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Пишет вам ваш постоянный читатель из Татарстана. Я хочу поделиться своим опытом по организации домашнего чтения. Обычно я беру адаптированные рассказы или небольшие повести. Одна из таких книг – “Волшебник страны Оз” Френка Баума. К сожалению, во многих адаптированных книгах дается лишь текст и словарь. Поэтому я сам придумываю различные задания к отдельным главам.

Chapter One


Little Dorothy lived on the great Kansas prairie with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em. Uncle Henry was a farmer and Aunt Em was his wife. Their house was very small. It had only one room in it. In the room there were a table, three or four chairs and the beds.

There were no trees or flowers near the little house. Only the great, grey prairie on every side. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em worked all day long. They never laughed. But Dorothy laughed very often, because she was happy. She was happy, because she had a dear friend, Toto, a little black dog with long hair, small black eyes and a funny little nose. Toto and Dorothy played together all day long.

One day Uncle Henry stood at the door of his house and looked at the sky. The sky was grey. Dorothy stood in the yard with Toto in her arms and looked at the sky, too. Aunt Em was in the kitchen. Suddenly a strong, cold wind came from the East and the sky became dark. Uncle Henry cried out to Aunt Em: “A cyclone, Em, a cyclone! How terrible! I shall go and look after the cows and horses”. And he ran off.

Aunt Em came to the door and looked at the sky in panic. “Quick, Dorothy”, she cried. “Run to the house. I must help Uncle Henry”. And Aunt Em ran off too.

Dorothy ran into the house with Toto in her arms. The wind shook the house hard and the little girl suddenly sat down on the floor. At that moment a strange thing happened. The house spun around three times. Then the wind lifted it slowly into the air. The cyclone carried the little house miles and miles away.

It was very dark in the house. Dorothy was frightened and wanted to cry. “What will happen to us?” thought the little girl. Toto ran around and barked.

Hour after hour passed. Nothing terrible happened. “I have to wait and see what will happen!” thought Dorothy. “And I am so sleepy. “She got up from the floor, found her bed and lay down on it. Toto came up to her and lay down too.

The girl closed her eyes and was soon asleep.


1. Comprehension questions:

1) Where did little Dorothy live?
2) Who did Dorothy live with?
3) Who was Uncle Henry?
4) Was their house big or small?
5) How many rooms were there in the house?
6) How long did Uncle Henry and Aunt Em work?
7) Why did Dorothy laugh very often?
8) Why was Dorothy happy?
9) What was her dog’s name?
10) What was the dog like?
11) What was the sky like?
12) Where was Aunt Em when the cyclone came from the East?
13) Who did Dorothy run into the house with?
14) What happened to the house?
15) What did the little girl think?
16) Where did she lie down to sleep?

2. True or false?

1) Little Dorothy lived with her father and her mother.
2) Their house was very big.
3) There was only one room in the house.
4) In the room there were two tables, three or four chairs and the beds.
5) Dorothy never laughed.
6) Dorothy had a cat called Toto.
7) The wind came from the East.
8) Dorothy ran out with Toto when the cyclone came.
9) The wind lifted the house into the air.
10) Toto lay down with Dorothy.

3. Find the English equivalents from the text:

Тетя Эми была его женой; в доме была только одна комната; рядом с маленьким домом не росли ни деревья ни цветы; они никогда не смеялись; маленькая черная собака с длинной шерстью, небольшими темными глазами и забавным носиком; смотрел на небо; вдруг сильный и холодный ветер налетел с востока и небо потемнело; и он выбежал; маленькая девочка вдруг села на пол; дома было очень темно; Тотошка бегала вокруг и лаяла; проходил час за часом; ничего страшного не случилось; Тотошка подошла к ней и тоже легла.

4. What’s the word:

1) A place where people live (ehsou).
2) Your mother is you father’s... (ifew).
3) A pet (ogd).
4) A strong wind (elcyonc).
5) Opposite of ceiling (orfol).

5. Find the odd word out:

1) Table, chair, garden, bed.
2) Uncle, aunt, friend, father.
3) Hair, eye, nose, hand.
4) Sky, wind, cyclone, rain.
5) To see, to look, to listen, to glance.

6. Make a summary of the text and retell it.

By Marat Gubaydullin,