The Presidential Regiment
(Президентский полк)
Текст “Президентский полк” был отобран с
учётом принципа социокультурной
целесообразности. Тематика текста важна для
представления России в иноязычной среде и для
общения учащихся со своими зарубежными
сверстниками. Не все гости столицы знают, что у
нас тоже проводят официальную церемонию развода
караулов, как в Лондоне перед Букингемским
дворцом. Эта старинная церемония сочетает в себе
строгость военных ритуалов с пышностью
театральных постановок и, безусловно, является
одной из достопримечательностей.
Предлагаемые задания к тексту формируют
необходимые лексические навыки и знания о родной
истории на английском языке.
The Presidential Regiment (or Kremlin Regiment) is a unique
military regiment. It has the job of ensuring the security of the highest state officials
and guarding the Kremlin and its treasures.
The regiment is part of the Federal Guard Service and has the status of
a special service. It is directly under the command of the President – the Commander in
The Kremlin Regiment has an eventful history and glorious military
The founding of the Presidential Regiment dates back to April 8, 1936,
when, in accordance with Order No. 122 for the Moscow Kremlin garrison, the Special
Purpose Battalion was renamed the Special Purpose Regiment. The regiment celebrates its
anniversary on May 7. Every year on this date the regiment puts on a special parade for
the President.
When the Soviet government moved from Petrograd to Moscow in 1918, the Kremlin
was guarded by Latvian riflemen, who were under the command of the Kremlin Commandant. In
September 1918, the Latvian riflemen were sent to the front and were replaced by students
from the machine gunners’ courses at Lefortovo. In January 1919, these machine
gunners’ courses were reorganized into courses to train commanding officers for the Red
Army. This was how a “red commanders” school came to be established in the Kremlin.
The military students were dubbed “Kremlin Students” and were responsible for guarding
the Kremlin, acting as bodyguards for state and government officials, organizing security
at state and government meetings with foreign representatives, controlling entry to the
Kremlin and keeping order on its territory.
From 1924 to 1935, the Kremlin students stood guard at the entrance to
the Lenin Mausoleum after a Communist Party decision establishing a guard of honour there.
From 1935 until October 1993, the Kremlin Regiment was responsible for the guard of
When the Great Patriotic War began in 1941, the units of the Kremlin
Commandant’s Office were made responsible for defending the Kremlin, where the State
Defense Committee and Chief Military Headquarters were located. The Kremlin Regiment
defended the Kremlin against attacks by enemy aircraft right from the first days of the
In accordance with a federal law of December 8, 1997, “On
Immortalizing the Soviet People’s Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,”
the Presidential Regiment maintains a guard of honour at the eternal flame at the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier.
On May 7, 2000, the regiment took part in ceremonies to mark the
inauguration of President Vladimir Putin. President Putin reviewed the regiment on the
Kremlin’s Sobornaya Ploshchad (Cathedral Square) on the occasion of its 65th anniversary
on May 7, 2001. On May 7, 2006, he congratulated the Kremlin Regiment with the 70th
anniversary of its establishment and gave it a new combat banner.
The Arsenal building
The Presidential Regiment is housed in the historic Arsenal building. The Arsenal was
commissioned by Peter the Great in 1701. Construction began on the site of grain storage
sheds that had burned down and dismantled boyars’ quarters in the western part of the
Kremlin between the Troitskaya and Nikolskaya Towers. Peter the Great wanted the building
to serve not just as an arsenal, but also as a military museum. Today parade ground is in
the closed-off courtyard of the building.
Choose the correct Russian equivalents of the underlined expressions.
Mind the style of the text.
1. the Kremlin Regiment
A. Кремлёвский полк
В. регламент в Кремле
С. кремлёвский режим
2. ensuring the security
A. уверенность в безопасности
В. обеспечение безопасности
С. убеждать, что нет опасности
3. the highest state officials
A. офицеры госбезопасности
В. государственные служащие высокого ранга
С. официально установленный порядок
4. the Commander in Chief
A. главнокомандующий
В. генерал
С. командарм
5. the Special Purpose Battalion
A. решающая баталия
В. главная цель в битве
С. батальон специального назначения
6. celebrates its anniversary
A. празднует годовщину своего
В. отмечает день рождения
С. поступает в университет
7. Latvian riflemen
A. латвийские полки
В. латышское правительство
С. латышские стрелки
8. machine gunners
A. машинисты
В. пулемётчики
С. артиллеристы
9. foreign representatives
A. иностранная разведка
В. представляет иностранцев
С. представители зарубежных стран
10. the Great Patriotic War
A. Вторая мировая война
В. Великая Отечественная война
С. Гражданская война
11. On Immortalizing the Soviet People’s Victory
А. в целях увековечивания победы
советского народа
В. в знак бессмертной победы советского народа
С. принимая во внимание победу советского народа
12. a guard of honour
A. заслуженный гвардеец
В. кавалер ордена
С. почётный караул
13. the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
A. надгробие Неизвестного Солдата
В. могила Неизвестного Солдата
С. памятник Неизвестному Солдату
14. ceremonies to mark the inauguration
А. церемонии, посвященные уходу в
В. церемонии в честь инаугурации
С. марка, посвящённая вступлению в должность
15. Arsenal building
А. здание Арсенала
В. склад оружия
С. здание Оружейной палаты
16. was commissioned
A. была учреждена
В. была комиссована
С. была отправлена
17. dismantled boyars’ quarters
A. разрушенные кварталы дворян
В. снесённые дома купцов
С. снесённые палаты бояр
18. the closed-off courtyard
A. закрытое заседание суда
В. закрытый двор
С. внутренний двор
Choose the correct definition according to the text.
1. a military regiment
a) a group of policemen
b) state officials
c) a permanent military unit
2. status
a) a statue
b) a position
c) a state
3. “red commanders”
a) people in red
b) the Red Army commanding officers
c) the Red Army riflemen
4. to keep order
a) to train
b) to organize meetings
c) to maintain law
5. headquarters
a) a place from which a commander exercises commands
b) a place where an assembly takes place
c) a place where a committee seats
6. an aircraft
a) a plane
b) a bomb
c) crafts
7. eternal flame
a) a bonfire
b) a fireplace
c) a memorial
8. to review the regiment
a) to give medals
b) to examine the troops
c) to have a party
9. an occasion
a) a day
b) a special event
c) a square
10. to house
a) to provide with accommodation
b) to go home
c) to guard the house
Write whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not
in the text (NI).
1. The Presidential Regiment is also called the Kremlin Regiment. ____
2. There are treasures in the Kremlin. ____
3. The history of the Kremlin Regiment is less than fifty years. ___
4. The parades of the Presidential Regiment are only for the President.
5. The Latvian riflemen were under the command of the Kremlin
Commandant. ____
6. Students from the machine gunners’ courses were sent to the front.
7. A “red commanders” school was established in Lefortovo. ____
8. “Kremlin students” were government officials. ____
9. The Communist Party made a decision to guard the entrance to the
Lenin Mausoleum in 1935. ____
10. The enemy attacked Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. ____
11. On May 7, the regiment celebrates its anniversary. ____
12. Peter the Great was the founder of the Presidential Regiment. ____
1: 1. A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 5. C; 6. A; 7. C; 8. B; 9.
C; 10. B; 11. A; 12. C; 13. B; 14. B; 15. А; 16. A; 17. C; 18. C
2: 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9.
b; 10. a
3: 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. NI; 5. T; 6. F; 7. F; 8. F; 9.
F; 10. T; 11. T; 12. F
By Irina Ishkhneli, School No. 1738, Moscow