Life Is...
Уважаемая редакция!
Каждый раз, получая новый номер газеты, не устаю
удивляться, как точно вы подбираете материал!
Только я подумаю о том, что мне хотелось бы
что-нибудь новенькое узнать о Шекспире, и вот!
Пожалуйста! Новые материалы! Только встанет
необходимость почитать басни, и на моей любимой 17
странице я с удовольствием читаю название “Fabulous
Fables”! Только задумаюсь над тем, что накопилось
достаточно материала, и пришло время
поучаствовать в конкурсе, и пожалуйста! Новый
конкурс эссе! Спасибо огромное всему коллективу
за интересные материалы в каждой рубрике, за
умение всегда быть современными по сути (с
газетами это случается нечасто), за внимание к
нашим “перлам” в рубрике “Yes-Club”! Пусть наши
работы и не являются шедеврами, но вы пытаетесь
увидеть в них искру, из которой обязательно
возгорится пламя! Спасибо за помощь в работе и
поддержку. Вы – настоящая команда!
С уважением Гардер Елена Борисовна,
гимназия 42, Кемерово
Not long ago at our lessons we read an extract from the drama
“Hamlet. Prince of Denmark” written by W. Shakespeare. Every time when I read W.
Shakespeare lots of feelings and emotions appear in my mind. The fact is, the more we live
the more we change. Everything changes: our life, emotions, ideas… But there are some
things that haven’t changed since early man, I mean, love and hate, happiness and
disappointments, life and death. Maybe, that’s why W. Shakespeare is as relevant today
as he ever was. Up to the present days he’s helped us to understand ourselves better. He
makes us think! Is Macbeth evil? Is Cleopatra immoral? To be or not to be? I do not know.
It’s up to everybody to choose. Hamlet made his choice! What does it mean “to be”
for you? We’ll be very glad if it’s interesting for the readers of YES Page. Try to
think of your own ideas about life.
Life Is a Coin with Two Sides
I think, one of the most important questions is the question what I
live for and what is the meaning of my life. To my mind, life is a coin with two sides and
I don’t know which side will appear. On the one hand, there are some disappointments, on
the other, some happy minutes that happen seldom and that’s why they are so important in
our lives.
As for me, I believe in life after death. I think that every person has his destiny and
his meaning of life. For example, we should be repeated in our children. Even after death
we leave a piece of our love in their hearts. Maybe, my mission here on the Earth seems
not so global, but I’d like to create a good family as a community of people who are
very close to each other. Why not? I know it’s very hard! A good family is not only a
never-ending love story, but it’s the high temperature of a daughter, the bad marks of a
son; it’s a great responsibility for what we’ve done (I mean me and my second half). A
good family is understanding + support + love!
Kate Vorobiova
Life Is a Present Moment
I think my life is only the present moment! There is a proverb,
“Seize the day!” As for me, this means to enjoy every minute of my life, for example,
to enjoy a sunny day. It’s so sweet! Also it means to visit many countries and meet new
friends. Can’t it be cool?
I think all people are mortal. I think nobody knows what will be after death. We should
live here, on the Earth.
Sasha Feshkova
Life Is Fate
What for we live? What for we die?
Why can we dream, but cannot fly?
Sometimes we’re happy and we smile,
Sometimes we’re sad, we scream and cry.
What for we love? What for we hate?
I cannot answer! Life is fate!
Irina Shilova
Life Is Eternal Struggle
I think life is eternal struggle between the good and the evil,
happiness and disappointments. In my opinion there is no paradise on the Earth, the
paradise where all people love each other, where everyone is hard-working and
well-educated, where the land flourishes and everything is sweetness and light – no
troubles, no problems, no sorrows, only never ending calm and happiness. Our life is not
so simple. But nevertheless we have been looking for happiness. Every person tries to find
out his own mission. As for me, I’d like to help people who live around me. It’s
simple to say, but what to do to realize my idea? I was impressed by the beautiful fairy
tale written by M. Gorki. The main hero Danko gave his heart to light the way, but
the foolish people didn’t notice it! Maybe it should be so? I mean, I should just live
according to the laws that I keep in my soul. Who knows? Perhaps it helps someone…
Ulya Toguleva
to be continued