,
For the New Year we`re waiting.

2-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “January”)

January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.

3-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “February”)

February brings the rain
Thaws the frozen lake again.

Они исполняют песню “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

К ним присоединяются остальные учащиеся, их костюмы украшены мишурой:

Jingle Bells

Звучат трели птиц.

Начинается показ слайдов с весенней тематикой.

Ведущий: Spring is coming,
Spring is coming,
Flowers are coming, too.
Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils
Now are coming, too!

Выходит девочка – “Spring”.

Spring: Hello! I am spring!
My months are March, April and May.
Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen.

На авансцену выходят “весенние месяцы”.

1-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “March”)
March brings breezes, loud and shrill
To stir the dancing daffodil.

2-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “April”)
April brings the primrose sweet,
Scatters daisies at our feet.

3-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “May”)
May brings flowers, joy and grass,
And the holidays for us.

Учащиеся исполняют песню “Can You Swim?” и иллюстрируют слова.

Can You Swim? (песня № 7, English together D. Webster, A. Worral // Longman, 2003, с.52)
Can you swim like a fish?
Can you run like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a kangaroo?
He can, she can,
You can, they can,
And I can, too!

Can you sing like a bird?
Can you walk like a cat?
Can you climb like a monkey in the zoo?
He can, she can,
You can, they can,
And I can, too!


Для этой сценки нужны грабли, лопата, костюмы Солнца, Дождика, Бабочки, Подснежника, Фиалки и Нарцисса.

Звучат трели птиц. Выходит девочка Jane на авансцену.

Jane: Good morning, children!

Children: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you.

Jane: What a nice day,
It is today!
I`m happy and merry,
I sing again
Because today
It is spring again.
I want to have pretty flowers in my garden. Nick, what must I do?

Nick: Dig the ground. (Берёт лопатку и делает вид, что копает.) Rake around. (Бёрет грабли и делает вид, что работает граблями.) Sow the seeds.

Jane: Thank you. (Выводит за руки “семена” и кладёт руки им на плечи.)

Sun: I make the ground warm.

Rain: Pitter-patter, pit-pat,
I make the ground wet.
Rain, rain, rain, April rain,
You are feeding seeds and grain,
You are raising corn and crops
With your sparkling little drops.

Seeds: We are pushing up-up-up through the ground.

Snowdrop: I come first. I have a white dress. I am pretty. My name is snowdrop.

Violet: And I come next. I like warm days. My dress is violet. I am a violet.

Daffodil: I come next. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wind. My name is daffodil.

Jane: I like flowers that are bright,
I like flowers that are white.

Butterfly: Flowers here,
Flowers there,
Flowers in blossom

Jane: Let us dance and let us play
On this happy, sunny day!

Все участники сценки исполняют песню “May There Always Be Sunshine”.

May There Always Be Sunshine (песня № 8)
Bright blue the sky,
Sun up on high-
That was the little boy’s picture.
He drew for you,
Wrote for you too,
Just to make clear what he drew.

May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue sky,
May there always be mummy,
May there always be me.

All Together Now (песня № 9, “The Beatles”)
Для этой песни нужны карточки с цифрами и буквами, а также разноцветные карточки.
One, two, three, four
Can I have a little more?
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I love you.
A, B, C, D
Can I bring my friends to tea?
E, F, G, H, I, J
I love you.
Boom, bam, boom (2 times)
Sail of the ship,
Boom, bam, boom
Chop the tree,
Boom, bam, boom
Skip the rope,
Boom, bam, boom
Look at me.
All together now...
Black, white, green, red
Can I take my friend to bed?
Pink, brown, yellow, orange and blue
I love you.
All together now...
Sail the ship,
Bom, bom, bom, bom
Chop the tree,
Boom, bam, boom
Skip the rope,
Boom, bam, boom
Look at me.
All together now.

Показ слайдов о летнем времени года.

Ведущая: Dear little boys and girls!
What is better than the toys?
I think sports are good for all!
You can swim, play basketball,
Table tennis and football!

Учащиеся поют песню “I Love Holidays” и иллюстрируют слова. Они одеты по-летнему.

I Love Holidays (песня № 10, English together D. Webster, A. Worral // Longman, 2003, с.7)
Climbing in the mountains,
Swimming in the sea,
Happy, happy holidays,
For you and me.
I love, you love,
He loves, she loves,
We all love holidays.
Happy, happy holidays,
We all love, we all love
Holiday time!

Playing on the beaches,
Sitting in the sun,
Happy, happy holidays,
Lots of fun.
I love, you love,
He loves, she loves,
We all love holidays.
Happy, happy holidays,
We all love, we all love
Holiday time!

Выходит следующий участник – “Summer”.

Summer: Hello! I’m summer!
My months are June, July and August.
Summer, summer, summer
The sun is shining,
The flowers are blooming,
The sky is blue, the rains are few.

К нему присоединяются три “летних месяца”:

1-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “June”)
June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children`s hands with posies.

2-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “July”)
Hot July brings apples and cherries,
And a lot of other berries.

3-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “August”)
August brings us golden corn,
Green, green leaves and tasty fruit,
All the things are so good!

Остальные участники “Лета” выходят на сцену, держа в руке мяч, обруч и скакалку.

Swinging, swinging, high and low,
High and low, high and low,
Swinging, swinging to and fro,
To and fro, to and fro.

Hide-and-seek we like to play,
Oh, it`s fun! Oh, it`s fun.
Leapfrog is a funny game,
Oh, it`s fun! Oh, it`s fun.

– Do you like to play hopscotch?

– Yes I do. Yes I do.

– And my friends like to play tag.

– And me too, and me too.

Участники исполняют весёлый “летний” танец.

Начинается показ слайдов с осенней тематикой.

Ведущий: And now solve the riddle:
This is the season,
When days are cool,
When we eat apples
And go to school!

Ведущая: Russian folk tale “The turnip”.

Для этой сценки нужны костюмы Солнца, Дождика, Репки, Деда, Бабки, Внучки, Собаки, Кошки и Мышки.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old man.

One spring he sowed a turnip seed.

Grandpa: Grow, little turnip, grow big and sweet.

The Sun: Grow, little turnip, grow! It`s warm!

The Rain: Drink little turnip, drink and grow!

Storyteller: Look, there are green leaves on the turnip. Soon the turnip will grow.

Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip. I want to pull it out (pulls the turnip). One, two, three! It is too big for me! Granny, come here! Help me please!

Grandma: All right, Grandfather. I am coming.

Grandmother and Grandfather: (Pulling together.)

One, two, three! One, two, three! (No result.) Oh, it`s too big for us!

Granddaughter, help us, please!

Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I am coming.

Grandparents and granddaughter: (Pulling together.)

One, two, three..! One, two, three..! One, two, three..! (No result.)

Oh, it`s too big for us!

Granddaughter: Dog, Dog, help us, please!

Dog: All right, Granddaughter, I am coming. (Pulling together.) One, two, three! (3 times.) (No result.) Oh it`s too big for us!

Dog: Cat, Cat, help us please!

Cat: All right, I am coming. (Pulling together.) One, two, three! (3 times.) (No result.) Oh, it`s too big for us!

Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!

Mouse: All right, сat. I am coming. (Pulling together.) One, two, three! (3 times.) (Fall down.)

Turnip: (Standing up.) Here I am!

All: (Together.) Oh! What a big turnip we have!

Выходит участник в костюме “Осени”.

Autumn: I come after summer.
My months are September,
October and November.
Autumn, autumn, autumn!
Summer is over,
The trees are bare
There is mist in the garden
And frost in the air.

Выходит первый “осенний месяц”.

1-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “September”)
Warm September brings us school,
Days are shorter, nights are cool.

Выходит второй “осенний месяц”.

2-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “October”)
Fresh October brings much food,
Then to gather them is good.

Выходит третий “месяц”.

3-й участник: (в руке карточка со словом “November”)
Then November brings us joy,
Fun for every girl and boy.

У чтеца в руке корзина с фруктами.
This is the season
When fruit is sweet
This is the season
When school friends meet.

Следующий участник держит зонт.
Rain on the green grass,
And rain on the trees;
Rain on the house-tops
But not upon me!

У участника в руке букет осенних листьев:
Yellow, red, green and brown
See the little leaves come down,
Dancing, dancing in the breeze
Falling, falling from the trees.

Ведущий: Now, children, let`s sing the anthem of our gymnasium No. 625!

Gymnasium’s Anthem
A morning and a window,
A gulp of chilly wind.
The hope stays with me again.
You have taught us to believe,
To seek and to find.
You are the first lesson,
Good teacher, good friend –
The first result of my life.
You are Moscow school number
Six hundred twenty-five.

I want to repeat it
Again and again.
Our school years,
My dreams and my friends.
This is my life!

Ведущая: Our concert is over. Thank you for your attention!

Ирина Геннадиевна Клецова ,
гимназия № 625, Москва ;
А. П. Шубарич ,
гимназия № 625, Москва