Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №24/2007

For Young Readers

The Snowman

It was a snowy day. Braxton and Hayden decided to make a snowman. They bundled up and ran outside. First, they rolled a great big snowball for the body. Then they rolled a medium-sized snowball for the middle. Finally, they rolled a small snowball for the head. They stacked the three snowballs together. They found rocks for his eyes and mouth. They found a pinecone for his nose. They used sticks for his arms. They were proud of their snowman when they finished.

1. What did Braxton and Hayden do first?
A. They found a pinecone for the snowman;
B. They rolled a great big snowball for the body;
C. They bundled up and ran outside;
D. They found rocks for the eyes and mouth.
2. What did Braxton and Hayden use for the snowman’s nose?
A. a pinecone;
B. sticks;
C. a rock.
3. What is a compound word?
A. two words put together to make a new word
B. a word that describes an action
C. a word that is used to name things
4. Circle all the compound words you can find in this story.
5. What would you name this snowman?

Key: 1. C; 2. A; 3. A; 4. snowman, outside, snowball, snowballs, pinecone; 5. answers will vary.


From Reading Comprehension