Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №18/2003




I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by _______ it a lot.

A. practicing
B. training
C. exercising
D. doing

2. Some people think it is _______ to use long and little-known words.

A. clever
B. intentional
C. skilled
D. sensitive

3. The Chairman was so angry with the committee that he decided to _______ from it.

A. cancel
B. postpone
C. resign
D. prevent

4. The explorers walked all the way along the river from its mouth to its _______.

A. cause
B. well
C. source
D. outlet

5. He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a _______ on it on which he had written his name and address.

A. badge
B. mark
C. label
D. notice

6. He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second _______ when it was offered.

A. load
B. pile
C. helping
D. sharing

7. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _______.

A. ability
B. possibility
C. future
D. opportunity

8. Is there a bank where I can _______ these pounds for dollars?

A. exchange
B. turn
C. alter
D. arrange

9. To our ________, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A. anxiety
B. eyes
C. relief
D. judgement

10. The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _______ of medicine for full-time writing.

A. practice
B. treatment
C. procedure
D. prescription

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. P: Mr. Williams, you were the security officer on duty at Malgo Department Store on July 28th. Please tell the court what (happen) _______ that afternoon.
W: Yes, sir. I (be) _______ particularly interested in the cosmetics department, because the company (lose) _______ a lot of money through shop-lifting earlier in the year. So, I (watch) _______ the customers on the security screen when I (notice) _______ a woman behaving rather suspiciously.

2. A: There is no point in (arrive) _______ half an hour earlier. We’d only have (wait) _______.
B: I don’t mind (wait) _______. It’s better (be) _______ too early than too late.

3. Local schoolboy Brian Walker is recovering in hospital after falling into the river. Mr. Paul Bates, who (take) _______ his dog for a walk at the time, (jump) _______ into the water and (pull) _______ the boy to safety. Brian (play) _______ on the river bank when the accident (happen) _______.

4. Park notice: All dogs (modal verb) be kept on leads.

5. That book is overdue. If you (not take) ________ it back to the library tomorrow you (have) _______to pay a fine.

6. After ancient Greek athletes (win) ____________ a race in the Olympics, they (receive) ____________ a simple crown of olive leaves.

7. Would you mind (not turn on) ______ the radio until I (finish) _______ with this phone call?

8. After the race (win) ______, the celebration (begin) _______.

9. Two men (question) _______ at Marylebone Police Station now in connection with last week’s armed robbery in Luton, in which $25,000 (steal) _______ from a Security van. Another man (already arrest) _______ for the crime.

10. I (go) _______to see uncle Charles quite a lot recently.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. – Почему они не ожидали, что он найдет эти деньги?
– Oни лежали под книгами в самой дальней комнате.

2. – Сейчас им ничего не известно ни о Томе, ни о его старшем брате, не так ли?
– Да. Последний раз они встречались несколько лет назад.

3. Бил поужинал и слушал последние новости. Вдруг он услышал, как кто-то заводит (to start) его машину.

4. Дети не могут ответить на твой вопрос, так как им еще не объяснили это правило.

5. Интересно, начнут ли они обсуждать эту проблему, если к началу собрания еще не получат необходимые сведения?

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы, обведя номер правильного ответа кружком.

In the United States today there are more than half a million criminals serving time in prisons. Most prisoners are male high-school dropouts between the ages of 18 and 29. Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment has more than doubled over the past twenty years, and the recidivism – that is, the rate for rearrest – is more than 60 percent.
Although the stated goal of most prison systems, on both federal and state levels, is to rehabilitate the inmates and reintegrate them into society, the systems themselves do not support such a result. Prisons are usually geographically or psychologically isolated and terribly overcrowded. Even in the more enlightened prisons, only one-third of the inmates have vocational training opportunities or work release options.
If prisons are indeed to achieve the goal of rehabilitating offenders, then the prisons themselves will have to change. First, they will have to be smaller, housing no more than five hundred prisoners. Second, they will have to be built in or near population centers with community resources available for gradual reintegration into society. Finally, prison programs must be restructured to include work release and vocational and academic training that promises to carry over into the inmate’s life after release. Models for such collaborative efforts between the criminal justice system and the community already exist in several hundred half-way houses throughout the country.

1. What is the author’s main point?

A. Prisons must be restructured if they are to accomplish the goal of rehabilitation.
B. Models for community collaboration have been successful.
C. Most of the criminals serving time in prison are high-school dropouts.
D. The criminal justice system must establish a better goal.

2. According to the author, how many prisoners are offered training or work release?

A. None
B. 33 1/3 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 60 percent

3. The author mentions all the following as necessary to prison reform EXCEPT

A. newer buildings
B. smaller institutions
C. vocational training
D. collaboration with the community

4. The word “recidivism” in line 5 refers to

A. all people who are imprisoned
B. people who return to prison after release
C. people who drop out of high school
D. people who have been in prison for a long time

5. The word “them” in line 8 refers to

A. prison systems
B. inmates
C. goals
D. levels


TF – 1

I. 1. A; 2. A; 3. C; 4. C; 5. C; 6. C; 7. A; 8. A; 9. C; 10. A

II. 1. happened; was; had lost/had been losing; was watching; noticed; 2. arriving; to wait; waiting; to be; 3. was taking; jumped; pulled; was playing/had been playing; happened; 4. must; 5. don’t take; will have; 6. won; received; 7. not turning on; I’ve finished; 8. had been won; began; 9. are being questioned; was stolen; has already been arrested; 10. have gone/have been going

IV. 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. B


I. Обведите кружком номер правильного ответа.

1. Don’t touch the cat, he may _______ you.

A. kick B. tear C. scream D. scratch

2. Buy the new _______ of soap now on sale: it is softer than all others!

A. model B. brand C. mark D. manufacture

3. The chief of police said that he saw no _______ between the six murders.

A. joint B. connection C. communication D. join

4. The safety committee’s report recommended that all medicines should be kept out of the _______ of children.

A. hold
B. hand
C. reach
D. grasp

5. In the jar there was a _______ which looked like jam.

A. substance
B. material
C. solid
D. powder

6. He was surprised that her English was so _______ as she had never been to England.

A. definite
B. liquid
C. fluent
D. national

7. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to _______ him to go.

A. persuade
B. suggest
C. make
D. prevent

8. He put a ________ against the tree and climbed up to pick the apples.

A. scale
B. staircase
C. grade
D. ladder

9. It’s six years now since the Socialists came to _______ in that country.

A. power
B. force
C. control
D. command

10. You’re looking very pale – do you _______ sick?

A. fall
B. Faint
C. feel
D. become

II. Раскройте скобки, заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами.

1. Barston’s oldest inhabitant, Fred Whyte, has died at the age of 101. Fred (live)_____ in Barston since 1924 and (teach)_____ at the local primary school until he (retire)_____ in 1950. His funeral (take)_____ place next Friday.

2. My children enjoy (allow)_____ to stay up late when there’s something special on TV.

3. Railway notice: Passengers (modal verb) cross the line by the footbridge.

4. My father (work)_____ in Canada for the last year, so by the time he (return)_____ the month after next I (not see) _____ him for fourteen months.

5. The child used (lean)_____ on the gate (watch)_____ the people (go)_____ to work in the mornings and (come)_____ home in the evenings.

6. Richard Barnes had just come home from work when he (find)_____a leak in the bathroom. Water (drip)_____ from the ceiling for some time, and there (be)_____ a large pool of water on the floor.

7. He resented (be)_____ asked (wait) _____. He expected the minister (see) _____him at once.

8. When you (see)_____ him again you (be struck)_____by the way his health (improve)_____ since he (go)_____ to Switzerland.

9. I’ll look for your notebook and if (find)_____it I (give)_____you a ring.

10. They let us (park) _____ motorcycles here but they won’t allow us (park)_____ cars.

lean опираться, прислоняться, облокачиваться

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский следующие предложения.

1. Хотя было время, когда и Том, и Тед были хорошими шахматистами, никто из них не выигрывал ни одного матча за последнее время.

2. На днях им объяснили, когда и как им придется использовать это приспособление (device).

3. Если полиция получит эти сведения в ближайшем будущем, его поймают до того, как он продаст все украденные картины.

4. – Почему никто из вас не слышал, как звонил телефон?
– Там было очень шумно, так как Том включил магнитофон (tape-recorder) и слушал свою любимую группу.

5. Теперь он понимает, что должен был воспользоваться ее советами. Они были гораздо разумнее советов его старшего брата.

IV. Прочтите текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы, обведя номер правильного варианта кружком.

Universally acclaimed as America’s greatest playwright, Eugene O’Neill was born in 1888 in the heart of the theater district in New York City. As the son of an actor he had early exposure to the world of the theater. He attended Princeton University briefly in 1906, but returned to New York to work in a variety of jobs before joining the crew of a freighter as a seaman. Upon returning from voyages to South Africa and South America, he was hospitalized for six months to recuperate from tuberculosis. While he was recovering, he determined to write a play about his adventures on the sea. He went to Harvard, where he wrote the one-act Bound East for Cardiff. It was produced on Cape Cod by the Provincetown Players, an experimental theater group that was later to settle in the famous Greenwich Village theater district in New York City. The Players produced several more of his one-acts in the years between 1916-1920. With the full-length play Beyond the Horizon, produced on Broadway in 1920, O’Neill’s success was assured. The play won the Pulitzer prize for the best play of the year. O’Neill was to be awarded the prize again in 1922, 1928, and 1957 for Anna Christie, Strange Interlude, and Long Day’s Journey Into Night. In 1936, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
O’Neill’s plays, forty-five in all, cover a wide range of dramatic subjects, but several themes emerge, including the ambivalence of family relationships, the struggle between the sexes, the conflict between spiritual and material desires, and the vision of modern man as a victim of uncontrollable circumstances. Most of O’Neill’s characters are seeking for meaning in their lives. According to his biographers, most of the characters were portraits of himself and his family. In a sense, his work chronicled his life.

1. This passage is a summary of O’Neill’s

A. work
B. life
C. work and life
D. family

2. How many times was O’Neill awarded the Pulitzer Prize?

A. one
B. three
C. four
D. five

3. The author mentions all of the following as themes for O’Neill’s plays EXCEPT

A. life in college
B. adventures at sea
C. family life
D. relationships between men and women

4. The word “briefly” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

A. seriously
B. for a short time
C. on scholarship
D. without enthusiasm

5. The word “It” in line 10 refers to

A. Harvard
B. one-act play
C. theater group
D. theater district


TF – 2

I. 1. D; 2. B; 3. B; 4. C; 5. A; 6. C; 7. A; 8. D; 9. A; 10. C

II. 1. had lived/had been living; taught/had taught; retired; will take; 2. being allowed; 3. must; 4. has been working; returns; I’ll not have seen; 5. to lean; watching; going; coming; 6. found; had been dripping; was; 7. being; to wait; to see; 8. see; will be struck; has improved; went; 9. find; will give; 10. park; to park

IV. 1. C; 2. C; 3. A; 4. B; 5. B

to be continued

Submitted by Vladimir Pavlov