Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №23/2008

The Little Bear



Scene 1

В глубине сцены Маленький Медвежонок играет с осенними листьями. Мама-медведица сидит на пеньке, вяжет. Повсюду – осенние листья. Мама-медведица встаёт, оглядывается по сторонам.

MOTHER BEAR: Little Bear! Little Bear! Come here! (Мама встаёт, обнимает Медвежонка, подходят к краю сцены.)

Look around!
Leaves have fallen to the ground
It rains and there is little food
There’s sadness in the wood.

Медвежонок грустно подбирает осенние листья, собирает в букет.


It’s time to go to the den
And sleep till spring comes again.
The Sun will shine
The plants will grow
And greet you from beneath the snow.

LITTLE BEAR: Mummy, I won’t sleep this winter. The Old Magpie told me, “There is much snow in winter. It’s soft and fluffy. Father Frost comes. He gives presents to the beasts.” I want to play in the snow! I want to see Father Frost! I want to get a present too!

MOTHER BEAR: Don’t listen to the old chatterbox’s rubbish! All well-mannered beasts sleep in winter. Let’s go!

Появляется Сорока.

LITTLE BEAR: No, they don’t. There she is flying! Ask her!

MOTHER BEAR: Fly! Fly here, old chatterbox! I’ll tear out your tail! My dear sonny, Little Bear doesn’t want to sleep because of your stupidity.

MAGPIE: I’m not a chatterbox, I always tell the truth. Go to the den and sleep, Little Bear. When Father Frost comes, I’ll wake you up and you will see everything yourself.

LITTLE BEAR: All right. Thank you, Magpie. We are going to sleep. Good-bye!


Мама-медведица и Медвежонок уходят, машут рукой, прощаясь. Сорока машет им в ответ.

Scene 2

В глубине сцены спит маленький медвежонок. Сорока скачет по сцене.


Father Frost comes through the wood
He gives birds and beasts some food.
Hey! The birds, the beasts, wake up!
Fly, run, jump and get a cup
Full of cones, seeds and nuts,
Jars of jam and sugar lumps!

Маленький Медвежонок медленно просыпается, протирает глазки.

MAGPIE: Hey, Little Bear, wake up! Father Frost has come.

Маленький Медвежонок неуклюже подбегает к Сороке.

LITTLE BEAR: Here I am. Where is Father Frost? Dear Magpie, will you please tell me what kind of present Father Frost gave you.

Сорока показывает Медвежонку красивую коробочку с бантиком, открывает её.

MAGPIE: He gave me a box of seeds. Let’s go, Little Bear! Come on! We have to catch up with Father Frost.

Сорока и Медвежонок бегут. Навстречу им идёт Заяц, он несёт красивую коробочку и грызёт морковку.

LITTLE BEAR: Hello, Hare! You’ve seen Father Frost, haven’t you? What does he look like?

HARE: Hi, Little Bear! He gave me a carrot. All hares got carrots. Hurry up, Little Bear! Father Frost walks fast as a hare. It isn’t easy to catch up with him.

Заяц убегает. Навстречу скачет Белочка, в руках красивая коробочка.

LITTLE BEAR: Hello, Squirrel! Have you seen Father Frost? What did he give you?

SQUIRREL: Hi! He gave me a box of nuts. All squirrels got nuts. Hurry up, Little Bear! He is fast as a squirrel.

LITTLE BEAR: Father Frost! I can’t catch up with you. Where are you?

FATHER FROST: I’m here. Is it you who called me? And here I am. Hello, Little Bear.

LITTLE BEAR: Hello, Father Frost! Why do you give presents to all the beasts and birds, but not the bears?

FATHER FROST: It isn’t true. I give sweet dreams to all the bears. You know they have to sleep in winter, don’t you?

LITTLE BEAR: But I don’t want to sleep. I want to make merry with other animals.

FATHER FROST: (протягивает большую конфету) All right! Play a little and then go to bed. Mother Bear will worry. When you wake up in spring you’ll see I didn’t forget about you.

Scene 3

На сцену выбегает Заяц, скачет Белочка, “вылетает” Сорока. Вместе с Дедом Морозом и Маленьким Медвежонком поют и танцуют.

We’re Having a Merry Party…

We’re having a merry party,
We’re having a merry party,
We’re having a merry party,
Wish you Happy New Year!

We’re singing a merry carol,
We’re singing a merry carol,
We’re singing a merry carol,
Wish you Happy New Year!

We’re dancing to merry music,
We’re dancing to merry music,
We’re dancing to merry music,
Wish you Happy New Year!

LITTLE BEAR: I’m tired. I’m going to sleep. Good-bye!

FATHER FROST: Good-bye, Little Bear. Take care.

MAGPIE: Good-bye, Little Bear. See you in spring.

Медвежонок уходит, все машут ему вслед.

Scene 4

Мама Медведица и Маленький Медвежонок выходят, собирают цветы, в глубине сцены под покрывалом лежит большая красивая коробка с бантом.

MOTHER BEAR: Spring has come. Nature has returned to life. The Sun is shining and it’s warm in the wood.

LITTLE BEAR: (капризничает) Mummy, I’m hungry.

MOTHER BEAR: Wait a little. Soon we’ll find something to eat. (Мама Медведица замечает коробку, берёт её, открывает.) Little Bear! Look what I’ve found! Come here!

LITTLE BEAR: (прыгает) Oh! A full cask of honey! Hurray!!!

MOTHER BEAR: Where did it come from?

LITTLE BEAR: I know! It’s Father Frost’s present. I talked with him in the winter.

MOTHER BEAR: Don’t talk nonsense! You were sleeping and dreaming.

LITTLE BEAR: But is the honey a dream?

MOTHER BEAR: It’s a wonder! We’ll invite other beasts and have a spring-warming party. (Медвежонок прыгает. Мама-Медведица выходит вперёд.)

Hey, all insects, birds and beasts,
Fly, run, jump and warm the spring.
Welcome, friends! Enjoy yourself!
Spring has come.
Let’s dance and play!

Все выходят на сцену, поют, танцуют вокруг бочонка с мёдом.

We Thank You, Dear Father Frost…

We thank you, dear Father Frost,
For happy days you share
With children, birds,
Insects and beasts,
With silly Little Bear.

We love you, dear Father Frost,
You play and swing with us.
You dance and sing in a merry ring
And give us sweets and nuts.
The spring has come.

The Sun wakes up
A wood, a field and valley.
Come on, dear friends!
We greet the spring.
Let’s eat the cask of honey!

By Natal’ya Rudakova ,
St. Petersburg