Beautiful Butterflies
• Write the poem on a sheet of chart paper. Draw the outline of a butterfly around the words.
• Provide each child with a paintbrush. As you read the poem aloud, invite children to swirl their brushes in the air and pretend to be painters painting the wings of butterflies.
• Show children pictures of butterflies in books or nature magazines. What do they notice about their left and right wings? Do the designs look the same or different? Point out that each spot or line on one side has a matching spot or line on the other side.
• Have children use their paintbrushes to “paint” imaginary matching butterfly wings. Model how to do this by painting a simple pattern in the air. As you paint, describe what you are doing. For example, you might say, “Let’s paint a pattern on a butterfly’s wings. On this wing, we’ll paint three stripes and two dots. Now we have to paint the other wing so that it’s exactly the same.” When children are comfortable with the activity, allow volunteers to take turns leading the group in painting matching wing patterns.
• Invite children to find and circle all the initial p’s and b’s in the poem.
Initial Consonant Paintbrush Game: Let children continue their make-believe painting as they work with the letter p. Go around the circle and ask each child to name something he or she is painting that begins with the [p] sound – for example, “I am painting a pink pig” or “I am painting pancakes and pizza.” Children can swirl their paintbrushes in the air as they speak.
Symmetry Chart: Gather objects or pictures of objects that are symmetrical and some that are not symmetrical. Show students the objects or pictures one by one. Which items have matching parts on both sides and which items do not? Chart students’ conclusions.
Parts Match |
Parts Do Not Match |
Exactly |
Exactly |
feather |
cloud |
doll’s face/body |
hand |
leaf |
rock |
acorn |
puzzle piece |
pretzel |
flag |
Paint-Blot Butterflies
Reinforce the concept of symmetry by inviting children to make butterflies with matching wings.
• newspaper;
• sheets of white construction paper (prefolded in half, the short way);
• eyedroppers;
• tempera paint (various colors);
• pencils;
• scissors;
• hole punch (optional);
• string or yarn (optional).
1. Cover the work surface with newspaper. Give each child a folded sheet of construction paper. Have children open the paper and place it flat on the desk. Point out the fold line down the middle of the page.
2. Have children use the eyedroppers and paint to create colorful patterns and designs on one half of the paper. Tell children to drop small amounts of paint and to be sure not to cross the fold line.
3. Have students refold the page and gently rub their hand over it, pressing the two halves together.
4. Tell children to open up their folded pages. Surprise! The blank side of the page is now covered with paint. Ask children what they notice about the designs on both sides of the fold line. Point out that they are exactly the same – just like a butterfly’s wings.
5. Help children draw the outline of a butterfly around their painted designs.
6. Have children cut out their butterflies. Display the symmetrical designs around the room. Look for matching parts in each design. Optional: Punch a hole in the center of each butterfly, near the top. Then tie a length of string or yarn through the hole. Hang the butterflies from the ceiling or a clothesline.