Based on the story by A. N. Tolstoy.
Scene 1
Папа Карло входит с Азбукой, без куртки.
FATHER KARLO: Buratino! Where are you, Buratino? (Ищет. Неожиданно Буратино прыгает из засады. Пугает.) Oh! Here you are, young rascal!
BURATINO: Oh! Here you are, old fellow! Where is your coat?
FATHER KARLO: I haven’t got a coat any more. But here is an ABC-book for you. Take it! Now you can go to school.
Scene 2
Куклы Мальвина, пудель Артемон, Арлекин, Пьеро выступают в спектакле. Поют и танцуют.
I Love My Sweet Pussy…
I love my sweet Pussy,
Her coat is so warm.
If I do not harm her
She’ll do me no harm.
I shan’t pull her long tail
Or drive her away
Together with my Pussy
I’ll walk and I’ll play
She’ll sit by my side,
And I’ll give her some food.
My Pussy will like me
Because I’m so good.
BURATINO: Oh!.. The theatre... Oh! How I’d like to see the performance! Let me go in! Oh, please, let me in!
ATTENDANT: Where is your ticket?
BURATINO: I haven’t got it. Oh! What can I do?... Take my ABC-book and let me come in.
Куклы бросаются к Буратино, обнимают его.
ARLEKIN: Buratino is here!
MALVINA: Buratino has come to join us!
Появляется Карабас-Барабас.
KARABAS-BARABAS: You have spoilt the performance! You should be burnt in a hearth!
BURATINO: I know what a hearth is! Father Karlo has got a hearth! It’s painted!
KARABAS-BARABAS: What? Father Karlo has got a hearth, has he?
BURATINO: Yes, he has.
KARABAS-BARABAS: Here are five gold coins. Give them to old Father Karlo. He shouldn’t starve!
MALVINA: (говорит шёпотом) There is a mystery here!
BURATINO, MALVINA, POODLE ARTEMON, ARLEKIN: (шёпотом) A mystery... A mystery...
Scene 3
Идут Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио, Кот – в тёмных очках, Лиса прихрамывает.
FOX ALISA: Where are you going, dear Buratino?
CAT BAZILIO: Where are you going?
BURАTINO: I’m taking five gold coins to Father Karlo! He shouldn’t starve to death.
FOX ALISA: Let’s go to the Country of Fools!
CAT BAZILIO: Let’s go to the Country of Fools!
FOX ALISA: Dear Buratino, sweet little Buratino! Listen to me! Let’s go to the Country of fools. There is a big field. Dig a hole there. Put your five gold coins in it and bury them there. Then next morning a nice tree will grow...with a lot...a lot of coins...a lot of gold coins instead of leaves. You will get rich, Buratino, won’t you?
CAT BAZILIO: You will get rich, Buratino, won’t you?
Буратино зарывает 4 монеты, одну монету кладёт к себе в карман.
BURATINO: One, two, three, four...(прячет одну монету в карман)…five.
Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио пытаются отобрать монету.
FOX ALISA: Give the gold coin back!
CAT BAZILIO: Give the gold coin back!
Буратино убегает, падает в болото.
FOX ALISA: Let him float in the marsh.
CAT BAZILIO: Let him float in the marsh.
FOX ALISA: Let’s go and take the gold coins out!
CAT BAZILIO: ...take the gold coins out!
Лиса и Кот забирают 4 монеты. Уходят.
Scene 4
Дети, например, Мальвина, Арлекин, Пьеро, пудель Артемон поют Колыбельную “Hush, Little Baby”, танцуют, изображая волны, в руках – лёгкая светлая ткань, выходят с двух сторон, то закрывая сцену, то открывая сцену. В это время незаметно Черепаха Тортила раскладывает крупные листья от кувшинок, где-то несколько лилий или кувшинок, например, из бумаги.
Hush, Little Baby
Hush, little baby! Don’t say a word!
Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird don’t sing,
Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Papa’s gonna buy you a billy-goat.
If that billy-goat don’t pull,
Papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Papa’s gonna buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover don’t bark,
Papa’s gonna buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town.
С последними звуками музыки раскрывается сцена, в углу рядом с листом кувшинки сидит Буратино, в другой стороне Черепаха Тортила в крупных очках. Подходит к Буратино, говорит укоризненно.
TORTOISE TORTILA: Poor, silly Buratino. Here is a gold key. It opens the door that leads to happiness. Take it! But I don’t remember what door it fits! Good luck, Buratino!
Буратино прячет ключ. Черепаха собирает листья, уходит.
Scene 5
Идёт Буратино. Навстречу – куклы.
PIERO: We know Karabas-Barabas’s mystery.
MALVINA: We escaped from him!
POODLE ARTEMON: We ran away and now we are hiding from him.
ARLEKIN: There is a door in Father Karlo’s tiny room. It’s behind the painted hearth.
PIERO: There is a Fairy Theatre there.
MALVINA: We should just find a gold key to the door.
BURATINO: Here it is! Let’s run to Father Karlo!
MALVINA: Let’s run!
Бегут. За ними – Карабас-Барабас.
KARABAS-BARABAS: Stop them! Catch them! Hold them!
Пудель бросается на него с лаем.
POODLE ARTEMON: Go out! Clear out! Get out of the way!
KARABAS-BARABAS: I’m afraid of dogs! (Убегает.)
Scene 6
Все куклы в каморке Папы Карло.
FATHER KARLO: Oh, my dear dolls!
ARLEKIN: Oh! Here is the hearth!
BURATINO: Let’s take this painted hearth down!
MALVINA: Let’s go to the Fairy Theatre!
Все поют и танцуют в волшебном театре, постепенно к ним присоединяются Черепаха Тортила, Лиса Алиса, Кот Базилио, Карабас- Барабас.
Love Is…*
by Greg Scelsa
Love is … a tender feeling,
Love is … a way of being,
Love is … just showing someone you care.
Love is … helping with dishes,
Love is … feeding your pet fishes,
Love is … just giving from your heart.
Love is so very simple,
It’s not a mystery.
When you treat those around you
The very same way
You want them to treat you.
Love is … your baby sister,
Love is … playing with her,
Love is … holding her when she cries.
Love is … sharing your candy,
Love is … being all that you can be,
Love is … lending a helping hand
When someone needs you.
Love is …
L – O – V – E
Love is …
For you and me.
Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world.
* Песня из книги Кэролл Кэтлин и М. Л. Новиковой Holidays go round and round: Traditions, Poems, Songs – СПб: Триада, 1996, стр. 81.