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Soft Drugs Can Be Sold Freely /
All Drugs Should Be Strictly Forbidden

(Внеклассное мероприятие в 11-м классе. Пособие В.П. Кузовлева: English 10–11, Unit 4 “Is It Easy to Be Young?”)

STEP I. A day or two before the Debating Club meeting, the debaters should study some useful words and expressions (see below) linked with the problem to be discussed. It can be done in the form of the following activities:

ACTIVITY A. Put the following words into the appropriate column as in the example: heroin, Ecstasy, aggression, flashback (зависимость), opium (black stuff), ketamine, overdose, stealing, hashish, marijuana (hemp, cannabis, Sativa, “laughing grass”, “Mary”, “Mary Jane”, “pot”), cocaine (stuff), family and school problems, nightmares (ночные кошмары), changes in appearance and behaviour, death, health problems, LSD, temper tantrum (резкие перемены настроения), crime, withdrawal symptoms (синдром абстиненции), hallucinations.

soft drugs


harder drugs


recreational symptoms of drug


results of drug


drugs abuse usage


ACTIVITY B. Look through the following opinions for and against legalizing soft drugs. Think over the arguments. What is your opinion?



Legalizing pot is better for the society than prohibition – it protects human rights;

Teens can smoke pot if they want to – it’s their life, they are free to decide and nobody can forbid them to do what they want;

Unlike tobacco pot doesn’t increase one’s cancer risk;

hemp is used in medicine;

smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is worse than smoking pot;

There haven’t been any long-term studies on marijuana that can prove its ruinous effect; lots of people have tried soft drugs without any harm; drinking problems are more widely spread in society;

The legalizing of cannabis would remove the “criminality gateway” and limit access to harder drugs such as methamphetamine;

Legalizing pot is successfully applied in the Netherlands;

Smoking grass is a tradition of the hippie community;

Taking soft drugs reduces suicide rates;

Prohibition of drugs is not good;

Politicians who prohibit the legalization of soft drugs are hypocrites; they care only about their political career, but they may take soft drugs themselves.

If we legalize soft drugs it can make the situation with drug abuse worse;

It’s a crime against future generations to make pot legally available;

Soft drugs cause health problems as any narcotics do;

Smoking grass is as dangerous as drinking alcohol;

Scientists have proved that soft drugs cause flashbacks; the developing flashback may result in heroin usage which is taken by injection; this can cause such socially dangerous diseases as AIDS;

All pot smokers are potential criminals; pot pushers make money by involving teens in drug usage and selling pot in the streets;

Legalizing drugs in the Netherlands has caused more teens to use drugs;

Those who smoke pot do not conform to society standards;

Pot smokers often commit suicide;

Prohibition is the only way to stop drug abuse;

Drug addicts are hypocrites because they say it’s possible to give up using drugs whenever they wish.

STEP II. Before the meeting the leader of the discussion carries out a survey – “What do you think about legalizing soft drugs?”

STEP III. The debaters are divided into two teams according to the results of the survey. Those who are against all kinds of drugs may wear a badge “CON”. Their opponents may sit opposite, wear a badge “PRO”, and support the idea that soft drugs are not as bad.

STEP IV. The leader of the discussion opens the meeting of the Debating Club. He or she makes some statements, for instance, “The number of drug addicts in Russia is increasing every year. Despite the ruinous effect of drug usage there are still some young people who think it is possible and desirable to legalize soft drugs. We will try to persuade them to change their views on the matter…”

STEP V. The leader of the discussion encourages the debaters to express their opinions, giving arguments to support them. The debaters should try to persuade their opponents, making them change their minds. The leader can ask some more questions in order to keep the discussion going. Here are the questions and the proposed answers:

– In your opinion, why do young people start to take drugs?
– Most young people start to take drugs under pressure from their mates. Teenagers want to try all sorts of options. They want to live now, and to live to the max.

For many of them it means to get “high”, to get as much pleasure as possible. Some teens take a stimulant to dance all night, other teens take psychedelic drugs, or hallucinogens to produce the equivalent of waking dreams, to broaden their mind and to whip up creativeness. Others need a relaxant to ward off stress.

– What are the symptoms of drug abuse?
– The following symptoms may be signs of trouble:

1. Constricted or dilated pupils (суженные или расширенные зрачки в зависимости от типа употребляемого наркотика).

2. Unusual flare-ups or outbreaks of temper (необъяснимые приступы веселья и перемены в настроении).

3. Withdrawal from responsibility (уход от ответственности).

4. General changes in attitudes, different values (пересмотр жизненных ценностей).

5. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming (ухудшение физического состояния и неопрятный внешний вид).

6. Wearing sunglasses and long-sleeved garments no matter what the weather is. (желание спрятать глаза за очками и неоправданное ношение одежды с длинными рукавами).

7. Association with known drug abusers (общение с людьми, ранее замеченными в употреблении наркотиков).

8. Unusual borrowing of money from friends and parents (подозрительные просьбы одолжить денег, обращенные к друзьям и родителям).

9. Abrupt changes in school attendance, quality of work and discipline (прогулы уроков, ухудшение успеваемости и дисциплины).

10. Suspicious trips to storage rooms, basements, restrooms (подозрительное уединение в чуланах, подвалах, туалетах).

STEP VI. The leader of the discussion finds out whether the debaters who were for the legalization of soft drugs have changed their opinions. Then he proposes the debaters have a role-play How to Say “No”. This practice may be helpful in the future.


1. – A lot of people take this drug, it’s mild. Try it. It’s really exciting.
– I don’t really fancy doing it. It’s like this, you see. I know the destructive result of drug usage.

2. – Why not to go to a Pot Party?
– I’d rather not, actually. The reason is that I don’t smoke pot and don’t want to.

3. – Let’s get high. I’ve got some stuff.
– I don’t think it will produce pleasant dreams. Some dreams may be nightmarish. Don’t forget about the dangers of flashbacks.

4. – Hello, would you like to go to an all-night dance club?
– I don’t think I can go with you, actually. The point is that I can’t dance all night long.
– Then try some magic pills. Then you will be able to stay with us and have a fun time.
– Well, I think I’d prefer not to take Ecstasy. It causes flashbacks. I care about my health.

5. – Trance dance clubs are great. Let’s go and you will see.
– I’m afraid I can’t possibly go with you. Let me explain, LSD and other substances are gaining popularity there. I can’t understand why people forget that the use of club drugs can cause serious heath problems, and even death. Used in combination with alcohol they are very dangerous.

STEP VII. The debaters are asked to design their own logo revealing their attitude towards drugs, or showing a protest against drug usage. First, some already designed logos can be demonstrated.

FINAL STEP. The leader declares that the meeting is closed; it’s time for summing up. The debaters may choose the best logo and the most active participant in the discussion.

By Irina Ishkhneli,
School No. 1738, Moscow