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TF – 3

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. These old houses are going to be _____ soon.

A. laid out
B. run down
C. pulled down
D. knocked out

2. She rang to make an early _____ at the hairdresser’s.

A. order
B. date
C. assignment
D. appointment

3. The law states that heavy goods delivery vehicles may not carry _____ of more than fifteen tons.

A. masses
B. sizes
C. measures
D. loads

4.The young soldier _____ a dangerous mission across the desert, although he knew that he might be killed.

A. undertook
B. agreed
C. promised
D. entered

5.You must _____ that your safety belt is fastened.

A. examine
B. secure
C. check
D. guarantee

6. He _____ a rare disease when he was working in the hospital.

A. took
B. suffered
C. infected
D. caught

7. My sister had a baby daughter yesterday, and she is my first ____.

A. nephew
B. cousin
C. niece
D relation

8. When he heard the joke, he burst into loud _____.

A. smiles
B. laughter
C. amusement
D. enjoyment

9. The traffic lights _____ to green, and the cars drove on.

A. exchanged
B. turned
C. removed
D. shone

10. It is a good idea to be _____ dressed when you go for an interview.

A. finely
B. boldly
C. smartly
D. clearly

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they woke up to find that their car (steal)_____ from outside their house. They immediately (phone)_____ the police to report the theft, before (leave)_____ for work by bus.

2. A: Good morning. Is Mr. Smith in?
B: Yes, he is, but he (see)_____ someone at the moment. He (expect)_____ you?
A: Yes, I (have)_____ an appointment with him at 10.30.

3. (Friday evening) Mother: I (give)_____ you a call at 6.30, Peter, in case you (fall)_____ asleep again after your alarm (go off)_____. By the way, Mary, we (have)_____ breakfast at seven tomorrow as Peter (go away)_____ for the weekend and (catch)_____ an early train.

4. A: I expect it will freeze tonight.
B: If it (freeze)_____ tonight the roads (be)_____ very slippery tomorrow.

5. No, I didn’t move the bomb. I was afraid (touch)_____ it; I was afraid of (be)_____ blown to pieces.

6. Yesterday, as I (walk down)_____ the strand, I (meet)_____ George, an old friend of mine. He (recognize)_____ me at once, though I (wear)_____ a scarf round my face as I (suffer)_____ from toothache.

7. I (be)_____ very excited at the prospect of (go)_____ (ski)_____. It (be)_____ the first time I (try)_____. I think there’s nothing like (ski)_____ for (make)_____ a holiday enjoyable.

8. Four people (take)_____ to hospital after a fire at their home in Tottenham early this morning. They (send)_____ home after treatment for minor burns. Police believe the fire (start)_____ deliberately.

9. Notice in a picture gallery: Cameras, sticks and umbrellas (modal verb) be left at the desk.

10. “I was lonely at first”, the old man admitted, “but after a time I got used to (live)_____ alone and even got (like)_____ it.”

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Его комнату все еще ремонтируют. Ты не возражаешь, если его одежду повесят здесь?

2. Интересно, когда они сумеют найти эту ошибку, если ни ты, ни я не обратим их внимание на нее?

3. – Почему она не приходит играть в волейбол со своими друзьями?
– У нее мало свободного времени. Она играет на пианино четыре с половиной часа!

4. – Кто из них знает, где она купила эту книгу?
– Тед. Он слышал, как она рассказывала своей старшей сестре о новом книжном магазине.

5. – Ты давно знаешь Тома?
– Нет. Мы встречались, когда я уже проучился в университете почти три года.

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

Whether one is awake or asleep, the brain emits electrical waves. During wakefulness, the waves are recorded at about ten small waves per second. With the onset of sleep, the waves become larger and slower. The largest, slowest waves occur during the first three hours of sleep. Mental activity slows down but does occur during that period of sleep.
During sleep, intervals of small, fast waves also occur. These waves are similar to those experienced while awake. The eyes move rapidly, and it appears to the observer that the sleeper is watching some event. Sleepers who are awakened during this rapid-eye-movement sleep will often recall the details of dreams they have been having. Sleep of this kind is called dreaming sleep or rapid-eye-movement sleep, also known as REM sleep.
In a period of eight hours, most sleepers experience from three to five instances of REM sleep. Each instance lasts from five to thirty minutes with an interval of at least ninety minutes between each one. Later instances of REM sleep are usually of longer duration than are instances earlier in the eight-hour period.
People who suffer sleep deprivation experience fatigue, irritability, and loss of concentration. Sleep is essential because it regenerates the brain and the nervous system. Slow-wave sleep may be especially helpful in restoring muscle control, whereas REM sleep may be more important for mental activity. It appears that both kinds of sleep are necessary, and the recuperation of sleep of one kind will not compensate for a lack of the other kind of sleep.

1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?

A. To describe REM sleep
B. To explain sleep deprivation
C. To discuss the two types of sleep
D. To recommend an increase in the number of hours of sleep

2. How many times per night do most sleepers experience REM sleep?

A. Eight
B. Three to five
C. Five to thirty
D. Ninety

3. The author mentions all the following as characteristics of REM sleep EXCEPT

A. vague thoughts
B. smaller brain waves
C. eye movements
D. dreams

4. The word “vague” in line 4 could best be replaced by

A. familiar
B. indefinite
C. unpleasant
D. detailed

5. The word “it” in line 20 refers to

A. deprivation
B. the brain
C. sleep
D. concentration


I. 1. C; 2. D; 3. D; 4. A; 5. C; 6. D; 7. C; 8. B; 9. B; 10. C

II. 1. had been stolen; phoned; leaving
2. is seeing; is he expecting; have
3. I’ll give; fall; goes off; are having; is going away; is catching
4. freezes; will be
5. to touch; being
6. was walking; met; recognized; was wearing/wore; was/an suffering
7. am; going; skiing; will be; have tried; skiing; making
Or: was; going; skiing; would be; had tried; skiing; making
8. were taken; were sent; was started
9. must
10. living; to like.

IV. 1. C; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C

TF – 4

I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. He went to Australia hoping to a teaching _____ without too much difficulty.

A. work
B. occupation
C. employment
D. post

2. We’ll play tennis and _____ we’ll have lunch.

A. then
B. straight away
C. immediately
D. so

3. I hope he’s _____ to buy some bread; there’s hardly any left.

A. reminded
B. proposed
C. suggested
D. remembered

4. The accused man _____ to give the police any more information.

A. objected
B. denied
C. refused
D. disliked

5. Take the number 7 bus and get _____ at Forest Road.

A. up
B. down
C. outside
D. off

6. There is no _____ in going to school if you’re not willing to learn.

A. reason
B. aim
C. point
D. purpose

7. She complained _____ when she heard that she had to work on Sunday.

A. severely
B. bitterly
C. extremely
D. terribly

8. For a long time after the accident, he suffered from constant _____ in his back.

A. hurt
B. ache
C. pain
D. injury

9. The policeman _____ me the way.

A. told
B. said
C. explained
D. directed

10. It was a very beautiful cloth _____ from silk.

A. composed
B. worn
C. woven
D. threaded

I. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. I put the 5 pound note into one of my books; but next day it (take)_____ me ages to find it because I (forget)_____ which book I (put)_____ it into.

2. You are too young to understand. I (explain)_____ it to you when you (be)_____ older.

3. I thought my train (leave)_____ at 14.33, and (be)_____ very disappointed when I (arrive)_____ at 14.30 and (learn)______ that it just (leave)_____. I (find out)_____ later that I (use)_____ an out-of-date timetable.

4. Before trains were invented people used (travel)_____ on horseback or in stagecoaches. It used (take)_____ a stagecoach three days (go)_____ from London to Bath.

5. A: I want (catch)_____ the 7 a.m. train tomorrow.

B: But that means (get up)_____ at 6.00; and you’re not very good at (get up)_____ early, are you?

6. We (have)_____ a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us.) It’s his last night; he (leave)_____ tomorrow.

7. Railway notice: Passengers (modal verb) be in possession of a ticket.

8. By the time I (complete)_____ my studies next month, I (live)_____ in London for nearly a year. I (not think)_____ I (stay)_____ any longer than that.

9. Disc Jockey Paul Asherton has been banned from driving for two years. The court (tell) _____that it was the third time Asherton (stop)_____ for speeding in six months. Asherton (admit)_____ (drive)_____ at more than 125 m.p.h.

10. The manager (talk)_____ to an important customer at the moment but he (be)_____ free (see)_____ you presently. (Like)_____ you (take)_____ a seat for a few minutes?

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Не волнуйся! Никто из них не заметит, как ты выйдешь из зала, так как все будут внимательно слушать его доклад.__________________________________________________________

2. Почему он опоздал на 40 минут? Разве он не знал, что его ждут?__________________________________________________________

3. Том не купил этот диск, так как у него было мало денег. Он истратил почти всю зарплату на подарок для мамы.__________________________________________________________

4. Он не должен был сообщать ей эти секретные сведения! Теперь все будут обсуждать их!__________________________________________________________

5. Он сказал, что тоже не будет есть это блюдо, так как в нем слишком много моркови и лука.__________________________________________________________

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered appropriate for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing.
Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy only momentary popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events.
It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population.
Finally, it is worth noting that the terms “standard”, “colloquial”, and “slang” exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions.

1. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

A. Standard speech
B. Idiomatic speech
C. Different types of speech
D. Dictionary usage

2. How is slang defined by the author?

A. Words and phrases accepted by the majority for formal usage
B. Words and phrases understood by the majority but not found in standard dictionaries
C. Words and phrases that are understood by a restricted group of speakers
D. Words and phrases that are understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as formal usage

3. The author mentions all of the following as requirements for slang expressions to be created EXCEPT

A. new situations
B. a new generation
C. interaction among diverse groups
D. a number of linguists

4. The word “appropriate” in line 8 could best be replaced by

A. suitable
B. congenial
C. elegant
D. direct

5. The word “them” in line 19 refers to

A. words
B. slang phrases
C. memories
D. the majority


I. 1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. C; 5. D; 6. C; 7. B; 8. C; 9. A; 10. C

II. 1. took; had forgotten/forgot; had put
2. I’ll explain; are
3. left; was; arrived; learnt/learned; had just left; found out; had been using/had used
4. to travel; to take; to go
5. to catch; getting up; getting up
6. are having; is leaving/leaves
7. must
8. complete/have completed; I’ll have been living/I’ll have lived; don’t think; I’ll stay
9. was told; had been stopped; admitted; driving
10. is talking; will be; to see; Would you like to take

IV. 1. C; 2. D; 3. D; 4. A; 5. B

to be continued

Submitted by Vladimir Pavlov