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Merry Christmas

Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 6–7-х классов

Цели: развивать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся посредством ознакомления с традициями Англии и Америки на примере празднования католического рождества; развивать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка посредством знакомства с англоязычными странами; активизировать у учащихся творческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.

Оборудование: костюмы Санта Клауса, Ведьмы, Метели; мешок с подарками, карточки для игр, музыкальный центр, микрофон, ёлка, игрушки, гирлянды, свечи, праздничные открытки.

Teacher: Lord Tennyson in his poem “In Memoriam” says good-bye to the old year and greets the New Year.


Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.


Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.


Ring out old shapes of foul disease;
Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,…

Together: Ring in the thousand years of peace.

В исполнении хора звучит песня “Santa Claus is on His Way”.


Santa Claus is on his way,
He is coming.
Santa Claus is on his way,
He is coming on his sleigh,
Jingle bells are ringing.
Santa Claus is singing.
Santa Claus is on his way.
He is coming.
Santa’s coming here today.
Everybody knows it’s Christmas –
‘cause Santa Claus is on his way today.
Santa Claus is on his way.

Narrator: Hello, friends! We are pleased to meet you again. The 25th of December is Christmas Day. This day is connected with traditions:

Many other traditions, so unusual and interesting that I hope they’ll attract your attention. The New Year! Children are especially fond of this time of the year. Smelling fir-trees and Christmas pudding!

Дети поют песню “Christmas Cards”.


Christmas cards, Christmas cards.
Red and green and blue.
Please send me a Christmas card, and
I’ll send one to you.

Christmas cards, Christmas cards.
Hanging by the tree.
I’ll send you a Christmas card,
If you send one to me.

Появляются учащиеся в форме почтальонов – ROBINS, раздающие открытки и читающие поздравления на английском языке. Эти поздравления написаны на самодельных открыточках и Robin-postmen, дети в шапочках малиновок, раздают эти поздравления в зал.

– My best congratulations on Christmas.
– May all your troubles if any, be overcome!
– I with you success and happiness!
– Love and best wishes for a merry Christmas and very happy New Year. I wish you all the happiness in the world!
– Have a very happy Christmas! Bee healthy and joyful!

Narrator: Oh, you see here Christmas birds. The Christmas Robins. Why the Robins? The origin of the robin as a Christmas bird dates back 100 years. In the 19th century the Post Office dressed its postmen in bright red coats of a colour to match the official red of the pillar-boxes. Because of this striking uniform, the postmen were called “red breasts” or “robin postmen”. In 1860 cards first came into favour and almost all the early cards showed a cheerful robin.
So, all the cards at Christmas have winter scenes with snowdrifts and snowflakes because it seldom snows in Great Britain and Englishmen dream of snowy weather.

Дети поют песню “Snow”.


Snow, snow thick, thick snow,
Wintertime is here you know.
When the temperature is low,
Have fun in the thick, thick snow.

Snow, snow thick, thick snow,
Makes you tingle, makes you glow.
Just forget your cares and woe,
Have fun in the thick, thick snow.

Make yourself a snowman,
Ride upon the sleigh.
Skate upon the ice-pond
You can play and play all day, in
Snow, snow thick, thick snow.

Narrator: The holiday postcards also have candles, holly branches and, of course, the Virgin Mother with the Christ child. The religious service is being transmitted from the marvelous church of the 15th century. That is King’s College in Cambridge. There are intermittent Christmas hymns performed by the clear voices of the children and words read from the Bible. The tradition to light candles goes back to the period of the Roman invasion. They did it in honour of their god Saturn.

Стоящие на сцене дети зажигают свечи. Сначала звучит 1-й куплет религиозной песни “Virgin Mother” на английском языке в исполнении хора мальчиков.


Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright.
Round you, Virgin Mother and child.
Holy infant, so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Выходит девочка со свечой и поёт третий куплет на русском языке.

Тихая ночь. Дивная ночь.
К небу нас Бог призывал,
О, да откроются наши сердца
И да прославят Его все уста,
Он нам Спасителя дал!
Он нам Спасителя дал!

Girl: The name January also had a religious origin. The name comes from Janus, an old Roman god with two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back. He was the god of beginnings and endings. January is the first month of the year. It is a month in which people look forward to the New Year. On New Year’s Day, which was in Roman times the god’s festival, people gave each other copper coins, which on one side was Janus’s double head and on the other, a ship. The Anglo-Saxons called this month Wolf-month.

Narrator: But people today don’t think too much about the religious hymns and the religious names. They are dreaming of the turkey with chestnuts. There is also a delicious pudding. Silver coins, tiny bells, and horseshoes are baked inside. The piece of pudding with the coin or prizes is for the luckiest one. Fortune will smile, they will be wealthy, loved and will prosper in the New Year.

Из зала слова: “Let’s eat the pudding!”

Narrator: No, no it’s not time yet. We’d better sing, dance and play.

Дети поют песню и танцуют “Jingle Bells” (в руках у них колокольчики).

Narrator: It has become a tradition to go from door to door, singing Christmas songs (CAROLS).
Carol-singers usually stand in front of the house and sing and play Christmas carols. The children have a box to collect money for old and destitute people. Christmas has become the most popular of all the Christian holidays. Practically all work stopped during the Хmas season. The churches are beautifully decorated and large groups of children sing carols in the open air. They are merry and happy.

Несколько участников берут небольшой мешок и подходят к гостям, исполняя рождественскую песню, а приглашенные кладут в мешок различные сладости: конфеты, мандарины и т. д.

CAROLS (акапело)

Here we come A-Caroling,
Among the leaves so green.
Here we come a-wandering
So fair to be seen.


Love and joy come to you,
And to you glad Christmas too.
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year.
And God send you a Happy New Year.

We are not daily beggars,
That come from door to door.
But we are neighbours children,
Which you have seen before.


God bless the master of the house,
Likewise the mistress, too,
And all the little children,
That round the tables go.


Ребята кланяются и уходят. Появляется “старик-попрошайка”, держа в руках шапку для подаяний.

Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat.
Put, please, a penny
In this old man’s hat.
If you haven’t got a penny,
A halfpenny will do,
If you haven’t got a half penny,
God bless you!

Narrator: On the eve of Christmas the radio broadcasts appeals to collect money for the blind and cripples. The acts of charity are traditional, too. Children gather money and give it to the church to treat poor and homeless people to apples. In England they say if you eat an apple on Christmas you’ll enjoy excellent health until the following Christmas eve. Now, we shall try to taste apples, too.

Игра “Яблочки на веревочке” (с закрытыми глазами дети должны срезать яблоко). Пока дети соревнуются, на сцену выходит девочка, наряженная как новогодняя ёлка.

Narrator: Look at this wonderful fir tree!

Fir Tree:

Now my arms, for girls and boys,
Have blossomed already with coloured toys.
Oh, little pines, it’s so fun to live
To be a Christmas Tree and give.

Narrator: To know how the tradition of decorating the house with the evergreen plants was born, we must go back to the 16th century. In Germany there was the head of the Protestant movement Martin Luther. Once, on Christmas eve he was going home and paid attention to the sky studded with bright stars. The sight was exciting. It seemed as if the stars were twinkling on the branches of the trees. Luther came home and decided to bring home a little fir-tree. He made up his mind to decorate it with candles and light them. So the first decorated fir-tree appeared in Germany in 1513. Prince Albert, German by birth, became a husband of Britain’s Queen Victoria. He brought this tradition to England. And from here it spread around the world.
Now, let’s play a little (танцы с шарами). Try to preserve your balloon by keeping the balloons between the pair’s foreheads. While dancing try to put the rest of the pairs out of action. You are to move, approach the pair and knock out the balloon. But don’t lose your own! The winners will get a prize.

Girl: The thirty first of December is the last day of the year. On this day people get together to wish one another a Happy New Year. But in Russia more than two hundred years ago, friends did not meet on the last night of December. And the 1st of January was not a holiday at that time. The first day of the year was the 1st of September. In other countries not far from Russia, and in England, too the 31st of December was the last day of the old year. That’s why the 1st of January had become the first day of Russian calendar in 1699. This put the end to the old Russian tradition and made the 31st of December the last day of the year. So, the 1st of January, 1700 was New Year’s Day.

Boy: In England on New Year’s Eve, a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square, and at midnight they all cross arms, join hands and sing. People have parties in their houses, too. The TV and radio stations broadcast the sound of Big Ben. When it strikes midnight and when people hear it they drink a toast to the New Year. (Бьёт Big Ben).

A song “Happy New Year” (coло).


No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue.

It’s the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now’s the time for us to say

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have a vision
Now and then of a world where
Every neighbour is a friend

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have our hopes
our will to try
if we don’t we might
as well lay down and die
You and I.

Boy: People in Britain often make New Year’s resolutions, these are promises for new year. We sometimes make them, but don’t always keep them.

Narrator: And what will you promise? (to get only good marks, to obey the parents, to please them in any possible way…) We’ll see! Let us sing a wonderful song “New Year’s Resolutions”.


I promise to be very, very good.
I promise to do the things I should.
I promise to make my bed each day.
I promise to put my things away.
I promise not to throw my socks on the floor.
I promise to put my socks in the drawer.
I promise to do my homework right.
I promise not to stay up late at night.
I promise to listen to my mom and dad.
I promise not to do anything bad.

Narrator: You know, the highest and the finest fir-tree is erected in Trafalgar Square. The tradition goes back to the days of the Second World War. Norway found their refuge in Great Britain: as it was Christmas time, they offered them a fir-tree. Since that time, Oslo annually presents Great Britain with the huge fir-tree. It has become a tradition.
Now you’ll see how the fir-tree has come to our houses. The fairy-tale “The Magic Fir-tree”.



Father Frost
Baba Yaga
The Wind
The Blizzard

Заранее подобраны мелодии, для выхода персонажей: Деда Мороза, Ветра, Снежной Бури, Бабы Яги и убаюкивающая песня Дремы.

Father Frost: The wind is roaring louder and louder in my ears. The snowfall was so great that all the roads, all the tracks are covered with white. The snowflakes are twinkling like diamonds. All the trees and bushes are white. What a delightful scene. This reminds me of the North Pole. I am going to inspect my wood where my wonderful fir-tree grows. It grows deep in my magic wood. Every year when I visit the children with toys and games I have only to say to the tree “Deck yourself!” And at once, its magic boughs glitter with the prettiest toys one can wish for. I am in a hurry now. I am short of time. I have much work to do on the eve of the New Year in order to please the children.

Baba Yaga: I am the wicked old witch, Baba Yaga. Oh, I have been living in this wood for ages. But I have never seen that wonderful magic tree. Now I wish I could see it. Oh, I’ll find it by all means. I’ll cut it down. It’ll be mine. I shall allow nobody to be merry and gay, they will cry, weeping with woe.

Father Frost: (подходит к ели) Where are my guards? Blizzard, Wind, where are you, where have you hidden? Are you sleeping? I’ll punish you for that. You are to watch the fir-tree day and night.

Blizzard: We are here, your Frost Majesty.

Wind: We have been guarding the magic fir-tree day and night.

Father Frost: You are to guard the tree carefully, nobody will be able to come near it. We shall preserve the beauty of this magic tree for the children. The evil forces will be unable to get near it.

Blizzard: We’ll do our best. I shall be roaring loudly. I’ll cover with snow all the approaches to this place. And the fir-tree will be safe and sound. I’ll cover everything with snow. The great white cloak will hide the fir-tree from danger. I’ll paint all the trees silver.

Wind: I shall roar all day and night about the wood. I’ll blow everybody down. I shall run round as fast as I can. My breath is like ice.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are silly, cunning Father! You are an old fool, you are too foolish to deceive me. I’ll call Slumber to help me. Slumber! Where are you? Are you still sleeping? You are a lazybone. You’ve overslept and missed all the secrets of our magic wood. Have you heard any news?

Slumber: I was sleeping. It’s so pleasant to sleep. It’s so comfortable, snug and cosy to sleep on the white snow carpet.

Baba Yaga: Stop sleeping!

Slumber: I am all ears.

Baba Yaga: You are to help me. We must manage to steal the magic fir-tree of Father Frost from the midst of the forest.

Slumber: I’ve heard that this fir-tree is being guarded day and night and nobody can approach it.

Baba Yaga: Yes, there are two guards there. They are hard working and industrious. But we are cleverer.

Slumber: What do you mean? I am ready to help you.

Baba Yaga: O.K. The gentle fluttering of slumber’s wings can lull the two sentinels to sleep.

Slumber: I’ll lull them quickly and successfully. I’ll move my wings. I’ll sing my lullaby and they will fall asleep.

Baba Yaga: Meanwhile, I’ll snatch the tree. Begin your wicked doings immediately.


Sleep sentinels, sleep.
Your sleep is so deep.
Sleepy, sleepy you’ll become,
I’ll do you no harm, no harm.

Blizzard: What’s the matter? My eyes are simply closing with sleep.

Wind: I am dying for the lack of sleep.

Baba Yaga: Oh, they’ve fallen asleep. So easily and quickly. I’ll dance round it. I am in so happy.

Slumber: Stop dancing and snapping your fingers. You have forgotten about Father Frost. He will never forget us.

Baba Yaga: Oh yes, he will not spare us. Let’s quickly snatch the tree and disappear.

Slumber: Hurry up!

Baba Yaga: Thank you Slumber, you’ve done me a great favour. (хватают дерево и собираются уходить)

Father Frost: Sentinels! My noble guards, where are you? I’m preparing for my visit to the children. But where is my fir-tree? There is not even a stump of the tree, you are two disobedient guards. Wake up! You have overslept and the magic fir-tree is gone. Somebody has stolen it.

Blizzard: I beg your pardon, Father Frost. It’s my fault.

Wind: I am guilty, too. I am so awfully sorry. Don’t blame me. I’ll overtake and find the criminals.

Blizzard: And I’ll blind the thieves with snow. I’ll throw the sharp stinging snow-flakes in their faces.

Wind: Ah, here they are. Stop wicked thieves! Otherwise I’ll blow and you will stumble and fall into a big snow-drift.

Blizzard: Give us back our magic fir-tree. You’ve behaved as cunning and greedy criminals and you’ll be punished for that.

Baba Yaga: Leave us alone. Don’t kill us. We were wrong.

Slumber: I didn’t wish to do you any harm. I only wanted...

Father Frost: Go away, you cowards.

Wind: We are not afraid of you.

Slumber: We are devoted friends of Father Frost. We’ll not allow anybody to play tricks on us.

Father Frost: I’ll give you three seconds to run away. One, two, three! Run as quickly as you can.

Blizzard: Let’s carry the tree to the children!

Wind: Let’s carry it to the children!

Father Frost: And from that day on, this magic fir-tree has delighted children all over the world.

Звучит веселая полька на английском языке. В это время очередная группа детей готовится к выходу на сцену.

Narrator: Santa Claus! As you know British children annually write you letters on Christmas eve. (передает пачку). For children it is a tradition to write letters to Santa Claus and he will, of course, respond to these trustful creatures. Christmas business is set on a high level in Great Britain.

Santa Claus: I’ll do everything for the children. What did they ask me to do? (Читает одно из писем.) “Dear Santa Claus, I love you. I am a 1st grader. I try to study well. It is very difficult…”

Boy: Oh, it’s my sister’s letter. What has Santa Claus prepared for her? I see a doll, a new pencil-box and what’s that? Among the toys there are lumps of coal. This is a terrible reminder to behave better, because Santa Claus doesn’t give gifts to naughty and disobedient children.

Girl: As you know, in England there is a tradition of filling the children’s stockings with toys, cakes, and candies. In some parts of England they have an artificial yule log, which is usually placed in the center of the table in the house.

Boy: I am sure you would like to know your future! Please, take your paper and read. You know CHRISTMAS is the Day of HAPPINESS and predicting your fate!

Каждый достаёт бумажку с предсказанием на будущий год и зачитывает вслух.


1. You are probably one of the lucky ones. Your performance at school will always be excellent in the New Year. There are only good times ahead of you.
2. Your performance will be excellent. You have the potential to raise it to the highest level. Stay on your toes to get to the top. You’ll enjoy perfect health between January and November.
3. You will ride the wave of success throughout the New Year. If you choose a proper field in the future you will be successful.
4. Planetary combinations will be unfavorable in January but you’ll be lucky throughout all other months of the New Year.
5. You are an optimist. Whether the going is good or bad, you’ll keep looking on the bright side of life.
6. You have some artistic capability. You could be a reasonably good artist or musician, but never an outstanding one.
7. With practice you will have a fairly successful sports career.
8. In the coming year, your performance will be exceptionally good if you work hard at school.
9. Not inclined to be a high flier, you don’t try to reach the top in your business. To get success you must try hard.
10. You are likely to have serious problems with your health. However careful attention will bring you relief.
11. With your sharp mind and perfect memory you could do well in the subjects like Mathematics and English.
12. You will have a very favorable time for everything between February and March.

Narrator: Have you already eaten your apples, children? In New York Christmas tradition is also connected with the Big Apple.

Boy: In New York, a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the “Big Apple Fall”. The “Big Apple” isn’t a real apple. It’s a moving image on the side of one of the big buildings at Times Square. Every New Year’s Eve, during the last few seconds before midnight it starts to “fall” down the building and when it reaches the bottom, it’s the start of the New Year.

Boy and Girl:

December comes so white and cold,
With snow, it stops the rain.
It comes and draws trees young and old
On every window-pane
New Year is here with us now,
Let happy be its birth,
And all the people all around,
We are for Peace on Earth.
A happy New Year!
The day is so clear.
The snow is so white
The sky is so bright
We shout with all our might
A happy New Year.

Дед Мороз раздаёт подарки самым активным участникам.

QUIZ (проводит учитель)

1. What is holly?

a) a tasty Christmas cake;
b) a drink for Christmas dinner;
c) a tree, the leaves of which are used for Christmas decorations.

2. What do Englishmen do with Christmas crackers?

a) kiss them;
b) eat them;
c) shoot off.

3. What do Englishmen do with Christmas stockings?

a) put them on the legs;
b) hide the presents for children in them;
c) decorate the fir-tree with it.

4. What is Christmas carol?

a) a song with dance;
b) a Christmas game;
c) something to eat.

5. What is Christmas Robin?

a) a bird;
b) a woodpecker;
c) a postman.

6. What colour is the uniform of the Christmas robins?

a) blue;
b) red;
c) yellow.

Key: 1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b.

Дед Мороз раздаёт подарки самым активным участникам. Дети выходят по одному с пожеланиями, бросают в зал шарики.

1. I heard the bells on Christmas Day,
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The world repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!

2. Good wishes for your happiness at Christmas in the coming year.

3. Hope you’ll do
What you like
And like what you do.

4. And the New Year will be
A great year for you!

5. New things to learn.

6. New Friends to meet.

7. New song to sing.

8. New joys to try.

9. New things to see.

10. New things to hear.

11. New things to do in this glad New Year.

12. I wish you all the happiness in the world! May you be as energetic and optimistic as you are now. In the New Year, may all your dreams come true.

13. We send warm New Year greetings and best wishes to all of you! We greet you on the joyful New Year Holidays and wish you good health, happiness and great success in your work and study. A happy New Year to you!

Все вместе исполняют песню “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.


We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!

Good tidings to you, wherever you are.
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!

Good tidings we bring to you, of good cheer.
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!

Good tidings we bring to you, and your kin.
Good tidings at Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Вносится и режется pudding, каждый берёт по кусочку, находя различные Рождественские символы.

Teacher: Now, dear children, the amusing part of our holiday.

RIDDLES (for the 4th formers)

You can’t hear me, but you
Can see me all around
Falling softly from the sky,
I’m white upon the ground.
What am I? (Snow)

What season is it?

This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost
Brings the New Year tree. (Winter)

Who is he?

He comes at night
(Or so they say!)
Then does his job
And goes away. (Father Frost)

The little old woman has twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. Who is she? (A year)

Teacher: Our dear guests, children! I am sure you’ve had a good time at our merry party. Did you like fairy-tales? Which of the actors did you enjoy most: Father Frost, The Wind, The Blizzard, Slumber or Baba Yaga?

Дети выбирают лучшего актёра, который получает приз зрительских симпатий.

Teacher: Ребята, сегодня мы с вами говорили о католическом Рождестве. А в нашей стране, когда мы отмечаем этот праздник? (7 января)
Как вы думаете, есть ли общее, что объединяет нас в этом празднике? Думаю, вы со мной согласитесь, что это светлый и добрый праздник, когда мы отмечаем рождение Иисуса Христа. В заключение нашего вечера давайте споём ещё раз одну из полюбившихся вам песен: “Jingle Bells”, “Santa Claus” or may be “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”.

Дети исполняют одну из полюбившихся песен.