Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №1/2009

Jazz Up Your Lesson


Warming-up: let the students talk about their favourite types of music, composers, singers, bands, etc. Have they ever studied in a music school? Do they play music instruments? Is music a universal language?

Now take the quiz about the music in the language:

Match the phraseological expression with its meaning.

1. Face the music

a. unusual, not typical

2. Play second fiddle to someone

b. to follow one’s own ideas rather than being influenced by the group

3. Play by ear

c. to praise oneself; to brag

4. Music to my ears

d. take a popular position, to join the group that has the greatest popularity

5. Blow one’s own horn

e. an overly dramatic and emotional story broadcast regularly on the radio or TV

6. Sing the blues

f. not in agreement

7. Soap opera

g. set the TV control to receive a programme

8. It’s not over till fat lady sings

h. lively, active

9. Change one’s tune

i. good news; information that makes someone happy

10. Out of tune

j. to be subordinate to someone

11. Call the tune

k. adjust the engine so that it runs correctly

12. March to a different drummer

l. et cetera, and so on and so forth

13. Drum up business

m. to be disappointed or disillusioned

14. Off-beat

n. ignore someone or something

15. To beat the band

o. to make something more interesting or lively

16. Jump on the bandwagon

p. (to do something) very much, very fast

17. Tune up

q. to not speculate about something until it is completed

18. Tune in

r. accept the unpleasant consequences of one’s actions

19. Tune out

s. influence people to buy something

20. Jazzy

t. to change one’s opinion or manner

21. Jazz something up

u. make decisions

22. All that jazz

v. to play a piece of music without looking at the notes

Now talk about the phenomenon of “The Beatles” – “The Four Lads Who Shook the World”.

Do your students know them? Can they name all four musicians?

And take the quiz: unscramble each of the clue words.

Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells bellow with the same number and read the title of one of the best-known hits of “The Beatles”.

The Beatles

Now, that your students have unscrambled the puzzle, enjoy listening to the song and get language practice: fill in the gaps in the song lyrics.


Oh yeah, I’ll ________ you ________,
I ________ you’ll ________.
When I’ll ________ that ________
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.

Oh ________, say to ________
You’ll ________ me be your ________
And ________, say to ________
You’ll ________ me hold your hand.
Now ________ me hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.

And ______ I ______ you I ______ happy ______
It’s ________ a ________ that my ________
I can’t _______, I can’t _______, I can’t _______.
Yeah, you’ve got that ________,
I think you’ll ________.
When I’ll ________ that ________
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.


to the table: 1. r; 2. j; 3. v; 4. i; 5. c; 6. m; 7. e; 8. q; 9. t; 10. f; 11. u; 12. b; 13. s; 14. a; 15. p; 16. d; 17. k; 18. g; 19. n; 20. h; 21. o; 22. l

to the test “The Beatles”: john; lennon; george; harrison; ringo; starr; paul; mccartney; liverpool; england; yesterday; michelle; help; girl; yellow submarine

to the song:


Oh yeah, I’ll tell you something,
I think you’ll understand.
When I’ll say that something
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.

Oh please, say to me
You’ll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You’ll let me hold your hand.
Now let me hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.

And when I touch you I feel happy inside.
It’s such a feeling that my love
I can’t hide, I can’t hide, I can’t hide.

Yeah, you’ve got that something,
I think you’ll understand.
When I’ll say that something
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.

And when I touch you I feel happy inside.
It’s such a feeling that my love
I can’t hide, I can’t hide, I can’t hide.

Yeh, you’ve got that something,
I think you’ll understand.
When I’ll feel that something
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand,
I want to hold your hand.

By Alyona Pavlova ,
Moscow State University of Printing Arts