Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №1/2007
Princess Never Laughs



Princess Never Laughs


Действующие лица и исполнители:

Storyteller 1
Storyteller 2
Storyteller 3
Storyteller 4
Storyteller 5
Princess Never Laughs
Ivan – a simple peasant
Old stooping beetle

На сцене стоят 3 рассказчика, которые по очереди вводят зрителя в сюжет сказки.

Storyteller 1: Once upon a time there lived a Tsar. His kingdom was very big and rich – full of forests, seas and rivers, and his people were good and liked him. His Palace was full of gold and silver, but he was always sad and unhappy for his dear daughter never laughed or smiled. So people called her Princess Never Laughs.

Storyteller 2: She had everything: beauty, wonderful dresses, splendor, but, she never smiled or laughed, as if her heart couldn’t be happy… It hurt her father to see his only daughter always sad and gloomy.

Storyteller 3: He opened the chamber of his Palace, inviting all and everyone to visit them and be dear guests.

Рассказчики отходят в сторону, встают у края сцены. На сцене появляется царь, одетый в роскошные одежды, расшитые золотом, серебром и драгоценными камнями.

Tsar: Let them try to cheer her up. He, who makes Princess laugh, will marry her.

Царь садится в кресло, в другом кресле рядом с отцом располагается Царевна-Несмеяна. У нее в руках носовой платочек, она громко плачет и вытирает свои горькие слезы платочком.

Storyteller 3: As soon as the people heard his words, they started to come to the Palace from far and near. They crowded at the gates. Noblemen came and boyars, merchants and ordinary people.

На сцене появляются бояре, купцы, принцы из разных стран. Они выходят на сцену по очереди, пытаются рассмешить царевну, делают трюки. Но ей всё не нравится.

Princess: How silly he is. I don’t like these tricks! Go away! Oh, my God! How dull it is! Oh, my father! Why must I look at these men! I don’t like them. They are very dull.

Tsar: My daughter, be kind to these noble men!

Princess: I don’t want to! I don’t want to! I don’t want to! They will kill me with their tricks! Take them away.

Бояре, купцы уходят со сцены, подобострастно раскланиваясь перед Несмеяной, а она начинает рыдать навзрыд.

Tsar: (испуганно) Don’t cry, my little rose! Go away all of you! Leave my little daughter alone!

Storyteller 4: Feasts began with music and presents, tarts, pies and honey, but Princess didn’t smile or laugh…
Not a single time…

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