Neighbors in Space
The Sun,
The Planets:
Mercury, Mars,
Uranus, Venus,
Jupiter, Neptune,
Earth, Saturn,
The Planets: We are the Planets.
The Sun: I am the Sun.
The Planets: We are the Planets.
The Sun: I am the Sun.
All: We are neighbors in space!
The Sun: I am the Sun.
I am the brightest star in the sky!
All of the planets move around me.
Mercury: I am Mercury.
I live the closest to the sun.
The sun keeps me very warm.
Venus: I am Venus.
People call me the “Evening Star”
because I look so bright!
Earth: Well, you may be bright, but
I am Earth, the only planet full of life!
Mars: Maybe so, but you are not
bright red like me! I am Mars!
Jupiter: Make way for me, mighty Jupiter.
I am the biggest planet of them all!
Saturn: I am Saturn, the most beautiful
jewel in the solar system!
Look at all my rings!
Uranus: I am Uranus. I spin sideways.
That makes me different and special.
Neptune: I am Neptune. I am never alone.
I have my little friend Pluto right beside me all the time!
Pluto: I may be the smallest planet,
but I am also the coldest!
I am Pluto. Brrrrrr!
The Planets: We are the Planets.
The Sun: I am the Sun.
The Planets: We are the Planets.
The Sun: I am the Sun.
All: We are neighbors in space!
The End
From 25 Just-Right Plays
for Emergent Readers |