Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №4/2008

In the World of Mark Twain’s Humour

(сценарий мероприятия для учащихся 8–9-х классов общеобразовательной школы)

1. Познакомить учащихся с творчеством Марка Твена.
2. Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся, дать им возможность оценить свой уровень владения английским языком.
3. Создать условия для проявления индивидуальных художественных способностей учащихся.

Оформление зала:
1. Портрет Марка Твена.
2. Газета о географическом положении и климате США.
3. Газета о городах США.
4. Газета о праздниках в США.

Ход мероприятия

Compere 1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! We shall now begin our English Party.

Исполняется песня “How do you do”.

Compere 1: We have gathered today to talk about Mark Twain, the great American writer.

Рассказ о Марке Твене с эпизодами из его жизни.

Compere 2: We want you to meet some of Mark Twain’s main characters. But first you should answer my questions:
1. When (Where) was Mark Twain born?
2. What was his real name?
3. Did M. Twain finish elementary school?
4. What Twain’s masterpieces do you know?
5. Was M. Twain a journalist or a humorist?
6. Who was Tom Sawyer (Aunt Polly) in real life?

Compere 1: I see you know everything about Mark Twain. And now we’ll view several scenes from his famous books.
Compere 2: “A Present That Made Her Cry”.

Пьеса “A Present That Made Her Cry”. Музыкальным оформлением: песня “Cindy”.

Compere 2: Now listen to the song “Come to the Party”.
Compere 1: We know Mark Twain as a famous humorist.
Compere 2: Now we’ll show you a play called “Tom Sawyer and Aunt Polly” Part 1.

The Storyteller appears in front of the curtain.

Story-teller: Tom Sawyer was a small boy who lived with his aunt, Polly. She was a very kind person and she loved him dearly. But she couldn’t manage Tom properly as he was a very lively boy. He was certainly not the model boy of the village.

The Storyteller goes off. The curtain rises and we see a room in Aunt Polly’s house. Aunt Polly is looking for Tom everywhere.

Aunt Polly: Tom! Tom! Where is that boy, I wonder? Tom, you, Tom! (She takes a broom, pushes her spectacles up and pushes the broom under the bed.) Tom! Well, if I get hold of you I’ll beat you. (She goes over to the door and opens it.) You-u, Tom! (There is a slight noise behind her, she turns and catches Tom.) I might have thought of that cupboard. What have you been doing there?
Tom: Nothing.
Aunt Polly: Nothing! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that?
Tom: I don’t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It’s jam – that’s what it is. Forty times I’ve told you that if you don’t let that jam alone, I’ll skin you. Hand me that switch.

Tom does so and then cries out.

Tom: Look behind you, Aunt!

The old lady turns round and the boy runs away.

Aunt Polly: What is to be done with that boy? He is my own dead sister’s boy, poor thing, and I haven’t got the heart to beat him.
Compere 2: Next comes a scene called “Tom Sawyer doesn’t Want to Go to School”. (Музыкальным оформлением служит песня “Hello”.)
Compere 1: Now we shall see a scene “Tom Sawyer and Aunt Polly”. Part 2.

Aunt Polly’s house, a room. Aunt Polly is going round the house looking for Tom.

Aunt Polly: Where is that boy, I wonder? (She looks everywhere. Tom appears in the window and hides under the table.) Tom, where are you? (Aunt Polly looks out of the window.)
Sid! Come over here. (She sits down on the chair by the table. Sid comes in.)
What shall I do with Tom? Yesterday he ate that jam and almost poisoned the cat. I made these trousers a week ago and he has torn them to pieces already. Sid!
Sid: Yes, mam!
Aunt Polly: Come here. Have you seen Tom?
Sid: Yes, mam! (Tom shows him his fist.) No..., Auntie, I don’t think I have...
Aunt Polly: Oh, you don’t think you have!
Sid: You see, Auntie, I’d rather... It’s like this...
Aunt Polly: Hush! Where have you seen him? Is he hiding some where like a rat in the corn? But I’ll get hold of him and I’ll give him a good licking. (Tom is making faces. Sid starts laughing.) And you too. (Mary comes in dancing and singing.) Mary, have you seen Tom?
Mary: Here he... (Tom shows a fist.) Here he was a moment ago. (A meowing is heard from the outside.)
Aunt Polly: Where is that boy?
Mary: Really I don’t know.
Aunt Polly: Hang the boy, will I ever learn him anything? (A loud meowing is heard, then the sound of gravel striking the window.)
Tom: Meow! (Mary starts laughing.)
Aunt Polly: What are you laughing at? Damn that cat! Scat you, devil! (Aunt Polly looks under the table and sees Tom’s leg.) You Tom!
Tom: Well, what...
Aunt Polly: Don’t ‘what’ me, you naughty boy. I am hoping to skin you alive, and no mistake.
Tom: Auntie, what have I done?
Aunt Polly: Well, you have done enough these few days. Last evening I left two cakes in the cupboard, and now there is only one there. Can you explain that?
Tom: I guess it was so dark I didn’t see the other.
Aunt Polly: Mary, go and call Jim, tell him to fetch that long-handled brush and a bucket of whitewash. Tom, you have got to whitewash the fence. And mind, do it well.
Tom: Oh, Auntie. I can’t, I’ll do it tomorrow. Forgive me and let me go.
Aunt Polly: Tom! That’s enough. You must go and work. (Jim brings in the bucket.)
Compere 2: Now listen to the song “Are you Ann or are you Kate?”
Compere 1: We are going to show you a scene “Tom Sawyer Whitewashes the Fence”. (Музыкальное оформление пьесы – песня “The Song of an Only Child”.)
Compere 2: Our dear schoolmates, teachers, fathers and mothers. Our party is over. We hope you liked our songs and plays! Goodbye!

Звучит песня “Say Goodbye”.

Наталья Евгеньевна Ермилова ,
МОУ Большенагаткинская СОШ Цильнинского р-на Ульяновской обл.