A Valentine Adventure
When we do not get to know others well, we miss out on great friendships. Being friendly can also bring new adventures.
Cast of Characters:
Gary Blade
Mrs. Green, the teacher
4 Classmates
desks, table, chairs, chrome bar, valentines, ball, 2 apples in 2 sacks, bell
Super Kid T-shirt, 2 headbands made from aluminum foil, teacher clothes
A second grade classroom somewhere in the U.S.A.
Narrator: The second grade class at Lincoln School began as usual with the pledge to the flag. After everyone sat down, Mrs. Green asked one boy to come to the front of the class.
Teacher: Boys and girls, we have a new student today. His name is Gary Blade. Please help him feel welcome in our school.
Narrator: Mrs. Green, the teacher, has him sit next to Louis Granger. All morning the students watch Gary.
(Bell rings.)
Mrs. Green: Recess time.
(Gary walks toward the door with Louis and four other students.)
Louis: Where are you from?
Gary: I just moved here from far away. Now I live just down the street.
Louis: We don’t let kids come into our class without seeing how tough they are. Can you arm wrestle?
Gary: What’s that?
Louis: You don’t know what arm wrestling is? Are you from outer space?
(Four students laugh. Louis and Gary go to a table to arm wrestle.)
Louis: You push my arm down to the table and I push yours down. The one who does it first, wins.
(In a flash Gary wins over an astonished Louis. The other students say, “Wow!” Bell rings. They walk back to their desks.)
Narrator: Today is Valentine’s Day. Like the other days, Gary, listens carefully to the teacher. He knows the answers to the questions and even adds new ideas.
Mrs. Green: Do we have anyone in class who knows the answer besides Gary? Louis, do you remember the answer from yesterday?
Louis: No, but I’m sure Egghead Gary knows it.
(Everyone laughs.)
Mrs. Green: Louis, you know you should not call anyone a bad name, and especially on Valentine’s Day. You will stay in today after lunch.
(Bell rings. Children exit gleefully carrying their valentines.)
Narrator: It’s lunchtime and the students go to eat.
(Kimo sits next to Gary at the lunch table. They take apples from their lunch sacks.)
Kimo: Hi, Gary. I’m Kimo. You sure know lots of things.
Gary: I like to listen carefully. That way I learn many things. Thanks for the valentine. Your valentine was the only one I got.
Kimo: I didn’t get very many myself.
(Bell rings. All students walk to playground. Kimo picks up a ball.)
Kimo: Gary, do you want to play with me?
Gary: Sure! Kimo, you are the only person who has been nice to me since I came. Would you like to come to my house tomorrow?
Kimo: Sure! I’ll ask my mom tonight.
(They both exit.)
Narrator: The next day passes and it’s time for Kimo to go home with Gary.
Gary: Kimo, all week you have helped me in school. You are not like the other students. They are rude and stare at me.
Kimo: I think it is because they think you are smart and strong.
Gary: Today I will show you who I really am. (Gary takes off his shirt. Underneath is a T-shirt that says “Super Kid.” He puts on a headband from his pocket.)
Kimo: Gary, I didn’t know that you are Super Kid.
Gary: Yes. I come from a twin Earth far into the galaxy. It’s called Thear. That’s Earth spelled sideways. No one from Earth knows Thear, because the sun is always in the way. I came here to find out what it is like to live on Earth. It hurts to see how unkind people can be to people they don’t know.
Kimo: It hurts even more to see how unkind people can be to people that they know.
Gary: Tomorrow is Saturday. I want to give you a special valentine. I want you to visit Thear.
Kimo: That sounds great! Bye! (They exit in different directions.)
Narrator: Today is Saturday. Kimo arrives at Gary’s house.
Gary: Hi Kimo! Are you ready for a valentine adventure? Put on this headband and grab the space bar.
(They hold onto the chrome bar and exit.)
Narrator: Today is Monday. Kimo arrives at school. The bell rings and all students are in their seats, except for Gary.
Mrs. Green: Gary’s not here.
Kimo: Gary is not coming back, Mrs. Green. He moved again. He took me to his real home on Saturday. It was nice and we had lots of fun. We plan to keep in touch with each other.
All: I wonder why he left? (All look surprised except Kimo.)