Erin Bouma’s Recommended
In this column I’ll regularly share with you interesting and useful websites for teaching and learning. I’ll make sure there’s current access and good content, I’ll present site material around certain themes.
I’m assuming that you already know primary sites, such as British Council and BBC, but are now ready to be more adventurous.
1. Special MEGA-Sites
Presents 100s of EFL ideas on Beginner-Intermed-Advanced levels Explores the possibilities of the internet and lists ready-made materials topically arranged: roleplays, complaints, movie and celebrities, personality, socializing, communicative technique, etc. Easy to use to create classes, courses or supplement a program.
ESL Guide to the Internet. An amazing site for creative teachers. About 30 topics are indexed: advertising, humor, poetry, puzzles, tests, writing, etc. For the entry “Lifestyle”, for example, there are 11 interesting sites with descriptions and links. Then, teaching/learning activities to make use of each of them are suggested.
Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students
There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, exercises, slang, a random-sentence generator and other study materials all of a high quality. This is a rich resource, including VOA (Voice of America) language materials. Some activities are interactive on-line only.
ESL Blues from Canada. Mostly interactive. Excellent source of sophisticated exercises on many grammar points (pre-intermed to high-intermed levels). Includes common errors, problem words, quizzes, and readings with vocabulary checks in context. Presents some rules using color and animated grammar (with music),
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please forward them to me.
Happy Surfing!!
2. Visual Resources
Internet Picture Dictionary
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Listed by topic or alphabetical.
Visual Dictionary English and French.
Uses images to explain objects, with some animation. Good information page – Help section. Lexicon – alphabetical table.
Large collection of visuals catalogued and clearly accessed topically
Teacher-designed image resource for use by teachers and students. High quality photos with captions grouped topically. Additional links.
High-quality b&w/color photos listed by category: recreation, places, nature, life, popular, and most downloaded, etc.
Good selection of drawings and photos.
(CAPL) Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon
In English-German, using realistic color photos. Categories include: banking & money, city life, health & fitness, transportation, the body, etc.
Good site with mostly color photos. Lists the 100 most popular pictures, the rest by categories. Lesson Plans – write haiku, animal riddles, labeling.
Free clip art collection for foreign language instruction. B&w line drawings with simple figures demonstrating verbs, adjectives, nouns, pronouns and medical vocabulary.
Picture lessons and teaching ideas.
Using Pictures in Lessons
Interesting Lesson plans – many with U.S.
culture/history and science themes.