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Classroom Activities

“Глобальные проблемы современности”
Урок в 10-м классе

Статья опубликована при поддержке интернет – портала «Coldwar.ru». Если вам интересна история России и общение с такими же людьми, то вам обязательно следует посетить форум «Coldwar.ru», по адресу http://forum.coldwar.ru ,посвященный современной истории России. Здесь вы найдете обсуждения выступления Сталина на партийных съездах, анализ Хрущевской оттепели и множество других тем для общения.

Подтема: “Корни зла и насилия: куда они ведут и как этому можно противостоять”

Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения изученного материала 4-го урока учебника В.П. Кузовлева Английский язык. 10–11-е классы.
Методы: беседа, устный опрос, организация упражнений по углублению практических умений и навыков.
Задачи урока:
Познавательные: 1) формировать знания, отражаемые в виде идей и теорий, переход от частных к более широким обобщениям по темам “Насилие и жестокость”, “Преступления”, “Что мы ценим в людях”; 2) достигнуть конструктивного (творческого) уровня качества знаний.
Развивающие: 1) усилить коммуникативные свойства речи (экспрессивность, выразительность); 2) учить строить аналогии, обобщать и систематизировать, доказывать и опровергать, определять и объяснять понятия, ставить и разрешать проблемы; 3) развивать воображение, фантазию.
Воспитывающие: 1) формировать и развивать отношение к людям через гуманность, чувство долга, ответственности перед собой и другими; 2) воспитывать чувство озабоченности трудностями, которые испытывает Родина, желание достичь наивысших результатов в своём развитии, чтобы принести ей пользу.

Оснащение урока: сюжетные картины; фрески Ф. Гойи; кадры из кинофильма “Гладиатор”; видеозапись рекламных роликов, включающих сцены насилия, жестокости; аудиозапись музыки группы Рамштайн; аудиозапись социологического опроса по теме “Что служит причиной роста преступлений”; аудиозапись музыки “Волшебная флейта”.

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап
Учебно-воспитательная (психологическая) цель:
1) обеспечение нормальной внешней обстановки для работы на уроке;
2) психологическая подготовка учащихся к общению и предстоящему занятию.

1. Приветствие.
Teacher: Good мorning! What do we mean when we say these words? What do we wish each other? We are sure to wish each other health, wealth and peace. This is the way we want to see our life. But we often see the seamy side of life as it is shown in photos, Goya’s fresco, Picasso’s painting, Ramstein music.
Listen to this music and say what you feel.

2. Прямое непосредственное идейно-эмоциональное воздействие на коллектив учащихся: на доске – сюжетные картины, фреска Гойи, звучит музыка группы “Рамштайн”.

3. Фронтальная форма познавательной деятельности:
1) What does this music make you feel?
2) What do you think looking at these pictures?
3) How can you characterize your impressions?
4) What do you feel?

Suggested answers: a feeling of anxiety, to arouse/cause alarm, to feel uneasy/concerned/afraid, to feel unprotected/depressed.

II. Этап подготовки учащихся к активному усвоению знаний
Учебно-воспитательные цели:
1) организовать и целенаправить познавательную деятельность учащихся;
2) научить учащихся формулировать цель и выбирать конкретные средства для её достижения.

1. Демонстрация кадров из кинофильма “Гладиатор”. (4 мин.)

2. Введение в тему в форме эвристической беседы с учащимися в процессе обсуждения фильма.
1) What is the film about?
2) What is the main character’s occupation?
3) Why does he have to behave the way he does? What makes him so violent and cruel?
4) What do you know about the period shown?
5) What is the social status of gladiators?
6) What makes them kill each other in this violent way?
7) Why did Maximus have a moment’s hesitation whether to kill or to spare his adversary’s life?
8) What is the mob guided by? What kind of feeling?
9) How do you understand the saying “Bread and circuses”?
10) Does it have anything in common with the moral portrait of our contemporaries?
11) What do you think the main topic of today’s discussion is?

III. Этап обобщения и систематизации изучен-ного
Учебно-воспитательные цели:
1) выявление уровня осмысления и обобщения изученного материала;
2) выявление умения учащихся применять приобретённые знания на практике.

1. Обобщение учителем высказываний учащихся
Right, we’ll try to examine the roots of violence and cruelty and retrace the influence of these states on humanity. This problem has worried people since ancient times. What does violence lead to? (Suggested answer: to crime)

2. Анализ причин, толкающих человека на преступление:
а) аудирование записи социологического опроса по теме “Что служит причиной роста преступлений”. (2 мин.)

Teacher: Listen to the following street survey about the rise in crime and fill in the table.

Tape script
A: Excuse me! Have you got a moment?
B: What can I do for you?
A: I’m a sociology student from Leeds University, and we’re doing a survey on the rise in crime. We’re interested in getting people’s views – that is, what they see as the main causes.
B: What would you like to know?
A: First of all, would you say that unemployment was a factor in the rise in crime?
B: Yes, I’d say it was. If a person remained unemployed for a long time it becomes difficult for them to support themselves. Some people may turn to crime as an easy way of making money. Of course, seeing all those products advertised on TV all the time doesn’t help, either.
A: So you think advertising is to blame, as well?
B: Oh yes, definitely. TV advertising makes you want things that you don’t really need. Some people end up stealing things they want but they can’t afford.
A: You mentioned TV. Do you believe that some programmes might play a part in the rise in crime?
B: I certainly do! Some programmes are so violent it makes me sick to watch them. Seeing violence so often on television makes young people think that it’s alright, and makes them more likely to act in a violent way in real life. What’s more, criminals are often shown in a way that makes them and their lifestyle look glamorous and desirable. Who can blame the kids for wanting to be like them?
A: And what about social pressures?
B: Yes, I suppose that’s part of it, as well. Teenagers in particular are often drawn into the wrong group of friends and feel pressure to fit in. This usually means that they have to commit petty crimes such as shoplifting in order to be accepted by the gang. The worst thing is that once you begin a life of a crime it can be very difficult to get out, and you end up committing more and more serious offences.
A: I see. Thank you for your interesting comments. They’ve been very helpful.
B: Oh, you’re very welcome.


Some people may turn to crime as an easy way of _________.


Some people end up _________ things they want but can’t ______.

TV programmes

Too much violence on TV makes young people more likely to act in a ________ way in real life.
Criminals are shown in a way that makes them and their lifestyle look glamorous and ______.

Social pressures

Teenagers have to commit petty crimes, such as shoplifting, in order to ________ by the gang.
Once you begin a life of crime it can be very difficult to _______.

б) обобщение прослушанного в одноминутном монологе.
Teacher: Looking at your notes, give a one-minute talk in the rise in crime. Start like this:
One of the main reasons that there is a rise in crime is…
Some people may turn to crime…

3. Работа с идиомами по теме.
The problem of crime is so important that even set-phrases connected with it appeared.
а) Fill in the correct idiom from the list:
caught red-handed (захваченный на месте преступления); in cold blood (хладнокровно); at large (на свободе); doing time (отбыв наказание); on the alert (настороже)
1) To avoid being mugged in large cities, one should be __________________ at all times.
2) The burglar was ___________________ trying to break the window of the house.
3) He killed his enemy ___________________ and claimed that he felt no regret afterwards.
4) The police announced that a dangerous criminal was _____________ and advised people to remain inside with their doors and windows locked.
5) After ___________________ for robbery, he swore he would never commit another crime.

б) Illustrate the episodes from the film with the idioms.

4. Высказывание предположений по способам предотвращения преступлений и гуманизации общества в форме мозгового штурма.
Teacher: You’ll be divided into two groups, one of which will suggest different ideas of crime prevention. Be as creative as you can. The other group will listen to all the ideas attentively, summarize them without criticizing and make a short talk on the topic.

IV. Этап информации о домашнем задании и подведения итогов
Учебно-воспитательные цели:
1) сообщить учащимся о домашнем задании, разъяснить методику его выполнения, мотивировать необходимость и обязательность акта;
2) подвести итоги урока.

1. Мотивирование домашнего задания:
Teacher: You work as a journalist for a newspaper. Write an article for teenagers discrediting the myth of a glamorous criminal lifestyle.

2. Подведение итогов урока:
Teacher: Thank you for your creative work. You’ve been very convincing. Now, when we have some spare time, I would like you to listen to another piece of music and say what feelings it arouses. (The Magic Flute).

3. Оценки.

Reading Task

(This task was done at the previous lesson. Students can borrow some ideas from the text)
You are going to read some statements about crime prevention. For questions 1 – 11 choose the statements A – E. Some of the statements may be chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order.

Which statement or statements:
1. Suggests installing an alarm?
2. Place responsibility on the government?
3. Blames unemployment?
4. Suggest harsher punishments?
5. Say that people are responsible for solving the problems?
6. Suggest teaching children about crime?
7. Blames television?
8. Stresses preventing crimes?
9. Suggests that citizens should be better organized?
10. Disapproves of personal weapons?
11. Says a bigger police force is needed?


Statement A
Although I am a police officer, I certainly don’t believe that crime control is entirely the responsibility of the police force. I am convinced that prevention is the key to success and that all of us must work together to prevent crime. Not giving criminals the opportunity is the first step. Make your homes burglar-proof by always locking up, installing an alarm system and putting identification numbers on your valuable items. Make sure your garden and drive are lit up at night, and report any suspicious behaviour immediately. The more unattractive you make your home to burglars, the less likely it is that a crime will take place. The police are here to help you, but you have to help us as well.

Statement B
As a parent, I believe that young people are the key to crime prevention. Television and films make crime look exciting and romantic, and even modern music glamorises crime. Of course we can’t control everything our children watch or listen to – it would just make them more rebellious if we tried to. The only way to fight these influences is through education. We must teach young people – both at school and at home – what the realities of a life of crime are, and how becoming involved in crime can ruin a young person’s life. We must also show them by our own behaviour that crime is wrong. A parent who cheats on his or her taxes, for example, cannot expect their child to see criminal activity as something to be avoided.

Statement C
I know that a lot of young people in our area are becoming involved in crime, and that a lot of people blame television, the influence of parents and so on. But if you look at the statistics, you will find that most of these young criminals are school-leavers who cannot find jobs. These are young people who are more than willing to lead decent, productive lives given the opportunity which is lacking. If the leaders of our country spent more money on developing job-training and job-placement programmes for our young people, I believe that crime would decrease dramatically. Of course, education plays a role as well, but I do believe that if young people had a proper occupation they would not be attracted o a life of crime.


Statement D
Since it’s pretty evident that the government is not going to put more money into crime prevention, it seems obvious that inhabitants are going to have to do something themselves. Improving of the Neighbourhood Watch programme would be a good place to start. Cars have been broken into right in front of houses where people were supposed to be on duty. This obviously shouldn’t be happening. What we need is proper training so that we can police our own neighbourhood. Not that I’m suggesting we arm ourselves – more guns lead to more violence in my view – but we do need to be more aware and have a systematic approach to crime prevention if we want to reduce the crime rate.

Statement E
People keep saying that crime is our responsibility – that if we protect our houses and teach our children properly we can solve the problem. But what about the criminals who are already out there? There obviously aren’t enough police to prevent all the crimes that are going on – and of course we’d be better off if there were more of them – but why are so many known criminals out there committing crimes in the first place? If they were kept locked up longer and given longer prison sentences in the first place, this city would be a much safer place to live. I don’t support the return of the death penalty, but I do believe that criminals should be punished severely and not just set free to continue committing crimes. Of course, I realize that prisons are already overcrowded and expensive to run, but surely it’s a false economy to release prisoners who are obviously not ready or willing to obey the law because more crime will be expensive for the taxpayer too.

By Marina Victorovna Terekhova,
School No. 224, Moscow