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Five-Minute Tests

Complete the sentences. Each time use the comparative or superlative form of one of the words in the list. Use than where necessary.
long, small, warm, important, northern, large, big, deep
1. England is the _______ part of Great Britain.
2. Ireland is ________ Great Britain.
3. The Thames is the ______ river of the UK.
4. The Severn is the _____ river of the UK.
5. The Thames is the ______ river of the UK.
6. Scotland is the _______ part of Great Britain.
7. Winters in England are _______ they are on the continent.
8. London is one of the ______ ports of Europe.

Key: 1. largest; 2. smaller than; 3. deepest; 4. longest; 5. most important; 6. most northern; 7. warmer than; 8. biggest

Fill the gaps in the pairs of sentences with an appropriate word from the column on the right.

a. The advert doesn’t last more than twenty seconds.
b. It took her two years to write the book.


1. a. Can this artist design a new ______?
b. Their _________ is very clever: short, funny and memorable.
2. a. Have you read the _______ about the meeting?
b. The company has a new TV ________.
3. a. They’ve managed to ______ a memorable slogan for their product.
b. They’ve _______ a new kind of medicine.
invent/make up
4. a. I _______ him to get his hair cut.
b. You will never ______ me that distant education is our future.
5. a. Tobacco ________ isn’t allowed on television.
b. This politician gets a lot of bad ______ in the press.
6. a. What _____ is your new car?
b. What ______ of coffee do you prefer?

Key: 1. a. logo, b. slogan; 2. a. notice, b. advert; 3. a. make up, b. invented; 4. a. persuaded, b. convince; 5. a. advertising, b. publicity; 6. a. make, b. brand

Read the text. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (v). If a line has a word which shouldn’t be there, write the word.

A Comfortable Way of Learning

Did you know at the age of 15 who did you wanted to be
in the future? Most pupils in the 9th grade already had realize
that, and they understand what they need to make their dreams
to come true.
The main idea of “profile education” is to put up the most
important subjects in the foreground. It can help university
entrants to prepare for the entrance exams and not to think
about the subjects they don’t really need.
This way of studying has been have used successfully for many
years in most European countries, and it could become a great
relief for final year students in Russia.

Key: 1. did; 2. had; 3. v; 4. to; 5. up; 6. v; 7. v; 8. v; 9. have; 10. v; 11. v

Read the text. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (v). If a line has a word which shouldn’t be there, write the word.

The Whispering Gallery

The Whispering Gallery at the St. Paul’s Cathedral
is so called because a whisper against the wall can be
have heard on the opposite side of the gallery, more than
32 metres away. However, these days it is such difficult
to hear a whisper, as the gallery is so popular with
the visitors.

Key: 1. the; 2. v; 3. have; 4. such; 5. v; 6. the

to be continued

By Youdif Boyarskaya ,
School No. 814, Moscow