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Discover the Perfect Place

Конкурсный урок, 8-й класс

Образовательные: совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме урока по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
Развивающие: развивать творческие способности школьников, умения анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы.
Воспитательные: формировать уважение к мнению другого человека; прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, других стран; повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.
Сопутствующая задача – контроль умений учащихся самостоятельно оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Учебник: Богородицкая В. Н., Хрусталева Л. В. Учебник английского языка: Для VIII кл. шк. с углубл. изуч. англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. 3-е издание. М.: 2003
Учебные пособия: задания для учащихся, карта Великобритании, рекламные проспекты, открытки.
Техническое обеспечение: компьютер.

Ход урока

I. Organization Period
Приветствие, представление, определение настроения учащихся, сообщение целей урока.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m so glad to see you today.
Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.
Dear students, let me introduce myself. My name is Elena Babina. I am an English language teacher of Gymnasia No. 6. I hope that you’ll like our lesson.
Dear students, I hope that you are fine today. On your desks you can see pictures of different moods. You can choose one which really shows how you are feeling at the moment. You can put a tick in front of it. (отметить настроение) (См. приложение 1)
Today we are going to read, speak and write about attractive places.
We’ll travel a lot today and make some stops. They are: Translation, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing.

На доске схема движения.

О самооценке работы учащимися.
Teacher: You will also evaluate your work yourselves using the mountain of success. On the tables you can see the Mountain of Success and our lesson evaluation sheet (см. Приложе-ние 2). Your aim is to reach the top of the mountain by the end of the lesson.
And now let’s begin our lesson.

II. Introduction of the Theme
Знакомство с девизом урока, из записанных на доске букв ученики составляют слово.

Teacher: The motto of the lesson today is “Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter”.
Today’s Quotation is “No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits. Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby – so helpless and so ridiculous.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Creative Task 1
Teacher: What do you think can help us to get a real picture of a place? Can you find a word in the letters on the blackboard?
(advert) letters: v, a, e, d, r, t

Creative task 2
Teacher: What do you think about adverts?
Do they really give a picture of a place?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.

Creative task 3
Teacher: How can you explain the quotation of the lesson? Do you agree that traveling in another country is a very pleasant thing even if you do not know the language of the country?
Can you translate the quotation? Write your translation into your exercise books and don’t forget to evaluate your work.

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.

III. Pre-reading Activity
Teacher: Do you know how many regions England is divided into? (5)

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard and read the names of the regions and some remarkable places after me.

На доске записаны названия районов и известных мест Англии. Ученики читают их за учителем.

the Southeast
the Southwest
East Anglia
the Midlands
the North of England

IV. Reading
Деление на группы.
Первая группа: ученики читают описание районов, отгадывают название, находят район на карте.

Teacher: Our next stop is Reading. Let’s divide into two groups.

The task for the first group: you have the description of 5 regions. Read them, please, and guess the name of each region. Agree or disagree with the given statements:

1. A highly populated region, a lot of industry near the Thames, important historical cities, the main passenger ports and airports, attractive countryside, the garden of England, world famous resorts.

2. A very flat area with a lot of farms, Oliver Cromwell’s birthplace, the main national roads, more than half of the area is surrounded by the sea, the famous university of Cambridge, the Fens.

3. Another farming region with a lot of small family farms, dairy products, used to be known for pirates, the principal cities – Bristol, Bath, famous Stonehenge, the most westerly point of Great Britain.

4. An area with a lot of busy industrial cities and many wild and lonely parts, rich in coal, the Lake District, the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall, beautiful valleys, rivers, waterfalls and mountains.

5. The heart of England, the largest industrial area, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, the university city of Oxford, the industrial cities of Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield, the big sea port of Liverpool.

Agree or disagree
1. The Southeast is a thinly populated region.
2. Heathrow Airport is in the East Anglia.
3. The Southwest is a farming region.
4. We can find famous Stonehenge in the Midlands.
5. The Midlands is the heart of England.

Key: 1. –; 2. –; 3. +; 4. –; 5. +

Вторая группа: ученики читают описание мест из учебника (упр. 18, стр. 139) и готовятся прорекламировать одно из них.

The task for the second group: open your books at page 139, exercise 18. Read the description of some places in Britain. Choose one you like most and be ready to advertise it.

V. After-reading Activity
Teacher: Let’s check your tasks. The first group is welcome to agree or disagree with the sentences, but I want you to listen attentively to their answers. One of you will have to summarize information about regions of England.

Ученики выполняют упражнение, используя фразы согласия или несогласия. Фразызаписанынадоске

VI. Describing Places
Teacher: Let’s listen to another group. What would you advise to visit in England? Tell us please about any place you consider impressive or enjoyable.
Ученики кратко рассказывают прочитанное в учебнике.

VII. Relaxation
Teacher: Let’s have a rest, listen to the song “Travelling in my mind’ and try to sing together
(Variant: read and listen)

Ученики слушают и поют песню (упр. 5, стр. 136)

VIII. Speaking
Teacher: If you had an opportunity to visit China, France, or Scotland where would you go? Why?
And what about Japan? Do you know anything about it? Would you like to know?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.

Teacher: Here is some information about this country. It was sent to me by Sarah Ford, an American girl. Last summer she helped us greatly with the Summer Camp “Rainbow”. Sarah spent two weeks in Japan. (См. приложение 3)

IX. Test
Teacher: Who would like to test his/her knowledge of some remarkable places in England? (часть группы)

Ученики выполняют тест по упражнению 18, стр. 139 (с помощью компьютера).

X. Guide
Путеводитель по стране.

Teacher: Imagine that you have to work out a guided tour for a foreign delegation visiting our country. You want to show them places that you feel will give them a balanced impression of your people and country. From the following list select ten places that the delegation should go and see and put them in order of importance. (часть группы)

XI. Writing/Derby writing or World Traveler Passport
Teacher: I’d like to ask you to write as fast as possible, until I say ‘Stop’, your thoughts and ideas about the lesson, and what you have learned at this lesson.
Don’t worry about connecting ideas logically; just write whatever comes into your mind.
Do not worry about spelling or grammar.
You have only one minute.
Count the number of words you have written.
__________ is the winner of this activity.
Fill in your World Traveller Passport.

Заполнение паспорта путешественника (см. Приложение 4).

XII. Reading
Teacher: Listen to the poem by a Moscow student Olga Rishina (School 1876, 10th grade pupil) “What is Travelling for Me?”


What is the travelling for me?
It is the shining sun, the sea;
The golden sand which looks like beads;
The blue-eyed sky and tender breeze...

What do I see when I close my eyes?
A milk-white ship with two red stripes;
The limpid clouds at the dawn
And the sun that rises all alone...

And when the twilight falls from height,
The night appears from heaven’s gate.
I see the moon in magic light
And stars that sparkle in the night.

That’s what I’m looking for in my dreams,
And they are my inspiring beams!
I want to see it, to behold
My travels all the world enfold!

Ученики слушают/читают стихотворение.

XIII. After-reading Activities
Teacher: What do you think about travelling? What is the perfect place for the perfect holiday?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.
XIV. Hometask
Teacher: Your home task is to write a letter to your English language teacher about our lesson, about the best or the most attractive place and your success at the lesson. You are to include information from Sarah’s trip to Japan and from American students’ projects.
For volunteers there is one more task. You can translate the poem “What is travelling for me?” or write your own poem in English about travelling.

XV. Conclusion
Определение настроения в конце урока. Сравнение с началом урока.
Подведение итогов работы.

Teacher: Take your pictures of different moods once more and choose one which shows your mood at the moment. Is it different? Can you explain why?
Dear friends, I believe that some day you’ll go to a foreign country and have a good time there. Don’t forget the motto of our lesson: “Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter”.
I’ll be glad to see you in our English Language Club ‘Rainbow’ and among the participants of different contests.
Thank you very much for your work. And I’d like to thank your teacher, too.

Приложение 1

Exhausted – уставший, изможденный
Confused – сконфуженный
Ecstatic – восторженный
Guilty –виноватый
Suspicious – подозрительный
Angry – злой
Hysterical – истеричный
Frustrated – расстроенный
Sad – печальный, унылый
Confident –самоуверенный
Embarrassed – смущенный
Happy – счастливый
Mischievous – вредный
Disgusted – в омерзении
Frightened – испуганный
Enraged – в бешенстве
Ashamed – пристыженный
Cautious – осторожный
Smug – самодовольный
Depressed – депрессивный
Overwhelmed – ошеломленный
Hopeful – обнадеженный
Lonely – одинокий
Lovestruck – пьяный от любви
Jealous – ревнивый
Bored – скучный
Surprised – удивленный
Anxious – озабоченный
Shocked – потрясенный
Shy – в стеснении, в нерешительности

Приложение 2

Mountain of Success

Lesson Evaluation Sheet

Your answer
Right answer
Mountain of success


Приложение 3


About Me: Sarah Ford
After one year of assistant teaching in Russia, I decided to come back for one more year. So I am once again at Udmurt State University in Izhevsk.

Friday, February 02, 2007
Second half of Kyoto Osaka trip
On Thursday, Keiko and I went to Kyoto. I didn’t mind going back because there were a lot of things that I didn’t get to see on Tuesday. The first three pictures are of us in front of some of the things we visited on Thursday.
When we got back to their place Keiko’s mom had me put on one of her kimonos for fun. She had three summer kimonos and I got to pick the one I thought was prettiest.
On Friday morning I took the Shinkansen train back to Tokyo and was really lucky to get a really great view of Mount Fuji.

Friday, January 26, 2007
First half of the trip to Kyoto and Osaka
So let me catch up a bit... I experienced last Sunday how relaxing an “onsen” is. Onsens are places where people can bathe and often they are made right where there are natural hot springs. Apparently the one we went to was this kind of natural one. Since everyone goes around in their “birthday suits” (as my Dad says) I have no pictures to show from that.
Monday, I left on a night bus for Kyoto, Japan. It was much nicer than any Greyhound, by the way. I mean I got two seats to myself that reclined quite a bit, and I was even given a generic cheap pair of slippers. .... I spent Tuesday in Kyoto. There is so much to see in Kyoto. My favorite probably was the Zen garden at the Ryoanji Temple. Then, in the evening, met one of my friends, Keiko, who I met in Hamburg, Germany. (She was my neighbor across the hall in the “Studentenwohnheim”.) I spent Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night at her’s and her mom’s place. They live way out in the outskirts of Osaka, so Wednesday we went around and saw some of the local things in the region, including the nice view of the river and the Buddha carved into the rock. We also saw some of the local temples. I don’t really remember much about them. They weren’t the ones that most tourists go to probably, but they were really nice places to walk around in. I mostly just enjoyed experiencing the atmosphere there.

Friday, January 19, 2007
Friday’s Nabe Party
There is one good thing about visiting friends in Japan in the winter time: during the winter friends get together for nabe. “Nabe” is the word for a particular cooking pot, and a nabe party is when a little burner and the nabe are in the center of the table and the stew is cooked right there with everyone sitting around it. So we had a Nabe Party last night here at Chihiro’s place. In the course of the evening, we made like six or seven pots of soup. Each time the soup was slightly different. It was really tasty with things like cabbage, other vegetables, tofu, meat. Everyone was super friendly and we had a really nice time.

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Day in Kamakura
I spent Wednesday in the city Kamakura outside of Tokyo. I wanted to go on a sunny day, and I assumed that it wouldn’t be a problem since every day before I went (and after for that matter) was sunny and warm. However, it was a colder, overcast day. Since I had already bought my day ticket I went anyway. The train ride from Tokyo to Fujisawa wasn’t too interesting, but the ride from Fujisawa to Hase station was really nice because a lot of the time the train travels right along the coast line.
The first place I went to was Hase-dera Temple.
After that I went to the great Buddha. It was really impressive because it’s immense. I think it’s something like 44 feet tall, it’s made of bronze and was cast in 1252. Even on a rainy day in January there were still some tourists around. I can’t imagine how packed these places must be in other seasons.
I also went to the Hachman-gu Shrine, but, unfortunately, it was kind of getting dark and the pictures didn’t really turn out that well.
Back in Tokyo at Chihiro’s place I tried this food that she has really been wanting me to try (because she says no foreigner usually likes it, and she wanted to know my reaction.) The food was fermented beans. The thing that grossed me out a little was that it was so slimy, but the taste wasn’t too bad. Apparently these beans are hard to get a hold of at the moment because they have many recently discovered health benefits. The last pictures on the left side are of me with the beans and me with the cat, (whose name I can’t remember.) By the way, during the meal I stuck my chopsticks into my rice bowl, which told me that it means bad luck. It’s better to lay them across the top of the bowl or on the table on a little chopstick rester thingy.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Day Four in Tokyo
I didn’t take as many pictures on this day as the day before, but still there are some good images from Toyokawa Inari Shrine. This shrine was really nice, because it wasn’t touristy. I like the paper crane picture. My guess is that they are an offering.

Day Three in Tokyo
This day we went to the Detached Palace Garden and one of the seafood stores in the Tsukiji fish market area.
Next place to see was Senso-ji Temple area.
Now I have pictures of a Badger statue, which generally indicates that that particular building is a drinking establishment. Statuettes of cats with one paw raised were a really common sight – they are a sign of welcome.
Wonderful Chihiro as always made different dishes and had me try them. Since she’s from Okinawa, I have tried some things particular to Okinawan cuisine as well.

Day Two in Tokyo...
On Sunday Chihiro and I went to the house museum of a famous Japanese sculptor. I took some pictures from the house and garden.
Then we went to the famous Kabuki-za theater. Kabuki is an old kind of theater unique to Japan, where the actors are all male, and they have elaborate costumes and make-up. I wasn’t allowed to take picture inside the theater, but I took some of the exterior. We bought tickets only for one act because an entire Kabuki play lasts a really long time; just the one act was probably an hour and a half.

Приложение 4

World Traveller Passport


Passport photo here





Issue Date



Discover the Perfect Place


Елена Ивановна Бабина ,
МОУ Гимназия № 6, г. Губкин Белгородской обл.