Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №24/2008

The Tsarina’s Cherevichky

(Based on the story “The Night Before Christmas” by N. V. Gogol)



Scene 1

Девушки танцуют и поют украинскую народную песню “Со вьюном я хожу”.


Garland of flowers I wear,
Golden flowers I wear.
I don’t know where garland
I will put.
I don’t know where garland
I will put.

I’ll put the garland,
I’ll put the garland,
Put the garland on
the right shoulder,
Put the garland on
The right shoulder.

Off the right shoulder,
Off the right shoulder,
Off right shoulder
On the left one
I will put.
Off right shoulder
On the left one
I will put.

Folk song

Подходит кузнец Вакула.

VAKULA: Oh, Oksana, you are so charming. You are the best, the most beautiful girl in the world! I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. Will you marry me?

GIRL 1: Don’t believe him, Oksana.

GIRL 2: He’s a crafty fellow. (Смеются.)

OKSANA: How can you prove that you love me?

VAKULA: I’ll make all your wishes come true.

OKSANA: I want to have the same cherevichky as the Tsarina herself wears. Get them for me.

GIRLS: You are right, Oksana. That’s a clever idea. (Смеются. Кружатся вокруг Вакулы.)

VAKULA: Good bye, Oksana. I’ll either get you the cherevichky or die. (Уходит.)

OKSANA: I shouldn’t have done that. I’m afraid something might happen to him. You know, I love him.

Scene 2

VAKULA: Oksana is heartless. Why do I love her so much? I’ll get the cherevichky for her and even the devil won’t be able to stop me!

Появляется чёрт, поёт, танцует. (Tune “Hello, Dolly!”)


Hello, I’m the Devil.
Oh, I’m the Devil.
Who is talking?
Who remembers me?
Who has just said the “Devil”?
Who’s afraid of the Devil?
– I’m here and I can
Do all my tricks again.
You feel the earth swaying
For the band’s playing
One of my old favorite songs
I always sing.
So, take my wrap, fella.
Hold on to my hand, fella.
Obey me and expect,
Always hope to gain.
Who is thinking about me?

VAKULA: Who are you?

DEVIL: I’m the Devil. Don’t worry. I won’t be in your way. On the contrary, I’ll help you. You’ll get the same cherevichky as the Tsarina wears. But we’ll make a deal – you’ll give me your soul for my assitance. That’s settled then, isn’t it?

VAKULA: You are not the Devil. You haven’t got a tail, have you?

DEVIL: But I have. Can’t you see it? Look, here it is. (Показывает хвост. Вакула хватает чёрта за хвост.)

VAKULA: I’ve caught you, and now I’ll cross you.

DEVIL: (жалобно) Please, don’t do that! Let me go!

VAKULA: No. At first you’ll do what I tell you to do. (Вскакивает верхом на чёрта.) Take me to St. Petersburg!

Звучит музыка. Вакула и чёрт делают круг по сцене.

Scene 3

Екатерина II, Потёмкин, Фонвизин.

POTYOMKIN: Now, Your Majesty, I’ll introduce to you one of the nationalities of your Empire.

FONVISZN: How interesting!

POTYOMKIN: These are the Zaporozhtsy. They protect the southern borders of our country.

FONVIZIN: I am intensely curious to meet them. Could you repeat once again, please. I’ll write it down.

POTYOMKIN: This fool annoys me so much.

CATHERINE ll: Don’t pay attention to him. Perhaps, he’ll write an outstanding play. Where are these people?


Входят два запорожца. Сзади Вакула и чёрт. Чёрт прячется за его спиной. Вакула его держит. Кланяются.

VAKULA AND ZAPOROZHTSY: (хором) Good afternoon, Your Majesty.

CATHERINE II: Good afternoon. How are you?

ZAPOROZHETS 1: We are fine. Our life isn’t worse than that of people in St. Petersburg.

ZAPOROZHETS 2: However, we wish our young men were not taken to the army. You know, we are free troops. We serve you faithfully, but we have our own army.

CATHERINE ll: What can I do for you?

VAKULA: Your Majesty, your cherevichky are so beautiful. Could you, please, give me the same ones for my fiancee?

Потёмкин злится. Топает ногой.

FONVIZIN: (хохочет) Bravo! I am leaving you. I’ll go to write a wonderful play right now. (Убегает.)

CATHERINE II: (улыбается, хлопает в ладоши) Bring him my cherevichky.

Scene 4

Оксана, девушки, парни. Появляется Вакула с сумкой.

OKSANA: Oh, Vakula, I’m so happy to see you again! I’ll marry you!

VAKULA: Wait a minute, Oksana. See, what a present I have for you.

OKSANA: (заглядывает в сумку) How lovely they are, but I’m even more happy that you have returned.

EVERYBODY: There will be a wedding! There will be a wedding!

Запорожцы играют на балалайках. Все пляшут и поют.


Bright moon’s shining.
Clear moon’s shining.
Full moon’s shining in the sky.
Daria, Maria, Akulina
All have gathered here to dance in ring.
All have gathered here to dance.
All have gathered here to sing.
Vacula and Oksana will
Have the wedding in a week.
Bright moon’s shining.
Clear moon’s shining.
Full moon’s shining in the sky.
Daria, Maria, Akulina
All have gathered here to dance in ring.

Russian folk song

By Natal’ya Rudakova ,
St. Petersburg