In the Park
Look carefully at the picture. Finish these sentences.
1. ___________ is coming down the slide.
2. There are ___________ ducks in the pond.
3. ___________ is playing with his boat.
4. ___________ is feeding the swan.
5. ___________ kicks the ball to ___________.
6. ___________ is skipping rope.
7. ___________ and ___________ are on the swings.
8. There are ___________ trees in the park.
9. ___________ and ___________ are on the seesaw.
10. There are ___________ children in the park.
Answers: 1. John; 2. three; 3. Andy; 4. Susan; 5. Rod, Mark; 6. Sally; 7. Cathy, Andrew; 8. seven; 9. Jill, Gary; 10. ten