Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №46/2004


Town Life – London

Открытый урок в 5-м классе (по учебнику И.Н.Верещагиной "English-IV")

Подтема: Christmas

Present Perfect Tense


Образовательные: 1) развивать навыки аудирования, расширяя кругозор школьников, давая им информацию о традициях и праздниках стран изучаемого языка; 2) продолжать формирование умения употреблять Present Perfect Tense в разных структурах (утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных); 3) обеспечить закрепление лексического материала по теме “London”; 4) продолжать формирование умения быстро читать, работать во времени (одновременно начинать и заканчивать работу), вырабатывать темп учебной работы, умения работать с учебником.

Развивающие: 1) развивать умение выделять главное, развивать мышление, память; 2) развивать самостоятельность, эмоции; 3) совершенствовать навыки связной речи.

Воспитательные: 1) содействовать эстетическому воспитанию; 2) развивать коммуникативные навыки; 3) обеспечивать нравственное воспитание учащихся, дать понятие об общечеловеческих ценностях.

Учебные пособия: карточки с текстами и грамматическими заданиями, аудиокассета, грамматические таблицы, картинки.


1. Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good morning!

Pupils: Good morning!

Teacher: Glad to see you.

Pupil: Glad to see you too.

Teacher: How are you?

Pupil: I’m fine, thanks. And you?

Teacher: I’m fine. Thank you. Sit down.

2. Речевая зарядка:

Teacher: I’m sure you remember what holiday all English speaking countries will celebrate tomorrow. What is it?

Pupil: They will celebrate Christmas.

Teacher: Today is the 24th of December. How is the evening before Christmas called?

Pupil: It is called Christmas Eve.

Teacher: So, who will visit children to night?

Pupil: Santa Claus will visit them.

3. Развитие навыка аудирования.

Teacher: I want you to listen to a text about Christmas traditions. I hope you will learn something new. But first of all look at the board. Here are some new words, that you will hear while listening to the text.

tinsel мишура
stocking чулок
miracle чудо
coin монета
holly остролист
evergreen вечнозелёный
to place размещать

Now look at the question that you must answer. What do you think is the most interesting Christmas tradition? Now listen to the tape.

“People began to celebrate Christmas many years ago. And now it is the most wonderful and beautiful day of the year. People place fritters in the sitting-rooms and decorate them with tinsel, toys, balls, flags and stars.

On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or fireplace mantel. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated. Children wait for Santa Claus and other miracles.

British people celebrate the holiday with Christmas dinner. They eat pudding and turkey. Traditionally a coin is put into the pudding. It brings luck to a person who finds it. There is a very old tradition to decorate homes with holly. Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp leaves and red berries. People put holly on Christmas pudding too.”

Teacher: So answer the question. Now you will listen to the text once again. After that you will ask each other questions on the text. Listen to the text attentively.

4. Первичное закрепление знаний по теме Christmas traditions и практика употребления новой лексики.

Teacher: Now you will get cards with short texts about Christmas traditions. I want you to read them and then look at these pictures. Try to guess which texts on the cards match these pictures. Read out the main sentence of уour cards.

So today is Christmas Eve. Traditionally people sing Christmas songs on this day. They are called carols. In Russia this word means “хоралы”. One of these songs you know. It is “Jingle Bells”. So let us sing it all together. (Звучит песня “Jingle Bells”)

5. Вторичное закрепление нового грамматического материала Present Perfect Tense.

Teacher: So you see it is a real pleasure to speak about this great holiday. All the children in English-speaking countries do not have classes. Today and tomorrow they will have a lot of fun, but in Russia we celebrate Christmas later. When do we celebrate Christmas?

Pupil: We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.

Teacher: And on December 25 we’ve got a usual working day. And if you want to participate in Christmas someday somewhere in Britain or America you should work hard at your English.

So let’s proceed to work on your English and especially your grammar.
At the previous lesson we studied the Present Perfect Tense, didn’t we? I want to review that Present Perfect is used to express a completed action connected with the present.
And it is formed with the help of auxiliary verb have (has) + Past Participle. We spoke about the Past Participle of regular verbs. Now answer my questions:

Teacher: How is Present Perfect Tense formed?

Pupil: It is formed with the help of the verb have (has) + Past Participle

Teacher: How is Past Participle of the regular verbs formed?

Pupil: It is formed with the help of the ending -ed.

Teacher: What must we do if we want to disagree?

Pupil: We must put “not” after have or has.

Teacher: What must we do if we want to ask a question?

Pupil: We must put have or has at the beginning of the sentence.

Teacher: Now take the grammar cards that you have on your desks and look at the first exercise.

1) Choose the verb and fill in the gap.




  • The children have ______ the fir-tree.

  • The daughter has ______ her mother about the house.

  • The girls have ______ the floor.

  • He hasn’t ______ the hands before dinner.

  • The girl has ______ watering the flowers.

  • The pupils have ______ reading.

  • Father hasn’t ______ the door.

2) Make up sentences.

The girl
The man
The pupils
The children


washed up
cooked dinner
decorated the room
cleaned the carpet
opened the door
washed the floor
visited a friend

3) Disagree with me. Don’t be afraid of not being polite.

  • I have watered the flowers in my study.

  • I have cleaned the carpet in my study.

  • I have locked the door.

  • I have washed the floor.

  • I have opened the window.

  • I have visited your parents.

  • I have counted all the people in the study.

4) Ask general questions:

  • Mother has cooked dinner.

  • The girl has danced a lot.

  • The children have started to sing.

  • They have had much fun at the cinema.

  • They have joined us.

6. Закрепление лексического материала по теме “London”.

Teacher: We have finished with the Present Perfect. As I have already said, if you want to participate in Christmas someday in Britain, you should know more about its capital.
At home you read the text about London. Have you read it? So open your books to page 165. And the last question on Present Perfect. There is only one sentence in Present Perfect in this text. Have you found it?

1) Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Russian expressions.

2) Repeat after me! (фонетическая разработка выражений)

3) Now I want you to work in groups. One person in each group will be the leader and the rest will be advisers. Discuss and say why London is one of the most interesting places in the world. The leader will present your group’s results.

4) Leaders, please, come up to the board. Listen to them and decide whose story is the best.

7. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: I want to congratulate everybody on the coming holiday. I’ve got a present for you. A well-known person, Winnie-the-Pooh, and his well-known friend, Piglet, want to congratulate you, too. We hope you’ll like their tale.


This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas Day. Traditionally they eat Christmas pudding. Children put holly on the pudding for decorations. They also eat a turkey for Christmas dinner.

holly остролист


Every English family sends and receives many Christmas cards. Traditionally there is robin on a card, as it is a Christmas bird. You can read on the card “Merry Christmas!”

receive получать


Santa Claus comes into children’s homes on Christmas Eve. He is always merry. He comes from the North Pole. He brings presents for all the children.

North Pole Северный полюс


Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the 26th of December. People do not go to work on that day. They visit friends or go to the theatre. Everybody gives and receives Christmas cards and Christmas boxes.

receive получать


On Christmas Eve people like to light candles. If there are children in the family, they often love Christmas crackers. There is usually a Christmas hat, a small toy and a piece of paper with a joke on it.

candle свеча
to light a candle зажигать свечу
cracker хлопушка


Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. On this day everybody is very busy and in a hurry. On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or fireplace. They wait for Santa Claus.

hang вешать


Traditionally people put their Christmas presents into boxes. That is why the day on which they give and receive these boxes is called Boxing Day.

receive получать


Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. British people celebrate this holiday with big family dinners. Children have much fan. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, and eat Christmas puddings. Most people do not go to work on that day.


Before Christmas, children make small flags. On these flags they paint British, American and other flags. They hang Christmas flags on the Christmas tree or decorate the room with them.

hang вешать
fag флажок


Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards. And people began to think of the robin as a Christmas bird. You can see many robins on Christmas cards.

robin малиновка (птица)
postman почтальон

By Irina Skvortsova,
School No. 1245, Moscow