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Cценарий праздника

Статья опубликована при поддержке Компании ООО «ЭкспоЛесСтрой». Многие хотят приобрести собственный загородный дом, но ещё больше хотят что бы их дом был построен по их собственному плану. Обратившись в компанию ООО «ЭкспоЛесСтрой» вы сможете заказать загородный дом под ключ из дерева высшего качества. Посетите официальный сайт компании www.expo-lesstroy.ru и ознакомьтесь подробнее с предоставляемыми услугами.

В основу сценария этого рождественского мероприятия положена традиционная английская пантомима, поставленная по сказке “Золушка”. Примечательно то, что по замыслу роли отрицательных персонажей (мачехи и ее дочерей) исполняются мальчиками в комической манере. Наряду с основной сюжетной линией сказки проходит еще одна: знакомство с историей празднования Рождества, информацией о том, почему елка стала символом этого праздника. Для этого в сценарий включены персонажи, не действующие в сказке о Золушке. Они появляются в так называемых интермедиях. Главными из них являются клоуны Бим и Бом, которые одновременно выступают в роли ведущих. Они разговаривают стихами специально сочиненными так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию сцен и интермедии. В подготовке и показе этого спектакля были задействованы, в основном, ребята средних классов. Поскольку наша школа является школой с углубленным изучением английского языка, то проведение подобных мероприятий стало доброй традицией. Ребята с удовольствием играют в спектаклях, поставленных к праздникам Хэллоуин, День Благодарения, Рождества, Св. Валентина, и Пасхи.

На сцене появляются два клоуна: Бим и Бом.

Clown 1: Every year at Christmas time,
We can hear the church bells chime.

Clown 2: They ring out on Christmas morn,
For that’s the day when Jesus was born!

Clown 1: And each year from Heaven above,
A special angel brings us his love!

На сцену выходит группа ребят и исполняет песню “Ding! Dong! Ding!”

Chorus: Sing, Noel, Noel.
Ding! Dong! Ding!
Everybody sing to the newborn King!
Come together one and all,
Ding! Dong! Ding!
Happy songs of joy you bring
To the newborn King!
Ding! Dong! Ding!
Open up your heart and sing
To the newborn King!

На сцене вновь клоуны. Обращаются к зрителям.

Clown 2: The song was great and didn’t you find our recitation was also fine?!

Clown 1: No doubt, dear, as we have been practicing it the whole year!

Clown 2: Oh, Bim, you silly-billy, why have you told everybody? Now they are making fun of us. (Начинает громко плакать.)

Clown 1: (напевает) Don’t worry! Be happy! Bom, take it easy! They are laughing at themselves, as they are the same. And now at last, let’s greet them!

Clown 1: I am Bim.

Together: We are glad to greet your... home!


Clown 1: Bom, I’m bored with making jokes, let’s give the stage to a pantomime.

Clown 2: You are right! And while at leisure “CINDERELLA” for your pleasure!

Scene 1

Золушка, мачеха и ее дочери сидят в комнате, туда входит Глашатай и читает королевский приказ.

“This night the Royal Ball is to be held in honour of the Prince. Every young maiden in the Kingdom is commanded to attend.”

Cinderella: That means, I can go, too!

Сестры начинают ехидно смеяться.

Sister 1: You, poor dirty girl! I can’t imagine you being there.

Sister 2: What are you dreaming about, you silly beggar!

Cinderella: But the announcement said “every maiden” was to attend.

Stepmother: Very well, Cindy, you can go – after you finish all your chores. By tomorrow morning you must sew three of the most beautiful dresses.

Мачеха и ее дочери уходят, а Золушка при свете свечи начинает шить платья и поет песню.

Cinderella: A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you’re fast asleep.
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you, you keep.
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through.
No matter how your heart is grieving,
If you keep on believing,
A dream that you wish will come true!
Дошив платья, Золушка засыпает.

Интермедия 1

Clown 1: The candle’s gone out.
It’s almost dawn...
Tired Cindy is sleeping
Like a newborn.

Clown 2: Look! Marvelous dresses
Are put on the shelf.
Poor Cindy’s made them for others,
Taking no care of herself!

На следующий день нарядные мачеха и сестры собираются ехать на бал. Смотрят с издевкой на Золушку.

Stepmother: Why, Cinderella, it’s time to go... You are not even dressed for the ball! Then, if you don’t want to go with us, go on doing your work about the house, poor thing!

Уходят со сцены.
Золушка сквозь слезы, пытаясь успокоить себя...

Cinderella: Oh, well! What’s a Royal Ball?! I hope it will be frightfully dull and... and...completely wonderful. I thought someday my dreams would come true. Now, I’ll never get to the Royal Ball...

Золушка начинает безутешно плакать. Вдруг появляется добрая фея.

Fairy Godmother: Yes, you will, my child, but we must hurry. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

Добрая фея исполняет песню “Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo”. Золушка в это время переодевается в великолепное платье.

Cinderella: But, Godmother, I can’t leave for the ball in these slippers!

Fairy Godmother: Oh, Good Heavens, child! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

На Золушке появляются новые башмачки.

Cinderella: My dear Godmother, you are the kindest and the loveliest of all. How beautiful these glass slippers are. And it’s all like a dream!

Fairy Godmother: Yes, child, but like all dreams it won’t last forever. At the stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.

Cinderella: I’ll remember. Oh, it’s more than I ever hoped for! A hundred thanks, my kindest Godmother!

Fairy Godmother: Bless you, my child! Now hurry up. It’s getting late.

Интермедия 2

Clown 1: I am so fond of stepmother! She is so nice, plump, big, funny and great...

Clown 2: Quite like a Christmas Tree. Ha-ha-ha.

Clown 1: What do you know about Christmas Trees?!

Clown 2: What, what? ... They are fir trees.

Clown 1: I see you know nothing special. I have a friend, Cheshire Cat. He is so wise and knows everything. Let’s call him and he will tell us everything about the tree and Christmas greenery.

Cheshire Cat: You needn’t call me. I’m here. It’s true I know everything. I don’t boast. Look, Christmas greenery are evergreens. They were regarded as symbols of eternal life. Best-loved of all now are holly, ivy and mistletoe. For our forefathers they were strong life-symbols, not only because they are evergreens, but also because, unlike most plants, they bear fruit in winter.

Clown 2: Just as I thought!

Clown 1: Don’t think too much of yourself.

Cheshire Cat: Do you know that the first Christmas Tree appeared in England in 1821? It was arranged by a German member of Queen Caroline’s household for a children’s party. In 1846 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had a lighted tree at Windsor Castle.

Чеширский кот исчезает так же внезапно, как и появился.

Clown 2: That’s great. Now I can boast that I’m as clever as Cheshire Cat. I know everything about Christmas trees and greenery!

Clown 1: You only look at him! Only a deaf man couldn’t hear it!

Несколько ребят из младших классов исполняют песенку о елочке.

Children: I’d like to be a Christmas tree,
I’d shine my star so bright above,
To tell the world of Jesus’ love!


Clown 1: We were too fond of Christmas.
And what about the Royal ball?

Clown 2: Oh, I can see our Cindy
Entering the palace hall!

Зал в королевском дворце. Звучит прекрасная музыка. Несколько пар танцуют полонез. Входит Золушка, и все взоры обращаются на нее.

Sister 1: Oh, look at that young lady! She looks very good. Her dress is quite nice, though not as lovely as ours, but still...

Stepmother: Yes, you must look and learn how to be a real lady.

Sister 2: Phee... Well, look at the prince. I bet he has fallen in love. He can’t take his eyes off her.

Sister 1: It begins to seem to me that we’ve got a real rival!

Stepmother: Stop chattering, silly girls. You’d better adjust your dresses and try to attract the Prince’s attention!

Сестры изо всех сил стараются это сде-лать, но напрасно, Принц не сводит глаз с Золушки.

Prince: Oh, dear Princess, you are so beautiful and charming. I think nobody can stand before your beauty! No poet can match it in the most wonderful song. Would you be so kind as to be my fair lady for the whole ball!

Cinderella: It would be so nice. I didn’t even dare to imagine to myself that I’d dance with you.

Prince: But why? And I was sure that you’d refuse to accept my proposal. And what’s your name, my dear princess?

Cinderella: Ci...

Вдруг слышится бой часов.

Cinderella: I’m so sorry, but I must leave.

Cinderella: Next time...

Убегая, Золушка теряет туфельку.

Prince: She’s gone. Who are you? Where can we meet, where should I look for you? And what’s this? Oh, Good Heavens, it’s her slipper! It’s so unusual, just like she is. This slipper is the clue to solve this mystery. It will help me. I’ll send servants to every house in my kingdom and order every maiden to try it on. This slipper will fit only one little foot.

Интермедия 3

Clown 1: I’m so eager.
What’ll come next.

Clown 2: Don’t be too nervous. Sit down and relax!
В этот момент в зал влетает птичка.

Clown 1: What do you think it can mean?

Clown 2: If my eyes don’t deceive me, it’s Robin, a symbol of Christmas!

Robin: That is the truth. I was sent to you with the warmest regards from Santa Claus. He asked me to send his best wishes to those who wrote their fairy Christmas stories.

Награждаются победители заранее проведенного конкурса на лучшую рождественскую сказку.

Robin: Santa Claus also asked me to remind you of the fact that tonight is magic, as it’s X-mas Eve. Even the most unexpected and extraordinary things may happen. All your innermost dreams may come true!


Clown 1: Our urgent wish now
Is to know,
How our play will end.

Clown 2: And who’ll get the prior prize.
Who’ll become the Prince’s wife.
Let’s watch the show then.

Scene 3

В доме Золушки суматоха. К ним приходит королевский слуга.

Servant: It’s a Royal order. Every maiden must try the slipper on. If she can wear it she will become the prince’s wife.

Sister 1: I shall try it on first!

Stepmother: Oh, honey, is it OK?

Sister 1: Damn slipper! It’s too small. What large feet I have!

Когда ей не удается надеть туфельку, швыряет ее своей сестре.

Sister 2: I’ll be luckier than my foolish sister! I’ll put it on!

Stepmother: For God’s sake, try to do it! I’ll help you.

Sister 2: Look, I’ve managed to put it on!!!

Servant: It seems to me you’re pretending. It pinches you, I’m afraid.

Sister 2: No, I can prove it fits me all right!

Stepmother: Dear, try your best to take some steps.

Сестрица встает, пытается немного пройти, но тут же падает.

Servant: Well, Mam, if you have no other daughters, I’ll bid you good day!

Cinderella: Please, wait! May I try the slipper on?

Servant: Of course, every girl must have a chance. Please, sit down. Oh! Heavens, it fits you perfectly! Prince, I’ve found your princess. She is here and she is so pretty!

Prince: My dear, at last I’ve found you! And I shall never let you go away again! We shall be together forever! Be my wife, please!

Cinderella: My heart is full of love to you. I accept your proposal to become your wife!

Clown 1: My soul is singing
And chiming like a bell.

Clown 2: The evil is punished
All’s well that ends well!

В конце все участники выходят на сцену и звучит песня из репертуара Пола Маккартни “Рождество”.

By Yelena Proskurina,
School No. 12, Mirniy, rep. Sakha