Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №11/2009

Мир вокруг нас

Открытый урок в 5-м классе


1) дидактические: провести практику монологической и диалогической речевой деятельности и аудирования; познакомить с историей и традициями разных стран; учить логически строить высказывания; активизировать лексику по теме “Страны и континенты”.

2) воспитательные: воспитывать уважение к истории и традициям других стран; формировать интерес к изучению культуры и истории разных стран.

3) развивающие: развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, речь и познавательный интерес.

Оснащение: карты Европы, Америки и мира; глобус; творческие работы учащихся; флаги разных стран; картинки с достопримечательностями разных городов.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

2. Введение в тему урока

Девочка накрывает на стол к приходу гостей, мама ей помогает.

Mother: What date is it today?

Girl: Today is the 17th of December.

Mother: What day of the week is it today?

Girl: It is Wednesday.

Mother: Yes, it is a very important day for our family. You see (обращается к зрителям), last summer my daughter Kate went to the children’s camp and she made a lot of good friends from different countries there. So, we invited them to our country, to Moscow. And now we are waiting for them.

Стук в дверь.

Kate: Here they are!

You are welcome!

This way, please!

Mother: We are glad to see you, our dear friends. Please, introduse yourselves.

Каждый гость должен представиться: I am Tom. I’m from America, etc.

На столе стоят флажки и каждый гость сидит рядом с флажком своей страны; на стене висят карты, фотографии достопримечательностей и творческие работы учащихся.

Mother: Now, tell us about your countries. Kate, you are the first!

3. Контроль домашнего задания

Kate: I live in Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. The population of Russia is about 147 million people. There are a lot of rivers, seas, mountains, lakes and forests in Russia. The territory of Russia is vast. The capital of Russia is Moscow. There are a lot of nice places of interest in it: Red Square, the Kremlin, the Bolshoi Theatre and many others. I love my country and I am proud of it!

Далее каждый гость подходит к карте и картинам с достопримечательностями и рассказывает о своей стране (France, Great Britain, the USA, Ireland.)

4. Лексическая игра

Mother: Thank you very much for your presentations!

And now let’s play with a ball. I’ll ask you different questions and you will answer them.

Учитель задает вопрос и кидает мяч ученику:

1. What is the name of the planet we live on? (Earth)

2. How many continents are there on the planet? (6)

3. What separates the continents from each other? (seas and oceans)

4. What is the largest country in the world? (Russia)

5. What is the smallest country in the world? (the Vatican)

6. What languages do people speak? (different languages)

7. What is the capital of Russia? Italy? Spain? etc. (Moscow, Rome, Madrid)

И т.д.

5. Музыкальная переменка

Mother: Oh, we are a little tired! Let’s have a break – a concert. You, Kurt, are from Austria. Recite a poem in German, please.

Мальчик читает стихотворение на немецком языке.

Mother: And you, Leo, tell us a few words in Bulgarian (English, French, …).

Можно взять разные стихи.

Mother: And now let’s sing a nice song together.

Под музыку дети поют песню, взявшись за руки.

In my country we are happy,
In my country we are happier,
In my country we are the happiest of all.
In my country we are friendly,
In my country we are friendlier,
In my country we are the friendliest of all.
My country, your country,
Travel East or West,
If the North is good,
The South is better;
Which land is the best?!

6. Лексические и грамматические упражнения

Mother: I’ve got some interesting tests for you.

Задания выполняются на компьютере с выводом изображения на экран телевизора.

1) Make up sentences of the given words.

Предварительно дети составляют предложения, произносят их вслух, а потом на экране появляются правильные предложения.

а) The, live, we, on, planet, is, the, Earth. (The planet we live on is the Earth.)

b) are, large, continents, the. (The continents are large.)

c) Australia, there, one, is, only, country, in. (There is only one country in Australia.)

d) Vietnam, are, in, and, Asia, India. (Vietnam and India are in Asia.)

e) African, Egypt, country, an, is. (Egypt is an African country.)

2) Solve the puzzle (wordsearch). Find 16 geographical terms.

После нахождения слов на экране появляется задание с обведенными словами.


3) Copy the table and fill it in.


7. Работа в парах

Mother: In these envelopes there are descriptions of some famous countries and cities. Read them and guess!

В каждом конверте лежит листок с описанием страны или города. Ученики должны отгадать страну (город).

Envelope 1: “It is a very big country. The population of the country is about 13 million people. This country is famous for its sheep, kangaroos and dingos. The climate is warm and subtropical”. (Australia)

Envelope 2: “This country is in Europe. It is a fashion centre of the world. It is not very big, but it is very beautiful and famous for its Eifel Tower. There are a lot of modern shops, theatres and museums in it”. (France)

Envelope 3: “This country is in Africa. It is a very hot country. The sun shines brightly, the sea is warm. There are nice flowers and plants in this country. People like to have holidays here.” (Egypt) Etc.

Mother: And now look here! There are some sentences on the blackboard. You must agree or disagree and correct them.

1. There are four continents in the world. (wrong, 6)

2. Oceans and seas separate continents from each other. (right)

3. Australia is an island. (wrong, continent)

4. The smallest country in the world is Ireland. (wrong, the Vatican)

5. Egypt is in America. (wrong, Africa)

6. People in different countries speak only English. (wrong, different languages)

8. Домашнее задание

Mother: I’ll give you special hometask. You should write 10–15 sentences on the topic: “I’d like to visit a foreign country”.

9. Подведение итогов

Mother: We are very glad that you’ve come to us, to our country, to Moscow. If it were a lesson, I’d give you only “fives”! Tomorrow we invite you to visit the most beautiful and exciting places of interest in Moscow.

Thank you! Good luck!

Natalya Korotaeva ,
School "Phoenix", Moscow