Великобритания. Лондон
Открытый урок для 6-го класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка (основной УМК: English – VI О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой)
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с изучением новых знаний по теме.
Цели урока:
1) обобщение и приведение в систему социокультурной компетенции учащихся;
2) совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений.
1) элементы ролевой и деловой игры;
2) стратегия “обучение сообща” ООТ (с целью изучения и систематизации большого по объёму материала);
3) использование ИКТ для наглядности и обучающего контроля;
4) составление кластера (с целью подведения итогов).
Формы организации деятельности учащихся:
1) фронтальная работа;
2) индивидуальная работа;
3) групповая работа.
Виды речевой деятельности:
1) монологическая подготовленная речь;
2) монологическая неподготовленная речь;
3) аудирование;
4) поисковое чтение.
Организация общения:
1) монолог;
2) полилог.
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Ход урока
I. Учитель приветствует ребят и кратко сообщает им, чем они будут заниматься на уроке. Далее следует языковая разминка. (5 минут)
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down please. Today we are revising the material on the topic “Great Britain. London”. You will tell each other what you have learnt at home, then we’ll listen to the record and read interesting texts. Finally, we’ll discuss, analyze, compare some facts and, of course, enjoy ourselves. You see we’ve got a lot of things to do, so let’s get down to work at once.
We’ll start with the game “Mosaic”. On the smart board you can see some mixed up proverbs on the topics Travelling and Great Britain. Let’s match the beginnings with the endings. Make your guesses, please. Who will help at the smart board?
Proverbs on Travelling
1. East or West | a) is his castle. |
2. There is no place | b) knows much. |
3. The Englishman’s home | c) like home. |
4. He who travels far | d) home is best. |
5. Travelling | e) by its traditions. |
6. So many countries | f) broadens the mind. |
7. Every country is strong | g) so many customs. |
Teacher: Thank you. Well done, children. Let’s say these proverbs all together. Which proverb do you like best of all? And you? And you? (Дети называют пословицы.) Personally I like them all, but let’s do our work to the end and then see which of the proverbs will be the main idea of today’s lesson.
II. Во второй части урока в игровой форме проверяются индивидуальные домашние задания на повторение страноведческого материала 5-го класса, распределенные за неделю до открытого урока. (25 минут)
1. Географическое положение Великобритании (с использованием карты) (2 минуты; 2 человека):
– моря;
– главные реки;
– крупные города;
– Лондон;
– части Великобритании и их столицы;
– население;
– национальный флаг.
2. Королевская семья Великобритании (2 минуты; 1 человек):
– Елизавета II (год рождения – 1926, стала королевой – 1952, замужем за принцем Филиппом, герцогом Эдинбургским, имеет 4 детей: 3 сына [принц Чарльз, принц Эндрю, принц Эдвард] + дочь – принцесса Анна);
– обязанности королевы;
– обязанности членов королевской семьи;
– резиденция королевы.
3. Парламент Великобритании (2 минуты; 2 человека):
– палата Общин (количество, обязанности, выборы);
– палата Лордов (количество, кто является депутатами, обязанности).
4. Достопримечательности Лондона (2 минуты; 2 человека):
– перечислить: Вестминстерское аббатство, здание Парламента, Биг Бэн, Тауэр, Тауэрский мост, Букингемский дворец, Трафальгарская площадь;
– подробно рассказать о соборе святого Павла (кем построен, когда, чем знаменит).
5. Пожар в Лондоне (2 минуты; 2 человека):
– как выглядел Лондон до пожара;
– когда случился пожар;
– как и где начался пожар;
– как сильно пострадал город;
– как восстанавливали город после пожара;
– что изменилось в облике Лондона после пожара.
6. Лондонский Тауэр (2 минуты; 2 человека):
– история Тауэра;
– современный Тауэр;
– черные вороны тауэра и традиции, связанные с ними.
Оснащение 2-й части урока:
1) волшебная палочка (яркая указка);
2) флэш-карточки с волшебными словами;
3) элементы костюмов, приготовленные учителем или детьми заранее, сложенные в мешок в нужном порядке;
4) мультимедийная техника с экраном для презентации с целью обучающего контроля.
Teacher: I remember that each of you has prepared an individual home task. To make it easier for you to tell your stories in class we’ll play a game called “The Magic Wand” (“Волшебная палочка”). Look! This is my magic wand. It can work wonders if we say magic words. They are on the flash-cards. Well, get ready! The game begins.
1) Vika and Denis have prepared some information on the geography of Great Britain. So, we’ll turn them into Geography teachers. Let’s say our magic words: “Abracadabra. One-two-three, let it be!” (Учитель вынимает из мешка профессорские шапочки и накидки.) Now, you are Miss Safronova and Mr. Chernyshov. Please, come to the board and tell the class some facts on the geography of Great Britain. Miss Safronova will begin. (Ladies first!) This is your pointer. (Рассказ по карте о географическом положении Великобритании.) (1 мин.) Thanks a lot. Let’s give the floor to the second Geography teacher – Mr. Chernyshov. He’ll tell us about the parts of Great Britain. (Рассказ по карте о частях Великобритании и их эмблемах.) (1 мин.) Thank you very much, dear teachers. Now we’ll see if your pupils remember everything you’ve told them about the geography of Great Britain and its parts. Look at the screen and answer the questions. (Работа со слайдами по вопросам.) (1 мин.)
Вопросы для обучающего контроля: (ответы приготовлены на слайдах)
1. Name the bodies of water surrounding Great Britain.
2. Name the parts of Great Britain.
3. What are the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
4. What are the emblems of England (red rose), Scotland (thistle), Wales (daffodil), Northern Ireland (shamrock)?
5. Name the main cities and rivers of all parts of the United Kingdom.
Teacher: Well done. Dear teachers, you see that your students are quick and clever. They can answer all the questions.
2) Well, my magic wand is ready to work wonders again. Liza has prepared some information on the Royal family of the United Kingdom. I think my magic wand will turn Liza into the Queen of Great Britain. A good idea, isn’t it? Liza will turn into Elizabeth II. Let’s say our magic words: “Cribs-crabs-crubs. One-two-three, let it be!” (Учитель достает корону и мантию.) You can easily recognize Her Majesty the British Queen Elizabeth II. Your Majesty, may I ask you to be so kind and tell us your story about the Royal family and your life. Thank you in advance. (Рассказ о королевской семье и резиденции.) (1 мин.) Your Majesty, thank you ever so much indeed for your most interesting story. Be seated now. (Учитель почтительно провожает королеву на место.) We’ll see if all the students remember the members of your family. Look at the screen and say who they are. (Слайды с членами семьи и Букингемским дворцом.)
Вопросы для обучающего контроля:
1. When was Elizabeth born? When did she become Queen? (In 1926, in 1953)
2. What are her husband’s name and title? (Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh)
3. Name their children. (Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Princess Anne)
4. Which of the three sons is Prince of Wales, the heir to throne? (Prince Charles is.)
5. Has the Queen any grandchildren? (Yes, six of them.)
6. What is the official residence of the Royal family? (Buckingham Palace)
7. Does the Queen rule the country? (No, the Queen doesn’t rule, she only reigns.)
8. What political organ really rules in Great Britain? (British Parliament does.)
3) Well done, dear children. Let’s now pass on to the Parliament of Great Britain, the main branch of the political system of the country. Maxim and Sasha have prepared their reports. I think it only natural to turn them into Members of Parliament. Help my magic wand to do it, saying the magic words all together: “Hickety-pickety-dock. One – two – three, let it be!” (Учитель достает парики.) I have the pleasure of introducing the Members of Parliament to you. These are Sir Max Karpoff and Sir Alex Panchuk, peers of the House of Lords. Dear Sirs, we do ask you to tell us about the work of the British Parliament. The scheme on the screen can help you. Mr. Karpoff will start. Attention please. (Рассказ о парламенте с показом слайдов с краткой информацией о Палате Лордов и Палате Общин.) (2 мин.) Thank you, dear sirs. The esteemed peers have told us about the work of the British Parliament, but they have missed some interesting details. We’ll ask them to read out loud some more information given on the slides. You are welcome, Sir Max Karpoff.
Дополнительная информация на слайдах:
1. The Speaker is an official who controls the discussion in the House of Commons.
2. The letters MP stand for Member of Parliament.
3. Aristocrats of the House of Lords can pass down their right to be in Parliament from father to son.
4. Life peers cannot pass down their right to be in Parliament from father to son.
5. The State Opening of Parliament happens every year in October, when the British Queen officially opens the Parliament, makes a speech sitting on the throne with the crown on her head.
(Пэры читают подписи по очереди.) Thank you again, dear sirs. Take your seats, please. Now, let’s make sure that all of you remember what we have just learnt. (Слайды с началом фраз, учащиеся читают их по очереди, заканчивая каждую фразу самостоятельно.)
Начало фраз для обучающего контроля:
Finish up the sentences:
1. The Palace of Westminster is…
2. The Speaker is…
3. The letters MP stand for…
4. Aristocrats of the House of Lords can…
5. Life peers of the House of Lords can’t…
6. The State Opening of Parliament happens…
7. The Houses of Parliament are situated…
Good of you, dear children, you’ve coped with the task very well.
4) Now let’s pass on to another subject: London and its sights. Masha and Anna are ready with this topic. Let’s help my magic wand to turn the girls into tourists of London, say,… from Spain. Let’s say the magic words together: “Abracadabra. One-two-three, let it be!” (Учитель достает фотоаппараты, тёмные очки и бейсболки.) Look, they are Spanish tourists from Valencia who have just returned back from London. They are sharing their impressions of London with you. Anna, is London a beautiful city? Have you seen the Houses of Parliament? What other sights of London have you seen? (Первая туристка показывает открытки с видами и рассказывает кратко о некоторых достопримечательностях Лондона.) Maria, what sight of London impressed you most of all? (Туристка рассказывает о cоборе Святого Павла. На экране слайд с собором.) Thank you, dear Spanish friends, for your stories. They sounded very realistic and colourful. Now I suggest listening to a record with some more information on St. Paul’s Cathedral. Listen attentively to the interview with Christina Garcia from Valencia, our tourists’ friend who was in London on the same tour. Listen and do the tasks. Take card № 1 which is on the desk. (см. Приложение) Task 1. Practise the new words before listening to the text. (Учащиеся произносят слова хором за учителем) Task 2. Listen to the text about Christina’s visiting St. Paul’s and write if these statements are True or False. (Oxford Intensive course OK. David Bolton. Teacher’s book Unit 6 Page 36) Steady, ready, go! (Учащиеся слушают запись и выполняют задание.) (1 мин.) And finally, let’s do Task 3. Listen to the same text, fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary. (Учащиеся выполняют задание) Let’s check your prepositions. I give the number, you give the preposition. (фронтальная работа) Very good. You’ve made no mistakes. I’m so pleased with you. (1 мин.)
5) Dear friends, now it’s time to remember some episodes from the history of London. Does the date 1666 say anything to you? Right. It was the year of the Great Fire of London. Vladik and Sonya want to remind you of this tragic event. Let’s listen to them. But before then, let’s turn them into the king’s baker and his wife. Say the magic words with me. “Abracadabra. One-two-three, let it be!” (Учитель достает из мешка поварской колпак, белую косынку, фартуки.)
Dear Mrs. Baker, tell us how the fire started. Mr. Baker will continue and tell us about London before and after the Great Fire. (2 мин) Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Baker for your impressive stories. By the way, is there any monument in London built in honour of these tragic events? If you don’t know I suggest listening to a record about this monument which is called just “the Monument”. First let’s pronounce the new words from the text. Take card №2. (см. Приложение) Let’s do tasks 4 and 5. (Oxford Intensive course OK. David Bolton. Teacher’s book Unit 6 Page 36) (Одновременно со звучанием записи на экране – слайд монумента.) (4 мин.)
6) Well, talking about the sights, customs and traditions of London, we can’t but mention the old Tower of London. I know that Kolya and Katya have prepared some material about it. Who shall we turn them into with the help of my magic wand? Can you guess? We’ll turn them into black ravens who know everything about the Tower of London as they permanently live there. Help me with the magic words please! “Cribs – crabs – crubs. One – two– three, let it be!” (Учитель достает черные бейсболки и накидки воронов) Well, your name is Baldrick and your name is Hugine [‘hju:dзin]. Dear Baldrick, will you start your story about the history of the Tower of London. (Следует рассказ ученика.) Thanks Baldrick, your story was fascinating! Well, dear Hugine, now the floor is yours, tell us about your life in the Tower. (Следует рассказ второго ученика о жизни воронов.) (2 мин.) Well, thank you, dear friends, we have learnt so much from your most interesting stories. And now it’s time to come back to our real selves. Let’s help the magic wand to turn all of you into the school children again. Say the magic words: “Hickoty-pickoty-dock. One – two – three, let it be! Here you are at last, dear children!” (Дети снимают костюмы и бросают в мешок учителя.)
III. Третья часть урока посвящена поисковому чтению и заполнению информационных таблиц. Здесь применяется стратегия “ Обучение сообща” ООТ с целью изучения и систематизации большего по объему материала. Группа делится на две части, каждая подгруппа работает со своим текстом, текст обсуждается, таблица заполняется совместно, затем по очереди подгруппы рассказывают друг другу, что они узнали из своего текста, причем эта информация заносится в соответствующие таблицы. Таким образом, по окончании работы у каждого ученика должно быть заполнено две таблицы, которые им предстоит использовать для домашней работы. (10 минут)
Teacher: Dear boys and girls, now we are passing on to a very important part of our lesson, that is, reading and analyzing. The group must be divided into two parts, each subgroup will read and discuss their own text, filling in the blanks in the table to the text. You will have three minutes to do your work. Take cards № 3 and № 4. (см. Приложение) Start working in groups. (Учащиеся работают в подгруппах под легкую тихую музыку, затем происходит обмен найденной информацией, во время которого учитель показывает слайды.)
Your time is up. You’ve picked some interesting information about old English traditions which are still alive. Tell each other about them. (Незнакомые слова, подчеркнутые и переведенные в текстах, могут быть выписаны на карточках, а их произношение отрабатывается при наличии времени.) Well done, dear friends. Now you know many facts about the Yeoman Warders and the Yeomen of the Guard. So at home you will compare them, using your tables, and write what common and different features they have.
IV. Заключительная часть урока посвящена подведению итогов. Учитель рисует на доске или показывает на слайдах кластер, с помощью которого схематично и наглядно показываются темы, обсужденные на уроке. (5 минут)
Teacher: Let’s round up. Our time is coming to an end. We have to sum up today’s work. For this purpose we’ll draw a cluster. We have been talking and reading on the topic Great Britain. What aspects of this large topic have we touched upon? Help me, please.
Geography | Traditions
Yeoman Warders Yeomen of the Guard ravens of the Tower |
of Great Britain | History
the Great Fire of Lodnon |
Political System
the Queen Parliament | Sights of London
the Monument St. Paul’s Cathedral the Tower of London |
Looking at the cluster, we can say that we have really revised and learnt a lot of things connected with the topic “Great Britain”. Besides, we have enjoyed ourselves greatly. We only have to answer one question: which of the 7 proverbs reflects the main idea of our lesson? (На слайде показаны все 7 пословиц, чтобы легче было выбирать.) Right. I quite agree with you. “So many countries, so many customs.” and “Every country is strong according to its traditions.
Thank you for our work. It was very pleasant to work with you. I think all of you have deserved good and excellent marks. See you soon. Good-bye.
Card No. 1
Task 1: Practise the new words before listening to the text.
the Golden Gallery | Золотая Галерея |
the whispering Gallery | Галерея Шепота |
the dome | купол |
to whisper | шептать |
Task 2: Listen to the text about Christina’s visiting St. Paul’s Cathedral and write if these statements are true or false.
Идёт запись с текстом:
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was built between 1675 and 1710. For one of the best views of London you must climb 650 steps up to the Golden Gallery at the very top, where you are 111 metres above the ground. Christina Garcia from Valencia has stopped after only 259 steps, at the Whispering Gallery. “I’ve just sent my sister round to the other side of the dome, 30 metres away. When she whispers something to me, I’ll be able to hear it if I put my ear close to the wall.”
“Have you been up to the top yet?”
“No, I have already climbed enough steps for one day.”
1. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built in the 15th century.
2. St. Paul’s Cathedral is 111 metres high.
3. The whispering Gallery is higher than the Golden Gallery.
4. You can whisper to somebody 30 metres away inside the dome and they will hear your whisper.
Key: 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T
Task 3: Listen to the same text, fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was built (1)_____ 1675 and 1710. For one of the best views (виды) of London you must climb (2)_____ 650 steps (3)___ (4)____ the Golden Gallery at the very top, where you are 111 metres (5)_____ the ground. Christina Garcia from Valencia has stopped (6)____ only 259 steps, at the Whispering Gallery. “I’ve just sent my sister (7)___ (8)____ the other side of the dome, 30 metres (9)___. When she whispers something to me, I’ll be able to hear it if I put my ear (10)____ (11)___ the wall.”
“Have you been (12)____ (13)____ the top yet?”
“No, I have already climbed enough steps (14)____ one day.
Card No. 2
Task 4: Practise the new words before listening to the text.
a hollow column | полая колонна |
to design and complete | спроектировать и завершить |
to commemorate | увековечить |
to be exhausted | быть изможденным |
amazing | изумительный |
Task 5: Listen to the text about the Monument in London and write if these statements are true or false.
The Monument
The Monument is a tall, hollow column with a golden ball at the top. It is 70 metres high. It was designed in 1671 and completed in 1677. It commemorates the Great Fire of London in 1666, in which most of the city was burnt down. The fire started in a baker’s shop in Pudding Lane nearby. Maki Onuma has just climbed the 311 steps to the top.
“I’m exhausted, I’ve been standing here for ten minutes now, just looking at the view. From here you can see the Tower of London, Big Ben and The Post Office Tower. It’s amazing! I’ve brought my video camera with me to make a film of it all!”
1. The monument was completed after St. Paul’s Cathedral.
2. It commemorates the Great Fire of London.
3. The fire started in Pudding Lane near the place where the Monument stands.
4. The monument has more steps to the top than St. Paul’s.
5. You can’t see any sights from the top of the Monument.
Key: 1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F
Card No. 3 (Variant I)
Task 6: Read the text and fill spaces in the table with the information from the text.
The Yeoman Warders (йомены смотрители)
The Yeoman Warders were formed by King Henry VIII. In 1509 the King decided to leave twelve of his old and sick Yeomen of the Guard in the Tower of London to protect it. Their main duty was to look after the Tower prisoners, and safeguard (охранять) the British crown jewels (драгоценности). Nowadays there are still twelve Yeomen Warders at work every day. (All in all there are 35 of them). They are still nicknamed “Beefeaters” but their duties have certainly changed. They act as tour guides (туристические гиды) and raven-keepers. They carefully look after the famous black ravens, feed them and cut their wings. There is a legend that the Tower of London will fall if the ravens fly away. The Beefeater’s most famous duty is to take part in the night ceremony of passing the Tower Keys. For everyday duties Yeoman Warders wear a red and dark blue uniform, while on holidays they wear a state dress uniform, the same as the Yeomen of the Guard but without a cross belt (ремень). In these beautiful uniforms the Beefeaters can be called one of the most interesting sights of London.
Card No. 3 (Variant II)
Task 6: Read the text and fill in the spaces in the table with the information from the text.
The Yeomen of the Guard – Traditions are Alive
The Yeomen of the Guard are a body-guard (личная охрана) of the British King or Queen. Queen Elizabeth II has 73 Yeomen of the Guard, all of whom are former (бывшие) officers of the British Army. Yeomen of the Guard are also called “Beefeaters”. Nowadays Beefeaters play a ceremonial (торжественный) role. They accompany (сопровождают) the Queen during the Christmas church services and her regular visits to public places. Their most famous duty is to “ceremonially” search the cellars (обыскивать подвалы) of the Palace of Westminster before the State Opening of Parliament (a tradition that dates back to the Gunpowder plot of 1605 [относится к “пороховому заговору”] when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up [взорвать] the Houses of Parliament).
The Yeomen of the Guard were formed in 1485 by King Henry VII. He gathered a group of soldiers to become his personal body-guard, and they accompanied him (сопровождали его) wherever he went, protecting him from his numerous enemies (многочисленные враги).
The Yeomen of the Guard’s state dress uniforms (парадная форма) are red and gold with a round black hat. They also wear a belt (ремень) across the left shoulder. At the front they have the emblems of England, Scotland and Ireland. Their everyday uniform is red and dark blue.
Card No. 4
The Yeoman Warders (Variant I)
Formed in/by | |
How many? | |
Nickname | |
Former (previous) service | |
Duties of the past | |
Present-day duties | |
The most famous duty | |
Every day uniform | |
State dress uniform |
The Yeomen of the Guard (Variant II)
Formed in/by | |
How many? | |
Nickname | |
Former (previous) service | |
Duties of the past | |
Present-day duties | |
The most famous duty | |
Every day uniform | |
State dress uniform |
Home work: write a composition about the Beefeaters based on the two tables. What common and different features have they got?
Card No. 4
The Yeoman Warders (Variant I)
Formed in/by | 1509 by King Henry VIII |
How many? | 12 at work (all in all 35) |
Nickname | Beefeaters |
Former (previous) service | former officers of the Army |
Duties of the past | to watch the Tower prisoners and safeguard the Crown jewels |
Present-day duties | tour-guides and raven-keepers |
The most famous duty | to take part in the night ceremony of passing the Tower Keys |
Every day uniform | red and dark blue |
State dress uniform | red and gold with a round black decorated hat, the emblems, no belt |
The Yeomen of the Guard (Variant II)
Formed in/by | 1485 by King Henry VII |
How many? | 73 |
Nickname | Beefeaters |
Former (previous) service | former officers of the Army |
Duties of the past | the King’s bodyguard |
Present-day duties | accompany the Queen during her visits to public places |
The most famous duty | to search the cellars before the State Opening of Parliament; |
Every day uniform | red and dark blue |
State dress uniform | red and gold with a round black decorated hat, the emblems, a belt across the left shoulder |