Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №2/2009

Father Frost


Father Frost
Old Man

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived an old man with his second wife. They each had a daughter. He had a daughter, Nastya by name and she had a daughter, Marfusha by name.

Scene 1

Nastya and Stepmother in the kitchen.

На сцене: стол, на столе – миски и чашки, несколько табуреток, макет печи.

Stepmother: Nastya! Where are you! Are you still sleeping? You, lazy-bones!

Nastya: No, mother, no!

Stepmother: What are you doing?

На сцену выходит Настенька, несёт дрова.

Nastya: I’ve just brought firewood and now I am going to light the stove.

Stepmother: What?! You have not done it yet! My sweetheart woke up half an hour ago! She wants some tea and pancakes. Where are they?

Nastya: I’m going… I’m going…

Stepmother: I’ll give you only five minutes

Nastya: Okay, Okay, mother. Please don’t worry.

Stepmother: And then you must bring water into the house, sweep the floor, wash my clothes, wash the dishes, cook dinner…

Marfusha: Ma! Ma! (за сценой)

Stepmother: I’m coming, my honey!

Мачеха уходит, появляется отец Настеньки.

Scene 2

The Old Man and his daughter Nastya in the kitchen.

Настенька хлопочет на кухне, готовит тесто для блинов: насыпает муку, наливает воды и замешивает тесто.

Old Man: (садится на табурет, вздыхает) There is nothing to do.

Nastya: Don’t worry, dear. I’ll do my best! Don’t worry!

Настенька уходит за кулисы, появляется мачеха.

Scene 3

The old man and the stepmother in the kitchen.

Stepmother: I can’t bear the sight of her! Take her away, Old Man! Take her to the forest and leave her there. She may not bear strong frost and die. Only then will we be happy.

Old Man: I’ll go… I’ll go…

Занавес закрывается.

Scene 4

The Old Man and Nastya in the forest.

На сцене ёлка, вокруг имитация снега, под ёлкой пенёк. Выходят Настенька с отцом.

Old Man: Sit down, dear, under this fir-tree to shelter from the cold wind. Take my old coat. It’ll warm you up.

Настенька садится на пенёк, отец укрывает её своим тулупом.

Nastya: Don’t worry, Dad. I love you very much. Take care of yourself. You’ve done my stepmother’s will. Go home and calm her.

Отец уходит, появляется Морозко.

Scene 5

Nastya and Father Frost in the forest.

Father Frost: Are you warm, my lass?

Nastya: Yes, I’m very warm, Father Frost!

Морозко убегает за ёлку и появляется с другой стороны, и так несколько раз.

Father Frost: Are you warm, my lass? Are you warm, my pretty one?

Nastya: Yes, I’m very warm, Father Frost!

Father Frost: Are you warm, my lass? Are you warm, my pretty one? Are you warm, my sweet one?

Nastya: I’m very warm, good Father Frost!

Father Frost: I see she could hardly fetch her breath! She could hardly move her tongue! Are you warm, my lass? Are you warm, my pretty one?

Nastya: I’m very warm, good Father Frost!

Father Frost: I see you are shivering with cold! You are frozen to the bone!

Nastya: I’m very warm, good Father Frost!

Father Frost: Oh, no! You are numb all over! I’m so sorry! I’ll correct my mistake in a minute! Here is a fur coat! It should warm you up!

Nastya: You are very kind, Father Frost! Thank you very, very much!

Father Frost: I see you are good girl. How did you get here?

Nastya: My stepmother wanted to get rid of me and she ordered my father to leave me here in the forest. Otherwise she would beat him with a stick.

Father Frost: How heartless your stepmother is! Don’t worry! I’ll do my best to make you happy. You deserve it!

Морозко хлопает в ладоши три раза, и на сцену выходят два зайца, выносят большой сундук с подарками.

Father Frost: Here are some presents! Go home and don’t be afraid of anything!

Занавес закрывается.

Scene 6

The Old Man and Stepmother in the kitchen.

Кухня (смотри Scene 1).

Stepmother: You, old croaker! Go into the forest and bring back your daughter. I’m tired of doing the housework! Marfusha wants Nastya’s pancakes very much. Hurry up! Hurry up!

Old Man: Okay! Okay! I’ll go! I’ll go!

Отец уходит. На сцену выбегает собачка.

Dog: Bow-wow! The Old Man’s daughter becomes a rich bride, but the Old Woman’s daughter will never marry!

Stepmother: You speak wrongly, dog! Here is some meat! Now you must say: “The Old Woman’s daughter will be happy, but the Old Man’s daughter will be unhappy!”

Dog: Bow-wow! The Old Man’s daughter becomes a rich bride. She will be very happy! But the Old Woman’s daughter will never marry! She will be very unhappy!

Stepmother: Where is my stick? I’ll teach you! Where is my stick!

На сцену выходит отец Настеньки, за ним Настя, и за ней зайцы с сундуком, ставят сундук на пол и убегают.

Old Man: Come in, dear, come in!

Nastya: Good morning, mother.

Stepmother: Good morning?! I’ll show you good morning! Here are the dirty dishes! Here are the dirty clothes! You don’t think of your sister. Hurry up with pancakes! Marfushenka is very hungry! But what’s this?

Nastya: Here are some presents from Father Frost.

Открывает сундук и разглядывает подарки.

Stepmother: Harness the horse, you old croaker! Take my daughter into the forest and leave her in the same place.

Old Man: Okay! Okay! I’ll come… I’ll come…

Занавес закрывается.

Scene 7

Father Frost and Marfusha in the forest.

Сцена в лесу (смотри Scene 4). Марфуша сидит под ёлкой на пеньке.

Father Frost: Are you warm, my lass?

Marfusha: Oh, yes, of course! I’m terribly cold! (дрожит)

Father Frost: Are you warm, my lass? Are you warm, my pretty one?

Marfusha: Oh, yes, of course! I’m frozen! A plague on you, you old Frost!

Father Frost: Are you warm, my lass? Are you warm, my pretty one? Are you warm, my sweet one?

Marfusha: Oh, yes, of course! I’m numb all over! I hope the earth swallows you! Give me a sable coat and a chest with gold and silver!

Father Frost: (в сторону) Oh, I see what kind of a girl she is! She must be the daughter of Nastya’s stepmother, that cruel and heartless woman!

Морозко хлопает три раза в ладоши. Зайцы выносят на сцену сундук, дорогую шубку и убегают. Морозко накрывает Марфушу шубкой и уходит со сцены.

Father Frost: Here is a sable coat! Here is a chest with gold and silver! Good-bye!

Занавес закрывается.

Scene 10

Old Man, Nastya, Stepmother, Marfusha in the kitchen.

Кухня (смотри Scene 1). На кухне Настенька, отец, мачеха.

Stepmother: Father Frost gave Nastya one chest with gold, but he’ll give Marfushenka two chests.

Old Man: Yes, yes! You are right!

Stepmother: Father Frost gave Nastya a sable coat, but he’ll give Marfushenka one sable and one mink coat. Oh, no, no! Two sable coats and two mink coats!

Old Man: Yes, yes! You are right!

Stepmother: Listen! What’s that?

Dog: Bow-wow! The Old Man’s daughter will be very happy! But the Old Woman’s daughter will be very unhappy!

Появляется Марфуша, но не в дорогой шубке, а в старом, грязном тулупе и плачет.

Marfusha: Ma-ma-a-a-a!

Stepmother: Don’t cry, honey! Don’t cry! What a bad man Father Frost is!

Занавес закрывается. Все артисты выходят на сцену, зрители аплодируют.

Compiled by Tatyana Ivanova ,
School No. 258, Moscow