Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №8/2009

Заочная экскурсия по Темзе от Вестминстерского до Тауэрского моста

Сценарий мероприятия

Цели и задачи: развивать познавательный интерес к стране изучаемого языка; усилить эмоциональный аспект преподавания; формировать устойчивую мотивацию к изучению английского языка; развивать социо-культурные компетенции; воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка и собственных традиций; совершенствовать умение практического владения английским языком в монологической и диалогической форме.

Оборудование: компьютер.

Дидактический материал: карта Лондона с отмеченными достопримечательностями; плакат с пословицами; карточки к конкурсу зашифрованных слов и пословиц; проспекты и фотографии с видами Лондона.

Подготовительная работа: Учащиеся делятся на гидов и туристов. “Гиды” готовят небольшие сообщения о памятных местах Лондона, подбирают к ним иллюстрации как в электронном виде так и “живой материал” – фотографии, буклеты, проспекты. Для того, чтобы экскурсия носила эмоциональный характер, “туристам” дано задание подобрать подходящие к теме пословицы. Они также готовят вопросы к ролевой игре о тауэрских стражниках. Экскурсия сопровождается демонстрацией видов Лондона на компьютере. Два ученика выступают в роли ведущих.

План урока:

I. Организационный момент

II. Основная часть урока

1. Экскурсия по Темзе от Вестминстерского до Тауэрского моста.

2. Ролевая игра “Tower’s Beefeaters”.

3. Викторина “London’s sights”.

4. Конкурс зашифрованных слов.

5. Конкурс пословиц “Much water has flowed under the bridges since then”.

III. Заключительный этап

Ход урока

Teacher: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page” said St. Augustine and today we have a trip down the River Thames. But it’s hard sailing when there is no wind and our guides will help us learn a lot of new things. The task of the tourists is to appraise the work of the guides, to add proverbs to their explanations and ask questions of them.

“Туристы” по ходу экскурсии добавляют в объяснения “гидов” подходящие пословицы, что позволяет превратить эту категорию учащихся из пассивных зрителей в заинтересованных участников действия.

Compere 1: A sightseeing trip by riverboat is one of the best ways to see London today, as there is so much of interest on both banks of the Thames from Westminster Bridge to Tower Bridge that offers excellent views and an increasing number of visitor attractions.

Compere 2: We start our trip at the British Airways London Eye, a 450 foot high (137m) observation wheel that offers spectacular views over London.

Compere 1: We are passing under Hungerford Bridge and on the left-hand side we can see the oldest monument in London – Cleopatra’s Needle.

Guide 1: It’s a sixty-foot (18,3 m) Egyptian obelisk that was presented to Britain in 1819. It dates from 1475 BC, which makes it London’s oldest monument. It is as old as the hills. This obelisk was towed by sea in a specially-built pontoon and was nearly lost in a storm in the Bay of Biscay. But a miss is as good as a mile. A time capsule was buried underneath it that contains a copy of a railway timetable and photographs of twelve beauties of the day.

Compere 2: We are passing Waterloo Bridge and on the Victoria Embankment there is another sight.

Guide 2: Somerset House was built by Sir William Chambers to serve as government offices, but it is now London’s newest cultural centre, its elegant courtyard open to all, with a modern 55 jet fountain at its centre. The north wing is home to the Courtauld Gallery, famous for its Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings, and in the south wing are the Gilbert Collection of Gold and silver and the Hermitage Rooms, which house changing displays of art work from the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Art is long, life is short.

Compere 1: On the right-hand side, just at Blackfriars Bridge, there is the Tate Modern Art Gallery.

Guide 3: The redundant Bankside Power station has been converted into the Tate Modern Art Gallery. The spacious interior has been transformed into exhibition halls to display the Tate’s collection of twentieth century art, including works by Picacco, Dali, Rodin, and Henry Moore. A good name is better than riches. A new glass structure on top of the building offers a wonderful view over London.

Compere 2: You see the elegant Millennium Bridge which was built to link Bankside with St. Paul’s Cathedral on the north bank and we are approaching the famous London Bridge.

Guide 4: There has been a bridge on the site of London Bridge since the first wooden structure was built by the Romans. Rome was not built in a day and this bridge has a long history. In 1014 the bridge was pulled down to prevent the Danes from attacking London, giving rise to the nursery rhyme “London Bridge is Falling Down…” Much water has flowed under the bridges since then.

In 1209, a stone bridge replaced the wooden one with buildings lining both sides and a chapel in the middle. The bridge was replaced in 1831 by one designed by John Rennie. His bridge was sold and re-erected in the Arizona desert as a tourist attraction.

Compere 2: We are passing the ship Belfast.

Guide 5: A great ship asks deep water. The Belfast is a Second World War cruiser that saw action in the Normandy Landings and the Korean War. It is now a floating museum and you can clamber all over its seven decks from the bridge to the kitchens, and from the gun turrets to the punishment cells.

Compere 1: Opposite the ship, there is the most famous London attraction – the Tower. I’m sure you know a lot about it and all of you can be guides – Beefeaters. They know the Tower’s history and can answer tourists’ questions. There is a proverb “It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game”.

Ролевая игра “Tower’s Quards and Quides Beefeaters”

Туристы предлагают гидам вопросы по истории Тауэра и победителю присваивается звание тауэрского охранника – бифитера.

1. When was the Tower founded?

2. Who founded it?

3. What is the symbol of the Tower?

4. What legend about Tower ravens do you know?

5. Who guards the Tower?

6. What famous prisoners spent time there?

7. For many centuries it served as… (continue)

Key: 1. in 11th century; 2. William the Conqueror; 3. Ravens; 4. If they leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall; 5. Yeomen warders or Beefeaters; 6. Queen Anne Boleyn, Guy Fawkes and Princess Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots; 7. fortress, palace, state prison, royal treasury

Compere 1: But this information about London Tower will be new for you and an experienced Beefeater will tell us about it.

Guide 6: It’s interesting to know, that...

• there are now twenty towers placed at intervals round the two defensive curtain walls, which were added by Henry III and his son Edward I in 1078;

• the biggest draw in the Tower are the Crown Jewels, which contain thousands of priceless jewels, including the legendary Koh-i-Nor diamond;

• on display are historic crowns, including St. Edward’s crown and the Imperial State Crown used in Coronations;

• the royal Sceptre, which holds the largest cut diamond in the world, the 530-carat “Star of Africa” is in the Crown Jewels, too.

Compere 1: Now we are at Tower Bridge which was built in the Gothic style to blend in with its ancient neighbour, the Tower of London. The Bridge was opened in 1894 and it’s a masterpiece of Victorian engineering and architecture.

Compere 2: We finish our sightseeing trip at Tower Bridge. We hope you did enjoy it. Now we will see who was the most careful listener. Please, answer our quiz questions.


Вопросы викторины и конкурс зашифрованных слов дают возможность проконтролировать степень участия учащихся в работе и закрепить полученные в ходе экскурсии знания.

1. What is the London Eye’s height?

2. What is the oldest monument in London?

3. What cultural centre houses displays of art works from the Hermitage Museum in St.Petersburg?

4. What is Somerset House famous for?

5. What museum contains collections of twentieth century art?

6. What bridge was recently built to link Bankside with St. Paul’s Cathedral on the north bank?

7. What bridge was built by the Romans?

8. What historic ship is now a floating museum?

9. What new information about the Tower of London have you learnt?

10. What can you say about Tower Bridge?

Key: 1. 137 metres; 2. Cleopatra’s Needle; 3. Somerset House; 4. for Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings; 5. Tate Gallery; 6. Millennium Bridge; 7. London Bridge; 8. Ship Belfast; 9. about the collection of Crown Jewels; 10. It’s a masterpiece of Victorian engineering and architecture.

Конкурс зашифрованных слов

Compere 1: Try to find the hidden words which denote London sights. There are eleven of them.


Конкурс пословиц

Данный этап урока развивает языковую интуицию учащихся, закладывает привычку думать лингвистическими понятиями. Высокий мотивационный потенциал пословиц состоит в том, что смысл их не лежит на поверхности, а для того, чтобы проникнуть внутрь, необходимо “подобрать правильный ключ”.

Compere 1: The River Thames is so important in the life of the British that there is even a proverb about it “He will never set the Thames on fire”. There are more English proverbs dealing with rivers, bridges, water. They were used by our guides. Which ones?

Ученики называют пословицы, которые использовались в ходе экскурсии, затем им предлагаются карточки с пословицами.

Compere 2: Try to match English proverbs with Russian ones.

A. He will never set the Thames on fire.

B. Much water has flowed under the bridges since then.

C. A great ship asks deep waters.

D. Sink or swim.

E. Never cross a bridge till you come to it.

F. Still waters run deep.

G. To come out dry.

H. To draw water with a sieve.

1. Выйти сухим из воды.

2. Носить воду в решете.

3. Он пороху не выдумает.

4. Большому кораблю большое плавание.

5. Много воды утекло с тех пор.

6. В тихом омуте черти водятся.

7. Была не была.

8. Не надо бежать впереди паровоза.

Key: A. 3; B. 5; C. 4; D. 7; E. 8; F. 6; G. 1; H. 2; I. 7

Compere 2: Go on with our proverb quiz.

What London sights can be characterized with the proverbs:

1. As old as the hills. (Стар, как мир.)

2. Rome was not built in a day. (Рим не был построен в один день.)

3. Art is long, life is short. (Жизнь коротка, искусство вечно.)

Key: 1. Cleopatra Needle; 2. London Bridge; 3. Somerset House, Tate Gallery

Подведение итогов урока, обсуждение участия каждого из учеников в проведённой экскурсии, выставление оценок.

Teacher: “Activity is the only road to knowledge” said George Bernard Shaw and I think that today we had a very interesting and useful lesson. I am satisfied with your work and your marks are…


1. London. A Jarrold Guide. Jarrold Publishing. 2003.

2. London. 161 colour plates. Tomas Benacci LTD. 2003.

3. Booklets: The Tower of London. Tower Bridge Exhibition. London Eye. The Tate Gallery.

Л. В. Шуба ,
МОУ СОШ № 26