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My Day. Food



1) закрепление видо-временных форм прошедшего времени во всех типах предложений с использованием правильных и неправильных глаголов;
2) употребление структуры “I would like...” во всех типах предложений;
3) развитие навыков монологического и диалогического высказывания по темам “Мой рабочий день” и “Режим питания”;
4) совершенствование навыков чтения и восприятия на слух (аудирование).


формирование умения рационально организовать свой рабочий день, соблюдать режим и культуру питания.


1) формирование творческого подхода к организации учебного материала,
2) развитие умения инсценировать диалоги.

Оформление кабинета

1) грамматические таблицы, раздаточный материал (снежинки с глаголами),
2) магнитофон.


I. Организационный момент

Сообщение темы и задач урока:

Teacher: Today we’re having an unusual lesson: it’s a competition between two teams. We are going to revise the Past Simple Tense and to speak about your daily life and the food you eat and drink (перевод на русский язык).
So, what’s the name of your team, please? – Happy Tigers.
And what’s the name of your team? – Happy Dinosaurs.
Who’s the сaptain of your team? – I am.
And who’s the captain of your team? – I am.
Good. Let’s begin the lesson with revising the usage of the Past Simple Tense.

II. Ход урока

1. Повторение правила о Past Simple

а) какое действие обозначает;
б) ключевые слова – обстоятельства времени;
в) как образуются утвердительные предложения;
г) правильные/неправильные глаголы;
д) как образуется II форма глаголов.

2. Закрепление правил образования видо-временных форм Past Simple правильных и неправильных глаголов.

Teacher: Пока мы повторяем, столько снега намело... Посмотрите на эти снежинки. (На снежинках – I форма глагола.)
Правильные: help, wash, watch, jump, skip, like, thank, dress, play, clean, ski, live, love, want, skate.
Неправильные: put, have, see, say, give, come, go, take, do, can, eat, drink, know, think, swim, run, buy.

Учитель поднимает лист-снежинку с I формой – команда дает II форму.

Задание на доске: раскройте скобки.

1. Helen _____ her mother about the house yesterday (helps, helped, is helping).
2. We _____ to New York last year (aren’t going, don’t go, didn’t go).
3. I _____ a shower yesterday morning (took, am taking, take).
4. Kate _____ dinner at school last Friday (had, is having, has).
5. We _____ in the swimming pool last summer (aren’t swimming, don’t swim, didn’t swim).
6. I _____ my morning exercises yesterday morning (do, am doing, did).

Вопросы классу: как образуются вопросительные предложения; что вы знаете о вопросе к подлежащему; как образуется отрицание.

Teacher: All right. Now I see that you know the rules perfectly well. Let’s see how well you can answer the questions using the Past Simple, and speak about your daily lives and food (перевод; вопросы задаются поочередно каждой команде). Работа в режиме T – P1, P2.

– What time did you get up yesterday?
– Did you do your morning exercises?
– Did you wash hands and face yesterday morning?
– Did you take a shower in the morning?
– Did you dress yesterday morning?
– What time did you have breakfast?
– What did you have for breakfast?
– What would you like to have for breakfast?
– What time did you go to school?
– How many lessons did you have at school?
– What would you like to have for lunch?
– What did you have for lunch?
– What time did you come home?
– What time did you have dinner?
– What did you have for dinner?
– What would you like to have for dinner?
– Did you help your mother about the house?
– Did you do you homework?
– Did you go for a walk?
– Did you watch TV?
– Did you skate yesterday?
– Did you ski yesterday?
– What did you have for supper?
– What would you like to have for supper?
– Did you play chess?
– What time did you go to bed?

Teacher: Very good. Now let’s see how well the pupils know the second forms of the verbs. (Проверка у доски.

3. Употребление Past Simple в вопросительных предложениях.

Teacher: Now that we have discussed your daily likes and tastes, let’s have a look at Victor’s Day and speak about his tastes.

a) Режим работы T – P1, P2. What time did Victor get up yesterday?
b) Did he do his morning exercises?
c) What time did he wash his face and hands yesterday?
d) What did he have for breakfast yesterday?
e) Did he dress yesterday?
f) What time did he go to school?

Teacher: We all see that you can answer questions fairly well, you can speak well enough. But can you ask questions using the Past Simple Tense?
So, your next task will be: you are to ask a person about his daily life and food, he answers you and then you’ll speak about his day and food. You may make notes, if you like. Begin, please.
Режим работы: P1, P2, P3 – P.

4. Обучение монологической речи

Teacher: Very good. Now, please, go to the blackboard and speak about Victor’s Day.
Примерное высказывание:
Victor got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. He did his morning exercises. Then he washed his face and hands. He had a hamburger and a cup of tea for breakfast yesterday. He dressed. He went to school at 8 o’clock.

5. Развитие навыков чтения

Teacher: We see that you can ask and answer questions. But how well can you read? (Ex. 9, p. 125).
Let’s read the text and then answer my questions.

Вопросы первой команде:
1. Did Brother Rabbit eat all four carrots?
2. How many carrots did he give to his friend Brother Goat?

Вопросы второй команде:
3. Did Brother Goat eat all two carrots?
4. How many carrots did he give to his friend Brother Rabbit?

Вопрос всему классу: What do you think: Are they really good friends?

6. Развитие навыков аудирования

Teacher: Well, children, here is a surprise for you. Our school has got a taped letter from a girl who lives in America, in New York. Your task is to listen to her story attentively and to answer my questions. She will be telling us about her day and the food she eats and likes.

“My name is Jenny. I’m from New York. I’m a pupil and I go to school.
Yesterday I got up at 6 o’clock. I didn’t do my morning exercises, but I took a shower. I cleaned my teeth and washed my face and hands. Then I dressed and had breakfast at 7 o’clock. I had porridge, toast and eggs, with a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Then I went to school. I had 7 lessons at school yesterday. So I came home at 3 o’clock and had dinner. At 5 o’clock I did my homework. I didn’t go for a walk yesterday because I helped my mother about the house. In the evening I watched TV and played chess. I had supper at 8 o’clock in the evening. I had meat and potatoes, fruit and a glass of milk for supper. But I would like to have ice-cream, bananas and hamburgers for supper. I went to bed at 11 o’clock.”


1. What time did Jenny get up yesterday?
2. Did she do her morning exercises?
3. What time did she have breakfast?
4. What did she have for breakfast?
5. How many lessons did she have at school?
6. What did she have for dinner?
7. What time did she do her homework?
8. Did she go for a walk yesterday?
9. What would she like to have for supper?
10 . What time did she go to bed?

7. Контроль домашнего задания

Teacher: And now, children, let’s check your hometask. You were to learn the dialogues.

III. Подведение итогов. Выставление отметок


Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. “Английский язык для III класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка”.

Марина Мятова,
средняя школа № 1084,
г. Москва