The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood
Предлагаемый сценарий мюзикла “Приключения Красной Шапочки” разработан и адаптирован с учётом возрастных особенностей и владения языком младших школьников (1–3 классы школ с углубленным изучением английского языка). Сценарий построен таким образом, что под общей канвой содержит в себе несколько мини-спектаклей. Поэтому его можно поставить как целиком, так и выбрав отдельные сцены. Может варьироваться и количество участников в зависимости от количества детей в группе (классе), то есть, при необходимости его можно сократить, убрав некоторые сцены, или, наоборот, добавить действующие лица, например, в сцене с заселением домика. Участие в общем мероприятии повышает мотивацию к изучению языка и стимулирует развитие каждого ребенка. Кроме того, в игровой форме повторяется лексика, изученная в 1–3-м классах. Большое количество танцев и песен, а также рифмованных реплик помогает сделать постановку веселой и привлекательной, так как дети этого возраста очень любят петь и танцевать, и облегчает процесс запоминания ролей. Таким образом, основными целями предлагаемого спектакля-мюзикла являются: повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка; повторение лексики по пройденной тематике; активизация творческих способностей учащихся.
Scene 1
Little Red Riding Hood’s house. The girl greets the audience.
LRRH: Good morning. My name is Little Red Riding Hood.
MOTHER: Little Red Riding Hood! Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?
LRRH: I am here, Mummy. What’s the matter?
MOTHER: Today is your Granny’s birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
LRRH: All right, Mummy. (is going to run away)
MOTHER: (stops her) Don’t speak to anybody on the way. Don’t stop in the wood. And don’t pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
LRRH: All right, mummy. Good-bye. (runs away)
Little Red Riding Hood is running through the forest. The children are singing a song “Let’s take a walk through the woods.”
Let’s take a walk through the woods
While the wicked wolf’s not there.
If the wolf should see us,
He would eat us up.
Scene 2
Little Red Riding Hood is in the forest. She is picking flowers and suddenly sees a small house.
LRRH: How nice it is in the wood! I see many flowers! And my Granny likes flowers very much! (then surprised) Oh! What is it?
Little Red Riding Hood sits down on the grass and watches the following scene.
STORY-TELLER: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A mouse is running through the wood, wood, wood.
She stops at the door, door, door,
She asks at the door, door, door.
MOUSE: Who lives in the house, house, house?
FROG: I do. I am a frog and I live in this house. And who are you?
MOUSE: I am a mouse. May I live in your house?
FROG: Yes, you may, come in, please.
STORY-TELLER: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A hen is running through the wood, wood, wood.
She stops at the door, door, door,
She asks at the door, door, door.
HEN: Who lives in the house, house, house?
FROG and MOUSE: We do. I am a frog.
I am a mouse. And who are you?
HEN: I am a hen. May I live in your house?
FROG and MOUSE: Yes, you may, come in, please.
The frog, the mouse and the hen are dancing; the children are singing a song “My Tiny House.”
My house is tiny and warm and neat
And warm and neat, and warm and neat.
My house is tiny and warm and neat,
The winds at the door each morning.
STORY-TELLER: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A cock is running through the wood, wood, wood.
She stops at the door, door, door,
She asks at the door, door, door.
COCK: Who lives in the house, house, house?
FROG: We do. I am a frog.
MOUSE: I am a mouse.
HEN: I am a hen. And who are you?
COCK: I am a cock. May I live in your house?
FROG, MOUSE, HEN: (together) Yes, you may, come in, please.
STORY-TELLER: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A fox is running through the wood, wood, wood.
She stops at the door, door, door,
She asks at the door, door, door.
FOX: Who lives in the house, house, house?
FROG: We do. I am a frog.
MOUSE: I am a mouse.
HEN: I am a hen.
COCK: I am a cock.
FOX: My dear Cock and Hen, my dear Frog and Mouse, may I live with you?
FROG, MOUSE, HEN, COCK: But who are you?
FOX: I am a fox.
FROG, MOUSE, HEN, COCK: (together) Oh, no! Go away! We don’t want you!
Scene 3
The animals go away, Little Red Riding Hood continues her walk. She sees another house and three bears in it.
LRRH: I see three bears in the wood. They are going to eat porridge.
Little Red Riding Hood sits down. The children sing a song”Pease Porridge Hot.”
Peas porridge hot
Peas porridge cold
Peas porridge in the pot
Nine days old.
Mother likes it hot,
Father likes it cold,
Baby likes it in the pot
Nine days old.
MOTHER BEAR: Take your plate, Father. Take your plate, baby dear.
FATHER BEAR: Thank you, dear.
BABY BEAR: Thank you, mummy dear. (tastes his porridge) Mummy, it’s hot!
FATHER BEAR: Then let’s go for a walk.
The bears are dancing; the children are singing a song “The Bear Went Over the Mountain.”
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain
To see what he could see.
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
Was all that he could see.
Suddenly a little girl appears. She is going to eat up the bears’ porridge.
LITTLE GIRL: Whose room can it be? I am hungry. This porridge is right for me.
Tastes Father Bear’s porridge, then Mother Bear’s porridge, then eats Baby Bear’s porridge and hides herself.
FATHER BEAR: My plate is not full.
MOTHER BEAR: My plate is not full either.
BABY BEAR: And my plate is empty. Oh, look! A little girl.
FATHER BEAR: Let’s catch her!
MOTHER BEAR: Let’s catch her!
BABY BEAR: Yes, yes, let’s catch her!
The bears are trying to catch the girl. The bears and the girl run away.
Scene 4
Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the wood. Three pigs are building a house. The children are singing a song “Digger, Digger, Take Your Spade.”
Digger, digger, take your spade
Builder, builder, take your hod.
There’s a new house to be made
Take your bricks and a measuring rod.
A house for you, a house for me
And a house for the whole wide world,
And a house for the whole wide world.
LRRH: Oh! Three Little Pigs live in the forest too. Hello! What are your names?
1st PIG: I am Nuff-Nuff.
2nd PIG: I am Niff-Niff.
3rd PIG: I am Snuff-Snuff.
The pigs are dancing and singing. Little Red Riding Hood is watching them. На мотив припева песни “Нам не страшен серый волк”.
1st PIG: I have made my house of grass,
House of grass, house of grass.
I have made my house of grass
What a pretty house!
2nd PIG: I have made my house of bricks,
House of bricks, house of bricks.
I have made my house of bricks
What a pretty house!
3rd PIG: I have made my house of sticks,
House of sticks, house of sticks.
I have made my house of sticks
What a pretty house!
TOGETHER: We aren’t afraid of big bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.
We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf
Scene 5
Big Bad Wolf appears. The pigs run away. LRRH doesn’t notice the wolf, she is picking flowers.
WOLF: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf.
LRRH: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.
WOLF: (in a sweet voice) Where are you going, my dear?
LRRH: I am going to my Granny. I have a cake, some apples and a jug of honey for her.
WOLF: Where does she live, your Grandmother?
LRRH: She lives in a little house in the wood, near the river.
WOLF: Is it far from here?
LRRH: No, it’s not far from here.
WOLF: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood.
LRRH: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf go away.
Scene 6
Grandmother is sitting in the armchair and knitting. Wolf knocks at the door.
GRANDMOTHER: Who is there?
WOLF: (in a sweet voice) It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
GRANDMOTHER: Come in, darling.
Wolf frightens Grandmother and they both run away. Then Wolf appears in Grandmother’s clothes. He sits in her armchair. Little Red Riding Hood comes up to the door and knocks.
WOLF: (imitating Granny’s voice) Who is there?
LRRH: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
WOLF: Come in, dear.
LRRH: Good morning, Granny.
WOLF: Good morning, my dear.
LRRH: Happy birthday to you!
WOLF: Thank you, my dear.
LRRH: What big eyes you have, Granny!
WOLF: The better to see you, dear!
LRRH: What big ears you have, Granny!
WOLF: The better to hear you, dear!
LRRH: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
WOLF: The better to eat you up!
LRRH: (running away) Help me! Help me!
A brave hunter appears. He recites a song and dances.
HUNTER: A-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go.
We’ll catch a fox
And put him in a box,
And never let him go.
The hunter sees the wolf and shoots at him. The wolf falls down. Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood appear.
GRANDMOTHER and LRRH: Oh, thank you very much.
HUNTER: Oh, it’s really nothing.
STORY-TELLER: That’s the end of the story.
The children make a circle and dance.
Использованная литература:
1. “Запевай!” Сборник песен на английском языке для учащихся средней школы. Составитель Б.Б. Здоровова. М.: Просвещение. 1990
2. Ш.Г. Амаджян. “Играя, учись!” Английский язык в картинках для детей дошкольного возраста. Издание третье, доработанное. М.: Просвещение. 1986.
3. Собственные разработки.