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Writing Skills: Formal and Informal Language

A more formal style is appropriate for a composition for your teacher or for a letter to somebody you don’t know personally.

A more informal style is appropriate for an article to your school magazine or a letter to your friend.

10 differences to remember!

Formal writing examples from school essaysInformal writing examples from letters to friends
no contractions (нет кратких форм)

I do not agree with that argument.

contractions (краткие формы)

I don’t agree with you.

formal set phrases (формальные речевые обороты)

I strongly recommend you read that book.

informal set phrases (неформальные речевые обороты)

Don’t forget to read that book.

Inversions (инверсия, то есть обратный порядок слов)

Never have I heard about such things.

no inversions (нет инверсии, то есть прямой порядок слов)

I’ve never heard about such things.

complete sentences (полные предложения)

There are some more reasons against that.

incomplete sentences (неполные предложения)

Some reasons against that.

formal vocabulary, usually not using phrasal verbs (формальная лексика, обычно без фразовых глаголов)

I believe scientists should continue space researches.

informal vocabulary, including phrasal verbs (неформальная лексика, включающая фразовые глаголы)

Go on with your studies.

indirect questions (косвенные вопросы)

I wonder whether they are expensive.

direct questions (прямые вопросы)

Are they expensive?

more use of the passive voice (предпочтительнее употреблять пассивный залог)

It has been proved that computers are good for learning.

more use of the active voice (предпочтительнее употреблять активный залог)

Analysts have proved that computers are good for learning.

formal connecting words and phrases (формальные слова-связки и фразы)

To sum up, big cities offer diverse opportunities.

informal connecting words and phrases (неформальные слова-связки и фразы)

Well, I think big cities offer diverse opportunities.

more complex sentence structure (более сложная структура предложения)

New companies are being established, providing people with job vacancies.

simpler sentence structure (более простая структура предложения)

They are establishing new companies. Now we’ve got some job vacancies.

punctuation using semi-colons (употребление точки с запятой)

People’s lives in big cities are stressful; this is because of pollution and crimes.

punctuation using exclamation marks (употребление восклицательного знака)

People’s lives are so stressful!


I. Choose a more informal style of writing a letter to a friend. Explain your choice.

1. a) Can you give me your advice?

b) I would be grateful if you could offer your advice.

2. a) I am writing in reply to your letter asking for advice about making friends…

b) You asked me about my way of making friends.

3. a) I would advise you to smile more.

b) Don’t forget to smile more.

4. a) First of all, their interests should be found out.

b) Try to find out their interests.

5. a) You’ve got to see the Kremlin!

b) Besides, you have to see the Kremlin.

6. a) I wonder when you are planning to come?

b) When are you planning to come?

7. a) I hope this advice helps.

b) I would very much like to know if this advice was helpful.

8. a) I look forward to hearing from you.

b) Well, that’s all for now. Do write back soon.

9. a) Love,

b) Yours sincerely,

10. a) Aleksey

b) Aleksey Sidorov

II. Read part of an opinion essay. Put the verbs in the proper tense.

Note. Употребление пассивного залога, безличных структур, инфинитивных оборотов не только более типично для формального стиля письма, но и повышает убедительность аргументов.

In today’s society it is difficult for a teenager _______(1) seriously. Firstly, some children ________ (2) in poverty. Some poor or underprivileged children ______(3) _____(4) drugs. In my opinion, teens _____ often ______(5) too generally or unfairly. All in all, adults must ______(6) the time _____ (7) the young people so that solutions can ______(8) _______(9) the problems.take


force / sell


take / hear

find / eliminate

III. Read cause-result sentences from a discursive essay. Fill in the right variant.

a) as a result; b) because of; c) because

1) _____ housing shortage, there has been an increase in the number of divorces.

2) It is agreed that each family should have children, ______ children make for happy families.

3) Some young couples prefer their career goals and entertainment rather than having children. _______, getting old and sick they will have nobody to take care of them.

IV. Do you know the rules for writing a ‘for’ and ‘against’ essay? Circle the right variant.

1. a) ‘For’ and ‘against’ essays are written in informal style.

b) ‘For’ and ‘against’ essays are written in formal style.

2. a) In the introduction you must introduce the topic, state the problem, make a general remark about it and give your personal opinion.

b) In the introduction you must introduce the topic, state the problem, give a historical or personal background and mention the possible reasons for the situation.

3. a) If you are “for” something, put the arguments ‘for’ first.

b) If you are ‘for’ something, put the arguments ‘against’ first.

4. a) It’s only important to list the arguments you are ‘for’ as clearly as possible.

b) It’s important to list the points of view of both sides of argument as objectively as possible.

5. a) Use passives when appropriate.

b) Use actives when appropriate.

6. a) Only in the conclusion you can express your own point of view.

b) You can express your own point of view both in the introduction and in the conclusion.

V. Do you know the rules for writing an opinion essay? Circle the right variant.

1. a) Opinion essays are written in informal style.

b) Opinion essays are written in formal style.

2. a) In the introduction you must introduce the subject, state the problem without giving your opinion.

b) In the introduction you must introduce the subject and state your opinion.

3. a) In the introduction you may ask a question or start with a quotation.

b) In the introduction you may neither ask a question nor start with a quotation.

4. a) Only in the conclusion you can express your own point of view.

b) You can express your own point of view both in the introduction and in the conclusion.

5. a) It’s only important to list the arguments you are ‘for’ as clearly as possible.

b) It’s important to list the opposing viewpoints supported by reasons and examples.

6. a) In the conclusion you must summarize what you’ve said and restate your opinion using different words.

b) In the conclusion you must summarize what you’ve said without giving your opinion.

VI. Do you know the structure of a letter to a friend? Read and match.

Informal Letter

the right orderjumbled
1. Greetinga) John
2. Asking about themb) Why don’t you...?
3. Referring to their newsc) You’ll never believe what…
4. Giving newsd) Glad to hear that…
5. Making suggestionse) How’s it going?
6. Closing expressionf) Yours,
7. Signing offg) Well, got to go now
8. Nameh) Dear, Ann.

VII. Do you know the structure of a letter to somebody you don’t know personally? Read and match.

Formal Letter

the right orderjumbled
1. Dear Mrs. White,a) name
2. I’m writing with regard to…b) asking questions
3. I wonder if you could…c) referring to their letter/points
4. As you stated in your letter…d) closing expression
5. I look forward to hearing from you.e) reason for writing
6. Yours sincerely,f) greeting
7. Andrei Smirnovg) signing off


Ex. I. 1a; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8b; 9a; 10a.

Ex. II. 1) to be taken; 2) are raised; 3) are forced 4) to sell; 5) are criticized; 6) take; 7) to hear; 8) be found; 9) to eliminate.

Ex. III. 1b; 2c; 3a.

Ex. IV. 1b; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6a

Ex. V. 1b; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5b; 6a.

Ex. VI. 1h; 2e; 3d; 4c; 5b; 6g; 7f; 8a.

Ex. VII. 1f; 2e; 3b; 4c; 5d; 6g; 7a.


1. Harris M., … Solokova I. New opportunities. Russian Edition. Upper Intermediate. Students’ Book//Pearson.Longman.2006 C.137-145

2. Mann M., Taylore-Knowles S. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Reading and Writing//Macmillan. 2006. – C. 221-223.

3. Соловова Е. Н., Солокова И.Е. State Exam. Maximiser.Английский язык. Подготовка к экзаменам. // Pearson. Longman. 2006 С. 157-160. (4. Эссе)

Н. А. Прохорова ,
старший преподаватель Университета г. Переславля