Read the following words and expression
- to play an important part - играть важную роль
- society - общество, общественный строй
- to entertain smb. - развлекать кого-либо
- to influence smb./smth. - влиять, оказывать влияние на кого-либо/что-либо
- in other words - другими словами, иначе говоря
- to shape public opinion - формировать общественное мнение
- to dominate - преобладать
- most of the time - большая часть времени
- habit - привычка
- to resist smb./smth. - сопротивляться, оказывать сопротивление кому-либо/чему-либо
- audience - аудитория (публика)
- sentimental drama - мелодрама
- commercial firm - коммерческая фирма
- to promote - помогать, содействовать
- benefit - выгода, польза
- to convince smb. of smth. - убедить кого-либо в чем-либо
- to persuade - убеждать, уговаривать
- dozen - дюжина
- to bore smb. - надоедать кому-либо, нагонять скуку
- little artistic value - не иметь никакой художественной ценности
- to dispute smth. - обсуждать что-либо, ставить под сомнение, оспаривать что-либо
- to show films, comedies - показывать фильмы, комедии
- there are four separate TV channels - есть четыре отдельных канала на ТВ
- to provide - обеспечивать
- a programme for local interest - местная программа
- it is a waste of time watching TV - это потеря времени смотреть телевизор
- to agree on the whole - соглашаться в целом
- valuable - представляющий интерес
- informative - информационный
- amusing - развлекательный
- effective - производящий впечатление
- mass media - средства массовой информации
- vital - насущный, первостепенной важности
- to raise a problem - поднимать проблему
- to talk politics - обсуждать политические события
- smb’s views (on smth.) - чьи-либо взгляды (на что-либо)
- scientific - научный
- development - развитие
- to reach agreement - приходить к соглашению
- plan for smth. - план относительно чего-либо
- in protest against smth. - в знак протеста
- to solve a problem - решать проблему
- treaty (on smth.) - договор о чем-либо
- disaster - катастрофа, бедствие
- to call for smth. - призывать к чему-либо
- to ensure order (stability, security) - обеспечивать порядок (стабильность, безопасность)
- (foreign, home) policy - (внешняя, внутренняя) политика
Read the text and translate the new words and expressions
- Mass media (that is the press, television and radio) play an important part in the life of society. The television informs, educates and entertains people. It also influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views. Some people say, “news is not what happens – it is what you see or read in mass media.” In other words, television shapes public opinion.
- Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers. TV dominates one’s life if the family watches it most of the time. TV set is not just a piece of furniture. It is also a habit-forming drug impossible to resist.
- Various TV games, such as quiz programmes, attract a large audience. During TV quiz programmes the questions are answered by the viewers.
- Then there are daily TV serials known as soap operas. They are sentimental dramas featuring domestic problems of a group of people. Some people find them boring, others consider them to be good entertainment and relaxation.
- There is also a lot of advertising on TV. Some commercial firms buy the time to advertise their goods.
- Advertising promotes business and benefits businessmen but often annoys the general public. The play you are watching on TV may be interrupted several times by an appeal to use a new perfume or detergent.
- To convince the viewer that a certain product is the best and to persuade him to buy it takes not only a lot of imagination but also a lot of time. The same advertisements are repeated dozens of times every day, which bores the viewers.
- But it is hardly fair to say that TV doesn’t try to raise the cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Many of the TV programmes are excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings into millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programmes.
- There are a lot of useful educational programmes on TV – TV course in history, political economy, management and in many other subjects.
- The opinion that TV programmes are of little artistic value can also be disputed.
Answer the questions: (Use the sentences from the text)
- 1. What is the function of television?
- 2. How do you prove that the life of a family is dominated by television?
- 3. What can one see on TV?
- 4. Why do people often find programmes boring?
Complete the phrases, choosing the expressions or sentences in brackets
- 1. Television is often criticised for ____ (the poor educational and artistic value of the programmes; devoting too much time to advertising; not raising the cultural level of the people).
- 2. In our spare time we ____ (watch television; go to the theatre; go to the cinema; listen to the music; pursue our hobbies).
- 3. On TV one can see ____ (educational films; quiz programmes; advertisements).
- 4. A soap opera is ____ (a tragedy; a comedy; a melodrama; exciting and emotional; boring, interesting).
1. Here is a list of different TV programmes.
a) Give a brief description of each kind of programme.
- Current affairs
- Documentary
- Sports
- Educational film
- The arts
- News
Example: Current affairs. These programmes deal with policy and society. Their aim is to analyse problems and to show viewpoints.
Use these expressions in your description:
- 1. These programmes deal with _____________________________
- 2. Their aim is to give _______________________________
- 3. They are concerned with _____________________________
- 4. They also include _________________________________
b) Say which programmes you have watched this week.
c) Say how many television channels there are in your town, and if there are any differences in the programmes shown on different channels?
d) Suggest your ideas for a new TV channel. What kind of programmes would you like to show and at what time?
2.Name the most popular TV programmes.
a) Try to give reasons to explain the viewers’ preferences.
b) Say what your favourite programme is.
c) Find out what the least popular type of programme is and why.
3. Agree or disagree.
Give reasons for what you say.
- 1) Nature films are much better in colour that in black and white.
- 2) With television there is the problem that one member of the family wants to view one programme while others wish to see another.
- 3) Children watch too much television nowadays.
4) People watch television because they are bored.
4. There are some common arguments for and against television.
Use them in your topic.
- 1. Television brings the world into our living-room. We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn of their customs, occupations, opinions, problems.
- 2. We get a great amount of information. We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programmes, discussions.
- 3. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. We see great events which will pass into history. We can see famous people.
- 4. We become more cultured people by learning more in the arts.
- 5. It enriches our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances.
- 6. Television helps us to relax after a day’s hard work.
- 1. Television is doing a lot of harm. Some pupils do their homework in front of the television set. Others rush (выполнять поспешно) through their homework so they can watch television. Some pupils are so attracted to television that they do not do their homework at all.
- 2. Many people do not concentrate when viewing – so their time is largely wasted.
- 3. Some children have made television their main leisure activity. We begin to forget other ways to occupy our spare time.
- 4. Television may lead to poor health through lack of exercise, eyestrain (напряжение для глаз).
- 5. People begin to forget the art of conversation. They sit in front of their television sets instead of visiting their friends and relatives.
- 6. We get so lazy, that we choose to spend a fine day glued (не отрывая взгляда) to our TV sets.
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