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Grammar Tests 3rd form

I. Choose the correct item.

1. The vase is _____ the table. (on, in, at)

2. There isn’t _____ salad in the bowl. (any, some, a)

3. Are there _____ bicycles in the yard? (some, a, any)

4. What colour _____ your eyes? (is, am, are)

5. _____ there any ducks in the pond? (Is, Am, Are)

6. There _____ three flowers in the vase. (am, is, are)

7. Mom usually _____ a book every night. (is reading, read, reads)

8. Where is Bob? He _____ in the river. (swimming, is swimming, swim)

9. Listen! The children _____ in the living-room. (sing, sings, are singing)

10. I _____ to school every morning. (walk, walks, am walking)

11. _____ is your brother? He’s in the yard. (Who, Where, When)

12. What _____ your Dad do on Sunday? (do, does, is doing).

Key: 1. on; 2. any; 3. any; 4. are; 5. Are; 6. are; 7. reads; 8. is swimming; 9. are singing; 10. walk; 11. Where; 12. does

II. Choose the correct item.

1. The chair is _____ the desk. (in, on, at)

2. There are _____ pens in the box. (any, some, a)

3. Is there _____ bread on the plate? (some, a, any)

4. How many windows _____ there in the house? (is, am, are)

5. _____ there any coffee in the glass? (Am, Is, Are)

6. Stop! A car _____. (come, comes, is coming)

7. Grandpa usually _____ TV in the evening. (watch, is watching, watches)

8. Look! The boys _____ hockey on the skating-rink. (plays, are playing, play)

9. My sister always _____ her homework after school. (does, do, is doing)

10. Dad _____ now. He’s tired. (sleeps, sleep, is sleeping)

11. _____ does school start? At 8.30 a.m. (Where, What, When)

12. What _____ you do after school? (do, does, are doing)

Key: 1. at; 2. some; 3. any; 4. are; 5. Is; 6. is coming; 7. watches; 8. are playing; 9. does; 10. is sleeping; 11. When; 12. do

By Tatyana Makhrina