Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №36/2003


The Symphony of ELT

NATE Conference in Kursk

The 9th Conference of the National Association of Teachers of English, “The Symphony of ELT”, was held in Kursk, June 2–5, 2003. The aim of the conference was to continue the discussion of the burning issues of English language teaching begun at the “Global English for Global Understanding” Conference in Moscow in May 2001 and “English Unites the World: Diversity within Unity” Conference in Saratov in January 2002.
The conference in Kursk was called “The Symphony of ELT”. Why?
Language is like music, you can’t play a rhapsody, something very complex, without the long and painstaking practice of the dull and uninteresting scales, and the same is true with language. You can’t take part in the conferences, round table discussions, etc., without long hard work.
The conference covered the following ELT areas: New ELT Strategies and Trends in Modern Russia, Theoretical and Applied Aspects, Cultural Contexts, Teacher Training, Bridging Linguistics and Methodology, ESP/EAP, Computer Assisted English Teaching, The Music of English.
Over 100 professionals from almost 30 regions of Russia, the USA and the UK took part in the conference. Many complex methodological, cultural and socio-linguistic issues of ELT were discussed in a great number of presentations: 3 plenary talks, 11 panel discussions, almost 20 parallel workshops, and round table discussions formed the conference programme.
The conference was supported by the English Language Office at the American Embassy in Moscow, by the Government of Kursk Region, Kursk State University, and Kursk Institute of Social Education.
The key speakers of the conference provided the participants with a feast of ideas of the role of English in the world today, of the symphony and harmony of ELT. Among them were Svetlana Ter-Minasova, NATE President, Prof. Maria Verbitskaya, NATE Vice-President, Prof. Marina Kulinich, Radislav Milrood, and others.
Thirty-four alumni of the Teachers of Excellence Awards (TEA) Program participated in the conference panel discussions. Their participation in the conference was funded by American Councils for International Education.
I was glad to see my colleagues from Belgorod region: Olga Morgunova and Elena Belyaeva, alumni of TEA in 1999 and 2002.
The discussion on the problem of the role of the modern teacher in ELT Symphony is rather urgent. That’s why among the 11 panel discussions of the second conference day on June 4, the one conducted by Larissa Zelenskaya of Moscow State University attracted over 15 participants, and united teachers of all levels: kindergarten through primary and secondary schools to university.
Each 10-minute talk seemed to come to an end too soon for both the presenter and the audience, who needed more time for questions, comments, and advice.
Larissa Vasil’eva, for example, reviewed the use of the intensive method of teaching in the classroom. Olga Morgunova spoke about teaching gifted students, etc.
The panel discussion “Modern Teacher in ELT Symphony” was like a fantastic show where participants of the conference demonstrated their methods to motivate the students: English Speaking Club activities, the use of holiday songs, the newspaper “English” in the classroom, etc. The participants of the panel couldn’t help applauding the presenters.
Last, but not least, a very experienced university teacher, Larissa Zelenskaya, told us about teachers’ expectation in teaching foreign languages.
It is worth noticing that a lot of Kursk teachers participated in the conference. The conference hosts, teachers of Kursk State University and Kursk Institute of Social Education, did their best to welcome their guests. The warm welcome at Kursk’s universities was doubled by the impression of the city and the old monastery Korennaya Pustyn’.
I’m sure that it is extremely important for teachers to meet and communicate, and conferences like this (in Kursk) give them a wonderful opportunity. Besides, it’s a good chance to express oneself.

By Elena Babina,

English! English! English! Three days of the “Symphony of ELT”. Such a great chance to take part in a NATE conference – even not being a member of the Association! Almost a miracle. And the part of the fairy godmother was played by American Councils. We, TEA and PiE alumni, were the only school teachers at the event. All the others were the best staff from higher education institutions.
It was wonderful to listen to our Russian colleagues presenting topics in all the spheres of language you could imagine; and the only disappointment of the conference was not the absence of hot water, nor the very tough agenda, but the inability to visit all the presentations. But on the other hand, thank God, it was impossible. Otherwise your head could have burst at the impossibility of coping with all this knowledge.
I took so much from my colleagues. But my greatest impression was Julie Zdanoski, an American with a Polish surname, an EL Fellow from the US Embassy working in Petrozavodsk. She presented her book for senior students, comparing Russian and American cultures. “As cultural beings, we are like fish in an aquarium. Fish in an aquarium live comfortably in their aquatic milieu without understanding the importance of the water that surrounds them”. This is the beginning of the text from Lesson 1. What an image! How clear and wise! Living in our own aquarium we think that we know everything. But then suddenly the owner of the tank decided to amuse himself and moved us to another one. It’s shocking! Our water was much cleaner and not that salty, and there was seaweed! Only after living in other surroundings you begin to understand and appreciate your own. We laughed and smiled, recognizing ourselves. We were enchanted by the melody of Julie’s voice. We Russians, who are generally very suspicious, were charmed and fell in love with her. The first question was “Where can we get the book?” My understanding of the nature of the American had several stages. When I met Americans first I thought, “Oh, they are funny and generous, friendly and hospitable. We are the same. Mir! Druzhba! Zhvachka!” Then after some time, and probably after meeting other people, my anti-American mood rose again. “Those Americans… they are such…” (No comments.) And then again, I meet other people, and this time, greatly educated in the sphere of cross-cultural communication, I realised that we are different, but very much the same, especially teachers and children.
Thank you, American Councils! You never let us stop, and rest, and forget about life – which never stops and which is so wonderful!

I. Chuprinyuk,
TEA Alumnus 2002, Dubna

“Симфония ELT” поразила многоголосьем и полифонией выступлений. Многочисленные секции – по 10–13 докладчиков на каждой! Прекрасно, что курские учителя принимали очень активное участие в работе, они были такие заинтересованные и внимательные. Плодотворное общение завязывалось и в перерывах между выступлениями.
Вообще во время конференции каждый чувствовал себя окруженным вниманием и заботой, которые исходили от всех, кто учится и работает в университете. Особенно поразили бабушки-уборщицы. Стоишь, бывало, вечером, когда коридоры опустели, с озабоченным видом в фойе, подходит уборщица: “Куда тебе надо, миленькая?”
Уровень организации конференции был очень высокий. Я считаю очень ценной организацию специальной секции по обмену опытом работы с компьютерными обучающими программами. Отдельное спасибо Дмитрию Клементьеву.
Моя подруга спросила: “Когда же мы услышим знаменитого курского соловья в дополнение к педагогической симфонии?” Вдруг на заключительном концерте мы слышим пение таких “соловьев”, которые просто ошеломили нас своим мастерством и голосами; трудно было вообразить, что такое изумительное пение возможно. Трехдневная усталость и напряжение улетучились, появилось ощущение, что можно еще горы свернуть.
Участие в работе конференции ансамбля “Fellows” и их красочное, яркое шоу придало конференции мощное и гармоничное звучание.

Надежда Соловьева,
Обнинская ассоциация учителей английского языка
5 июня 2003-06-08

“Симфония” для меня оказалась встречей с созвездием интересных людей, привлекательных педагогических и методических идей, увлеченных учителей, etc.
Но самое важное – оказаться в кругу единомышленников, говорящих, думающих, поющих по-разному, но в одной тональности.
Несмотря на все трудности в современном положении дел в преподавании английского языка, особенно в провинции, после такого мероприятия хочется верить, что мы живы, прогрессируем, развиваемся.
We inspire each other, and strive for progress in teaching, and living.
Thank you,

Вера Александровна Гончарова,
г. Новомосковск,

Я участвую в конференции NATE второй раз и собираюсь участвовать и в дальнейшем. Наиболее важным считаю общение преподавателей высшей и средней школы, обмен идеями и информацией. На Курской конференции мне больше всего понравилась презентация проф. Р. Мильруда (Тамбов), а также очень интересна была работа секции ESP. В конференции принимали участие 35 учителей средних школ России – победители российско-американского конкурса TEA. Наше участие оказалось возможным благодаря поддержке Американских Советов по международному образованию, и мы благодарны им за такую возможность.

Т.А. Моисеева,
Волгоград, лицей № 6

It is difficult and maybe impossible – out of the mass of feelings and emotions – to bring out something essential, eternal and dead right… Yes, true. The feast of ELT was a tremendous success. We all are the students of English. It gives meaning to our professional life. However, we expected the event to be a festival of the tongue of Shakespeare and proud American Constitution, and yet, there was another discovery – the discovery of the city Kursk, its citizens, the spiritual experience of its cathedrals, and Korennaya Pustyn’. The people of Kursk are a special breed – quiet, steady, candid, proud and dignified, and extremely gifted! The culmination of the conference was undoubtedly the concert our organizers didn’t boast of; they kept triumphant silence till the audience gasped with admiration, and burst out with applause and “bravos”. We had never heard such strong male and sweet female voices, had never seen such brilliant temperamental dances, and enthusiastic, sincere faces. The nightingales of Kursk! We didn’t have the chance to hear you in the wild (alas! the season is over!), but we heard you in concent.
We bow to you, people of Kursk, we kneel before your icons, we leave with warmer and moved hearts. And we want to come back.

Larissa Mashkova,

I was very impressed by the conference, especially the last part of it. Thank you very much for such a great opportunity to meet many people interested in teaching English.

Veronica Zvyagintseva,
Kursk State Technical University

It was a great opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people from different towns, cities, and even from abroad, who came to share very helpful ideas in ELT.

Julia Mironova,
Gymnasium No. 25, Kursk

Providing Equal Opportunities

Для тех, кто интересуется проблемой Computer Assisted English Teaching, сообщаю: в Курском педагогическом университете работает лингвистическая компьютерная лаборатория. Ее руководитель, Дмитрий Дмитриевич Клементьев, проявил себя не только как знающий и талантливый организатор, но и как разработчик компьютерной программы по подготовке к централизованному тестированию по английскому языку. Желающие могут обращаться по адресу: dklim@kursknet.ru
Разработку этой программы финансировал фонд Сороса, и поэтому учителя могут получить продукт бесплатно (реально стоить может пересылка и CD носитель). Тем, кто хочет совершить заочное путешествие по улицам Лондона и принять участие в увлекательных викторинах, рекомендую в качестве гида и помощника взять мультимедийную программу “Through the Streets of London”.
Вот и адрес: adm@eng.vsu.ru
Обратитесь к Наталье Александровне Шаровой, зав. кафедрой английской филологии Воронежского государственного университета. Счастлива, что лично познакомилась с авторами новых приобретенных мною мультимедиа. Еще более ценны новые идеи и свежие чувства, навеянные мелодиями “Симфонии ELT”.

Надежда Прохорова,