Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Английский язык»Содержание №3/2003

Познавательная игра "Приз"

Игра рассчитана на учащихся старших классов. Ее можно провести после изучения темы “США”.
В игре участвуют две команды с любым количеством игроков.
Для игры необходимо подготовить табло 5x5. В центре табло написано слово “PRIZE”. Над вертикальными колонками написаны названия различных областей знания. Так как эта игра посвящена теме “США”, можно предложить следующие разделы:

– география;
– история;
– литература;
– выдающиеся люди;
– культура.




Famous people







 По жребию любая команда делает первый ход. Для этого она вписывает в любую клетку буквы так, чтобы получилось слово. Так, например, вписав букву “В” в колонку “Literature” можно получить слово “RIB”. Так как вписанная буква находится в колонке “Literature”, ведущий задает команде три вопроса из этой области (по количеству букв в слове). Если команда правильно отвечает на вопросы, она получает три очка; если ответ не верен, команда соперников имеет право ответить на вопрос. В случае правильного ответа, она получает очко за каждый верный ответ. Команда, набравшая большее количество очков, побеждает в игре.

Примерные вопросы:


1. Into how many time zones is the continental USA divided? (Four)

2. What were the last two American States? (Hawaii and Alaska)

3. In which city and state is Disney World located? (Orlando, Florida)

4. Name the five Great Lakes. (Lakes Huron, Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Superior)

5. Which state is the smallest? (Rhode Island)

6. What are the two islands on which New York is situated? (Manhattan and Long Island)

7. What oceans is the USA washed by? (The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans)

8. What is the largest city in the USA? (New York)

9. What is America’s largest state? (Alaska)

10. What is the longest river in the USA? (The Mississippi River)


1. What was the number of the first English colonies in America? (Thirteen)

2. When was the “Declaration of Independence” issued? (July 4, 1776)

3. What ship brought a group of English Protestants to America in 1620? (Mayflower)

4. What famous event happened in California in 1849 that was glorified in films and books? (The Gold Rush)

5. During what period in American history was the novel “Gone with the Wind” set? (The Civil War and Reconstruction)

6. Who was the longest serving US president? (Franklin Roosevelt)

7. Give the names of the three ships Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America on. (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria)

8. What country presented the US with Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion? (France, the 100 anniversary of the USA)

9. Which American general, who later became the 34th president, commanded all US forces during World War Two? (Dwight Eisenhower)

10. Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington)


1. What American writer went to the Klondike during the gold rush as a gold miner? (Jack London)

2. Who is the founder of modern detective story? (Edgar Allan Рое)

3. What is the real name of Mark Twain? (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)

4. Who was An American Tragedy written by? (Theodore Dreiser)

5. What pen name did the American writer use to sign the humorous stories, which he wrote in prison? (O. Henry)

6. Who wrote the story The Old Man and the Sea? (E. Hemingway)

7. Who is considered to be the Father of American Literature? (Washington Irving)

8. Who was the Author of The Last of Mohicans? (James Fennimore Cooper)

9. Name the largest library in the USA. (The Library of Congress)

10. Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote The Sun also Rises. (E. Hemingway)


1. Which American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon? When? (Nell Armstrong, 1969)

2. Whose name was given to America? (Amerigo Vespucci)

3. Who is the 43rd president of the USA? (George Bush)

4. Which of the US presidents was a Famous Hollywood actor? (Ronald Reagan)

5. Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? (W. Disney)

6. Who is considered to be the Father of this country? (George Washington)

7. Under which two names did, the most famous American boxer of the 1960-1970s fight in the ring? (Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay)

8. Who is the author of the Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)

9. Which American rock-and-roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee? (Elvis Presley)

10. Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the US? (John F. Kennedy)


1. Which American film star is called “The Little Tramp”? (Charlie Chaplin)

2. What is the centre of the cinema production in the USA? (Hollywood)

3. What monument in Washington (DC) dedicated to an American President is nicknamed “The Pencil”? (Washington Monument)

4. Who is the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty? (Federic Bartholdi)

5. In what city is Hollywood? (Los Angeles)

6. What was the first “talking” film in the USA? (“The Jazz Singer”, 1927)

7. What was the first American University? (Harvard College)

8. What is the national anthem of the USA? (The Star Spangled Banner)

9. What is the famous library in Washington? (The Library of Congress)

10. What memorial is built in honour of the 16th President of the USA? (The Lincoln Memorial)

Sofia Sharifzyanova, S. Nizametdinova,
Arsk, Tatarstan