The British Magazine
Сценарий устного журнала по
Внеклассная работа по английскому
(для учащихся 5–8-х классов школы с углублённым
изучением английского языка)
Перед преподавателями иностранного
языка очень часто встаёт нелёгкая задача – как
сделать максимально интересным для ребят
внеклассное мероприятие. Большое количество
подготовки, репетиции после уроков вряд ли
способствуют повышению мотивации учащихся, и
вместо праздника внеклассное мероприятие
зачастую превращается в тяжкую повинность и для
тех и для других. Мы предлагаем вам сценарий
праздника, который с успехом прошёл в нашей
школе. Безусловно, он требует предварительной
подготовки, но мы постарались свести
зазубривание “роли” к минимуму. Диалоги и
сценки в нём, а также реплики ведущих построены
таким образом, что допускают определённую
импровизацию и не требуют дословного
воспроизведения текста. Кроме того, сама идея
презентации журнала в виде веб-сайта кажется
привлекательной для ребят и позволяет отступить
от привычных стереотипов проведения праздника.
Hа сцене стилизованное под
компьютерное “окно” веб-сайта панно. На нём
“иконки”, символизирующие рубрики журнала.
Ведущие (лучше, если это будут ученики не младше
8-го класса) приветствуют публику. Когда они
начинают новую рубрику, подходят к панно и
“кликают” по “иконке”. Если позволяют
технические возможности, можно разработать
дизайн этого “сайта” в виде компьютерной
презентации и проецировать изображение на экран.
B1: Dear members of the teaching staff!
B2: Dear students!
B1: Dear lovers of the English language!
B2: We highly appreciate you came to join us.
B1: We know that you’ve been studying English for many years
and your English is undoubtedly brilliant. But there are no limits to perfection!
B2: Today we’d like to present our Internet page of “The
British Magazine” to all admirers of the English language. Imagine that you can see a
computer screen with the icons. Here is the Internet address of our page. So, we click the
button to visit different sites and to have a look at modern Britain.
B1: Well, it’s high time to start. Our first website is
dedicated to one of the greatest cities in the world, to the gorgeous and splendid,
astonishing and impressive, exciting and powerful, ancient and modern – London!
Ведущий подходит к “иконке” с
изображением Лондона, “кликает”. Затем выходит
четверо учащихся. Один из них читает
стихотворение О. Уайлда “Symphony In Yellow”.
An omnibus across the bridge
Crawls like a yellow butterfly,
And, here and there, a passer-by
Shows like a little restless midge.
Big barges full of yellow hay
Are moored against the shadow wharf,
And, like a yellow silken scarf,
The thick fog hangs along the quay.
The yellow leaves begin to fade
And flutter from the Temple elms,
And at my feet the pale green Thames
Lies like a road of rippled jade.
By Oscar Wilde
После этого остальные трое учащихся
читают стихотворение по четверостишиям
по-русски (перевод учащихся).
Неторопливо по мосту
Автобус – жёлтый шмель – ползёт
И суетливый пешеход
Снуёт как мошка там и тут.
На баржах у причала груз
Соломы жёлто-шелковист.
Туман, как жёлтый шарф, повис
Вдоль берега, тяжёл и густ.
У Темпла с вязов лист летит,
Вокруг порхает желтизна,
А Темзы жёлтая волна –
Как полированный нефрит.
Как только дети закончили чтение, на
экране появляется видеоряд с видами Лондона.
Далее следуют диалоги о Лондоне на фоне
видеоряда. Эти диалоги представлены как уличные
сценки. В качестве видеоряда мы использовали
отрывки из фильмов о Лондоне. В этой страничке
журнала принимают участие четыре пары учащихся.
Пары сменяют друг друга на последних репликах
диалога, так чтобы возникало впечатление
прогуливающихся по улицам Лондона людей.
– Look! Such a splendid view! Oh, it’s really one of the symbols of
– Oh, yes! It’s Trafalgar Square. Whoever comes to London is eager
to see it.
– Why? What is it famous for? What a strange name! To what famous
person is it dedicated?
– You really don’t know? It honours Horatio Nelson, who went to
sea, aged 12, and became an admiral at the age of 39. He defeated the French and Spanish
at Trafalgar in 1805.
– The statue at the top of the monument! Is that Admiral Nelson
– Oh, yes. After Lord Nelson’s tragic death at the Battle of
Trafalgar, the grieving nation decided to erect a monument to its hero. The statue on top
the column is three times larger-than-life.
– And look at those fountains! There are people playing in them!
– Yes, people often do that. And at New Year it’s a tradition to
bathe in the fountains. The Square is popular with visitors who come to relax, watch
street artists or eat their lunch and feed the pigeons.
– I like this. But Trafalgar Square is also surrounded by great
buildings: The National Gallery and the old Admiralty Building. It’s all worth seeing
– Do you know what one of the oldest sights of London is? Do you know
what was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a mint and a museum? Do you know where the
majority of English kings and queens were beheaded? Do you know where the oldest
traditions are concentrated?
– Yes, it’s the Tower of London! It was built in 1066 by William
the Conqueror. He wanted to protect London from enemies, so he built his fortress beside
the River Thames. Through the years, kings and queens were born, lived and were married
there. They were murdered there, too.
– And what is there in the Tower today? Do people live there now?
– Nowadays the Tower is a museum. And it is London’s smallest
village. Fifty-five families live there. They are Beefeaters – the guards of the Tower.
– Oh! I know who the Beefeaters are. I’ve seen them in pictures.
They look different, don’t they?
– It must be because their uniforms are Elizabethan. They’ve been
wearing the same costume for nearly 500 years. No one knows more about the history and
secrets of the Tower than these famous men.
– I know that now they show people around, and tell stories about the
terrible things that have happened here. To my mind, the Tower is the scariest place!
– Oh, the history of the Tower is really scary. And do you know that
not only people live there?
– Who else? Maybe ghosts?
– Ghosts, too. But the most respected inhabitants of the Tower are
– Birds? You’re joking! How could birds keep traditions? Why do
people respect them?
– There have always been ravens at the Tower. The first ones built
their nests because they liked the old stone houses and walls. There are eight of them
now. They have coloured leg-rings and their own names. A special man (raven master) looks
after them, gives them meat and biscuits every day.
– But what for? Couldn’t people let them out! It is cruel for the
birds to be kept in cages. Why don’t they fly away?
– Because their wings are clipped. Londoners can’t let them out.
There is a legend that they bring good luck to Britain, as long as they stay at the Tower.
– Poor creatures! They are so nice and cute. It’s really a pity
that they have to live there.
– Don’t be so naive! They are not very friendly. One of them bit a
German minister.
– I’m really fascinated by the Tower. It’s a magical place to my
mind. Every nail and every stone breathes history. How do the English manage to keep this
ancient spirit?
– Oh, you know that the most ancient ceremony is the Ceremony of the
Keys. It is centuries old and it takes place every night at 10 p.m. It was said that
whoever held the keys to the tower, held the keys to the kingdom.
– Every night at ten o’clock!? I can’t believe in such constancy.
It’s boring to do the same things every night.
– Don’t be silly! Look! This ceremony reproduces the spirit of old
England. Every night at seven minutes before 10 o’clock the Chief Yeomen Warder in his
long red coat and Tudor bonnet performs the ancient ceremony.
– What does he do? Why does he have an escort?
– He has a candle lantern and the Queen’s Keys. He hands the
lantern to a member of the escort and the party moves to the gates to be locked. Along the
route all the guards salute the keys. Still with his escort the Chief Yeoman Warder locks
the great oak doors of the Tower and the procession steps to the archway of the Bloody
– Look! It seems that every step has been adjusted. Let’s see what
they say. – I’ve read that this ceremony has been going on since 1240.
– All that time without interruption?
– Well, during World War II a bomb fell on the Tower grounds. The
blast blew the Chief Yeoman Warder off his feet and the lantern was put out.
– Oh! He had to be taken to hospital immediately! Did they do it?
– No, in spite of being wounded the Chief Yeoman Warder had to stop
to light a lantern again and then he went on with the ceremony.
– It’s amazing indeed!
Перед представлением следующего
диалога выходит девочка, одетая в костюм эпохи
мадам Тюссо, и “репортёр”, который берет у нее
интервью. В нашем варианте мадам Тюссо говорит
по-французски, а репортёр ведет диалог
по-английски, но можно сделать так, что оба
участника будут говорить по-английски. На экране
видеоряд с изображением экспонатов музея и
портретом самой мадам Тюссо.
– We are flattered to see such a famous person on our Internet Page.
– Madame Tussaud – the foundress of the Museum of Waxworks. Dear
Madame, could I dare to ask you some questions?
– Oui, bien, sir. Avec plaisir, je vais repondre a vos questions!
– Madame Tussaud, your name doesn’t sound like an English one. What
country have you come from?
– Mon nom est Tussaud, mon prenom est Marie. Je suis venue de la
France. Mais pendant la Grande revolution francaise j’etais obligee de s’enfuir en
Angleterre en 1802, sous Napoleon.
– Dear Madame, how did it occur that this splendid idea of making
models from wax came to your mind?
– J’di appris ce metier de faire les figures en cire dans ma
famille. Ayant quittee la France, ayant survecue j’di commence a fonder le musee en
partant des victimes de la revolution de Marie-Antoinette et de Robespiere.
– Dear Madame, could you tell us when and where your first permanent
exhibition look place?
– En 1835 mon premiere exposition a lu lien a Baker Street et bientot
elle est devenu la plus grande curiosite de Zondres et a remporte un enorme succes.
– Dear Madame, Your portraits are so lifelike and convincing. Could
you do us a favour.
– J’di attache un grand importance dux details, de l’epoque, dux
vetements, j’di depense trop pour l’ecclairage et pour les objets dutentiques.
– I’m extremely surprised to hear that you included genuine things
in the exhibition. Would you be so kind as to tell us about these marvelous things in
– A l’exposition du musee vous pouver voir non seulement la figure
de Zouis XVI mais la guillotine ou le roi eivait ete decapite.
– Thousands still queue up to look at the models in your museum.
People love to stare at the famous. Will you tell us some celebreties we are able to see
at your exhibition?
– Vous pouvez y trouver les differentes personnes. Les representants
de l’aristocratie, des politiques, les rois et les reines et les remarquables personnes
qui faisaient des exploits de la misericorde pour l’humanite.
– Dear Madame, I’m very much obliged to you for your kindness. It
was really very interesting and exciting to have a conversation about your life.
– Au revoir.
После их ухода появляются ведущие и
продолжают представление “журнала”.
B2: You see, London is really spectacular and fascinating with
its breathtaking views and amazing traditions. It’s full of things to see and do. You
always enjoy every minute being in London. Samuel Johnson once said: “When a man is
tired of London, he is tired of life.” The British capital manages in a unique way to
reflect the past and at the same time live the life of a modern city.
B1: Are you aware of the fact that a lot of things first
happened in London? The first steam engine, the first underground and the first railway
station appeared in London. And even the first English books were printed here by William
Caxton there.
B2: Books! Every person who is eager to broaden his outlook
adores reading books. Because you know…
A book, I think, is very like
A little golden door,
That takes me to the places
Where I’ve never been before.
It leads me into fairyland
Or countries strange and far.
And, best of all, the golden door
Always stands ajar.
(Adelaide Love)
B1: I’d like to tell you that we have some information about
the most popular book of the 21st century, the bestseller first printed in London, as
well. And we look forward to sharing this information with you.
Подходит к “окошку”. Кликает на
“иконке”, изображающей Гарри Поттера.
Выступление 5–6-х классов. Инсценировка отрывка
из книги Дж. Ролинг “Гарри Поттер”. На фоне
сценки очень хорошо использовать для видеоряда
кадры игры в квиддич из фильма “Гарри Поттер и
тайная комната”. После сценки выходят ведущие и
продолжают представление следующей рубрики.
B2: But there is something in our life that helps us to
understand each other without any words, that can name the unnamable and communicate the
unknowable and as Leonard Bernstein said their success in this.
B1: Are you speaking about music?
It seems that many peoples’ favourite pop music groups are from Great
Britain. I’m not surprised that the whole world sings songs in English, because the
history of modern music is being greeted in Britain.
B2: It is easily proved by just mentioning names of the most
popular British groups and singers: the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Queen,
Dire Straits, Duran Duran, the Spice Girls.
B1: Elton John, Sting, David Bowie, Bryan Ferry, Freddy Mercury,
etc. So, let’s have a look at how our website helps us to know more about music in
Britain. It seems to me that we have missed something very important.
Подходит к “окошку”. Кликает на
“иконке”, символизирующей музыку.
Выступление уч-ся 8–9 кл. В нашем журнале ребята
исполняли инсценированную песню “Obla-di,оbla-da” из
репертуара “The Beatles”. После их выступления
ведущие выходят для заключительного слова.
В1: Dear readers! Our presentation of “The British
Magazine” is coming to an end. We hope that we have managed to catch your attention and
you are looking forward to greeting the next issue of our magazine.
B2: We cleared up some questions and tried to highlight several
spheres of British life. We’re going to keep this tradition up.
B1, B2: (together) Let’s stay in touch!
Нина Борисовна Баканова,
НОУ “Ювенес”, Москва